Going home; wasn't welcome there
[jschessclock.git] / script.js
... / ...
1"use strict";
3function Timer(id) {
4 var precision = 100; // milliseconds
5 var defaultTime = (15 * 60 + 0) * 1000; // milliseconds
6 var time = defaultTime;
7 var intervalID;
8 this.isTicking = false;
9 var outputTime = function() {
10 document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = timeToTimeStr(time);
11 var flagid = "flag-" + id.split('-')[1];
12 var flagelem = document.getElementById(flagid);
13 flagelem.style.visibility = time <= 0 ? "visible" : "hidden";
14 };
15 var thisTimer = this; // workaround to use this in setInterval
16 this.tick = function() {
17 time -= (precision <= time ? precision : time);
18 if(time <= 0) {
19 // time's up
20 clearInterval(intervalID);
21 thisTimer.isTicking = false;
22 }
23 outputTime();
24 };
25 this.start = function() {
26 intervalID = setInterval(this.tick, precision);
27 this.isTicking = true;
28 };
29 this.stop = function() {
30 clearInterval(intervalID);
31 this.isTicking = false;
32 };
33 this.setTime = function(t) {
34 time = t;
35 defaultTime = t;
36 outputTime();
37 };
38 this.getTime = function() {
39 return time;
40 };
41 this.reset = function() {
42 if(this.isTicking) {
43 this.stop();
44 }
45 this.setTime(defaultTime);
46 };
47 this.getDefaultTime = function() {
48 return defaultTime;
49 };
52var currentTimers = new (function() {
53 this.leftTimer = new Timer("timer-left");
54 this.rightTimer = new Timer("timer-right");
55 this.active = this.leftTimer;
56 this.passive = this.rightTimer;
57 this.isPaused = true;
58 this.swap = function() {
59 var tmp = this.passive;
60 this.passive = this.active;
61 this.active = tmp;
62 var icon = document.getElementById("play");
63 icon.innerHTML = (icon.innerHTML == "◀" ? "▶" : "◀");
64 };
65 this.pause = function() {
66 this.active.stop();
67 this.isPaused = true;
68 document.getElementById("pause").style.visibility = "visible";
69 };
70 this.resume = function() {
71 this.active.start();
72 this.isPaused = false;
73 document.getElementById("pause").style.visibility = "hidden";
74 };
77function timeStrToTime(timeStr) {
78 var minute = parseInt(timeStr.substr(0, 2));
79 var second = parseInt(timeStr.substr(3, 2));
80 return (minute * 60 + second) * 1000;
83function timeToTimeStr(time) {
84 var minute = Math.floor(time / 1000 / 60);
85 var second = Math.floor(time / 1000) % 60;
86 if(minute < 10) {
87 minute = '0' + minute.toString();
88 }
89 if(second < 10) {
90 second = '0' + second.toString();
91 }
92 return minute + ':' + second;
95document.onkeydown = function(e) {
96 if(e.key) {
97 switch(e.key) {
98 case ' ': return toggle();
99 case 'S':
100 case 's': return setTime();
101 case 'R':
102 case 'r': return reset();
103 case 'p':
104 case 'P': return pauseResume();
105 default: return;
106 }
107 } else if(e.keyCode) {
108 switch(e.keyCode) {
109 case 32: return toggle(); // space
110 case 83: return setTime(); // S
111 case 82: return reset(); // R
112 case 80: return pauseResume(); // P
113 default: return;
114 }
115 } else {
116 alert("Browser not supported");
117 }
120function toggle() {
121 if(!currentTimers.isPaused) {
122 currentTimers.active.stop();
123 currentTimers.passive.start();
124 }
125 currentTimers.swap();
126 var lbt = document.getElementById('left-button-top');
127 var leftIsLong = lbt.getAttribute('class') == 'button-long';
128 var lbt_d = lbt.getAttribute('d').split(' ');
129 var lbb = document.getElementById('left-button-body');
130 var rbt = document.getElementById('right-button-top');
131 var rbt_d = rbt.getAttribute('d').split(' ');
