Buta no Liver wa Kanetsu Shiro 01
Kanokari 25
Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Bakuen wo! 10
Megami no Cafe Terrace 6
Tonikaku Kawaii S2 05
Megami no Cafe Terrace 05
Tonikaku Kawaii S2 04
…and you need complex numbers for that?
Kanojo ga Koushaku-tei ni Itta Riyuu
#公爵邸 opening:
- King and queen swapped
- Wrong square colour (h1 should be white)
- All pawns are off-centre
#公爵邸 #2
- Board is rotated (h1 should be white)
- Bishops don’t move left to right, they move diagonally
- Suppose she meant “right and up”… she didn’t say “capture” so that must mean Bf4 which hangs the bishop
- BTW the knights are just hanging
…and a continuity error! (Correct square colours)
Megami no Cafe Terrace 02
Saikyou Onmyouji no Isekai Tenseiki 11
Board game in #最強陰陽師:
- Not chess, board is 9x9
- White started with 10 pieces on the board and an 8-piece handicap; but later has 20 pieces total (2 captured pieces)
- Black started with 18 pieces, later has 16
Conjecture: pieces can change colour by magic
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