16-bit Sensation - Another Layer 09 + Steins;Gate
Kage no Jitsuryokusha ni Naritakute! S2 - 08
Hoshikuzu Telepath 03
Hoshikuzu Telepath 02
Ikenaikyo 03
This is clearly not a valid starting position, but arguably she’s just carrying the board, not preparing to start.
This looks plausible.
What is happening here? It looks like black is making a bishop move, but the next shot he’s holding a pawn. Pawn takes rook is supposed to be checkmate, but he neither removes the captured piece nor puts his pawn down. There is also no white king visible behind the rook (so the pawn can’t be attacking it). So I guess a discovered checkmate?
Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou 03
So Qf6+ hangs the queen two ways, and blunders mate in 1, and none of the spectators noticed, and they say she’s good. And the aerial shot shows a completely different game. And then black’s rook move is a legal move that gets out of check.
At least these look all right.
Board is rotated 90 degrees.
White king was already in check but black moves the bishop away, and then says it’s check.
And no matter what white played, Qf4 can’t be a legal move…
And the aerial shot is different again…
Kimizero 02
16-bit Sensation - Another Layer 02
The worst kind of programmer to work with
Watching this had me thinking, there’s got to be easier ways to convince people you’re from the future…
You can “predict” a historical event, or have coins showing the minted year, an ID with your date of birth, or a credit card expiring in 30+ years…
Also she could have just taken apart her tablet, removed the battery and hooked it up to an external power supply? I bet you can find one of those in Akiba.
Atomic chess with Megumin sound effect
Chrome extension: (forked from
Sound effect downloaded from:
Watashi no Oshi wa Akuyaku Reijou 02
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