132 var rbb = document.getElementById('right-button-body');
134 var y_diff = 50 * (leftIsLong ? 1 : -1);
135 var classes = ['button-short', 'button-long'];
137 lbt_d[2] = (parseInt(lbt_d[2]) + y_diff).toString();
138 lbt_d[10] = (parseInt(lbt_d[10]) + y_diff).toString();
139 lbb.setAttribute('height',
140 (parseInt(lbb.getAttribute('height')) - y_diff).toString());
141 lbb.setAttribute('y', (parseInt(lbb.getAttribute('y')) + y_diff).toString());
142 rbt_d[2] = (parseInt(rbt_d[2]) - y_diff).toString();
143 rbt_d[10] = (parseInt(rbt_d[10]) - y_diff).toString();
144 rbb.setAttribute('height',
145 (parseInt(rbb.getAttribute('height')) + y_diff).toString());
146 rbb.setAttribute('y', (parseInt(rbb.getAttribute('y')) - y_diff).toString());
147 lbt.setAttribute('class', classes[(leftIsLong + 1) % 2]);
148 lbb.setAttribute('class', classes[(leftIsLong + 1) % 2]);
149 rbt.setAttribute('class', classes[(leftIsLong + 1) % 2]);
150 rbb.setAttribute('class', classes[(leftIsLong + 1) % 2]);
151 lbt.setAttribute('d', lbt_d.join(' '));
152 rbt.setAttribute('d', rbt_d.join(' '));
154 lbt.setAttribute('onclick', leftIsLong ? '' : 'toggle()');
155 lbb.setAttribute('onclick', leftIsLong ? '' : 'toggle()');
156 lbt.setAttribute('cursor', leftIsLong ? 'default' : 'pointer');
157 lbb.setAttribute('cursor', leftIsLong ? 'default' : 'pointer');
158 rbt.setAttribute('onclick', leftIsLong ? 'toggle()' : '');
159 rbb.setAttribute('onclick', leftIsLong ? 'toggle()' : '');
160 rbt.setAttribute('cursor', leftIsLong ? 'pointer' : 'default');
161 rbb.setAttribute('cursor', leftIsLong ? 'pointer' : 'default');
164function pauseResume() {
165 if(currentTimers.isPaused) {
166 currentTimers.resume();
167 } else {
168 currentTimers.pause();
169 }
172function setTime() {
173 var leftstart, rightstart;
174 var def = timeToTimeStr(currentTimers.leftTimer.getDefaultTime());
175 var regex = /[0-9][0-9]:[0-5][0-9]/;
177 leftstart = prompt("Time for LEFT player in MM:SS", def);
178 if(leftstart === null) return; // Cancel
179 while(!leftstart.match(regex)) {
180 leftstart = prompt("Invalid value\nTime for LEFT player in MM:SS", def);
181 if(leftstart === null) return; // Cancel
182 }
183 def = leftstart;
184 rightstart = prompt("Time for RIGHT player in MM:SS", def);
185 if(rightstart === null) return; // Cancel
186 while(!rightstart.match(regex)) {
187 rightstart = prompt("Invalid value\nTime for RIGHT player in MM:SS", def);
188 if(rightstart === null) return; // Cancel
189 }
190 currentTimers.leftTimer.setTime(timeStrToTime(leftstart));
191 currentTimers.rightTimer.setTime(timeStrToTime(rightstart));
194function reset() {
195 currentTimers.pause();
196 currentTimers.active.reset();
197 currentTimers.passive.reset();
200function init() {
201 insertcss();
202 setTimeout(fitscreen, 5); // hack to allow DOM to be redrawn with new css
205function fitscreen() {
206 /*
207 * Scale body so as to fit the screen
208 */
209 var heightRatio = window.innerHeight / document.body.scrollHeight;
210 var widthRatio = window.innerWidth / document.body.scrollWidth;
211 var scaleRatio = Math.min(heightRatio, widthRatio);
212 document.body.style.transform = 'scale(' + scaleRatio + ')';
215function insertcss() {
216 /* fix positions for browsers that don't support flex */
217 var cssfile = document.createElement("link");
218 cssfile.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
219 cssfile.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
220 if('align-items' in document.body.style) {
221 cssfile.setAttribute("href", "style.css");
222 } else {
223 cssfile.setAttribute("href", "noflex.css");
224 }
225 document.head.appendChild(cssfile);