'01:00', '01:05' // 1 AM number two!
], Util.getXLabels());
+// Tests data which crosses a "spring forward" at a low frequency.
+// Regression test for http://code.google.com/p/dygraphs/issues/detail?id=433
+AxisLabelsTestCase.prototype.testLabelsCrossSpringForward = function() {
+ var g = new Dygraph(
+ document.getElementById("graph"),
+ "Date/Time,Purchases\n" +
+ "2011-03-11 00:00:00,167082\n" +
+ "2011-03-12 00:00:00,168571\n" +
+ "2011-03-13 00:00:00,177796\n" +
+ "2011-03-14 00:00:00,165587\n" +
+ "2011-03-15 00:00:00,164380\n",
+ {
+ width: 1024,
+ dateWindow: [1299989043119.4365, 1300080693627.4866]
+ });
+ var okLabels = {
+ '13Mar': true,
+ // '02:00': true, // not a real time!
+ '04:00': true,
+ '06:00': true,
+ '08:00': true,
+ '10:00': true,
+ '12:00': true,
+ '14:00': true,
+ '16:00': true,
+ '18:00': true,
+ '20:00': true,
+ '22:00': true,
+ '14Mar': true
+ };
+ var xLabels = Util.getXLabels();
+ for (var i = 0; i < xLabels.length; i++) {
+ assertTrue(okLabels[xLabels[i]]);
+ }
+AxisLabelsTestCase.prototype.testLabelsCrossSpringForwardHighFreq = function() {
+ var base_ms_spring = 1299999000000;
+ var dst_data_spring = [];
+ for (var x = base_ms_spring; x < base_ms_spring + 1000 * 60 * 80; x += 1000) {
+ dst_data_spring.push([new Date(x), x]);
+ }
+ var g = new Dygraph(
+ document.getElementById("graph"),
+ dst_data_spring,
+ { width: 1024, labels: ['Date', 'Value'] }
+ );
+ assertEquals([
+ '01:50', '01:55',
+ '03:00', '03:05', '03:10', '03:15', '03:20', '03:25',
+ '03:30', '03:35', '03:40', '03:45', '03:50', '03:55',
+ '04:00', '04:05'
+ ], Util.getXLabels());
// daylight savings transitions. Without this, the ticks could get off
// by an hour. See tests/daylight-savings.html or issue 147.
if (check_dst && d.getTimezoneOffset() != start_offset_min) {
- t += (d.getTimezoneOffset() - start_offset_min) * 60 * 1000;
+ var delta_min = d.getTimezoneOffset() - start_offset_min;
+ t += delta_min * 60 * 1000;
d = new Date(t);
start_offset_min = d.getTimezoneOffset();
+ // Check whether we've backed into the previous timezone again.
+ // This can happen during a "spring forward" transition. In this case,
+ // it's best to skip this tick altogether (we may be shooting for a
+ // non-existent time like the 2AM that's skipped) and go to the next
+ // one.
+ if (new Date(t + spacing).getTimezoneOffset() != start_offset_min) {
+ t += spacing;
+ d = new Date(t);
+ start_offset_min = d.getTimezoneOffset();
+ }
ticks.push({ v:t,