--- /dev/null
+function RRC_PSK_BER_SNR(rolloff, M, numSymbs)
+ %% Set defaults for inputs
+ if nargin < 3
+ numSymbs = 1000;
+ end
+ if nargin < 2
+ M = 2;
+ end
+ if nargin < 1
+ rolloff = 0.5;
+ end
+ if isOctave()
+ pkg load communications
+ end
+ %% https://www.mathworks.com/help/signal/ref/rcosdesign.html
+ %% https://www.mathworks.com/help/comm/ug/pulse-shaping-using-a-raised-cosine-filter.html
+ span = 6; % filter span
+ sps = 4;
+ rrcFilter = rcosdesign(rolloff, span, sps, 'sqrt');
+ EbN0_db = 0:0.2:10;
+ EbN0 = 10 .^ (EbN0_db ./ 10);
+ Es = 1;
+ Eb = Es / log2(M);
+ N0 = Eb ./ EbN0;
+ EsN0 = EbN0 .* log2(M);
+ EsN0_db = 10 .* log10(EsN0);
+ plotlen = length(EbN0);
+ ber = zeros(1, plotlen);
+ data = randi([0 M - 1], numSymbs, 1);
+ modData = pskmod(data, M, 0, 'gray');
+ txSig = upfirdn(modData, rrcFilter, sps);
+ for i = 1:plotlen
+ snr = EbN0_db(i) + 10 * log10(log2(M));% - 10 * log10(sps); % why sps?
+ rxSig = awgn(txSig, snr);
+ rxFilt = upfirdn(rxSig, rrcFilter, 1, sps);
+ rxFilt = rxFilt(span + 1 : end - span); % remove filter delay
+ demodData = pskdemod(rxFilt, M, 0, 'gray');
+ [bitErrors, ber(i)] = biterr(data, demodData);
+ end
+ fig1 = figure(1);
+ clf;
+ %% Plot simulated results
+ semilogy(EbN0_db, ber, 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
+ hold on;
+ %% Plot theoretical curve
+ %% BPSK: bit error when noise Nr > sqrt(Eb)
+ %% Pr(Nr > sqrt(Eb))
+ %% = Pr(Z > sqrt(Eb) / sqrt(N0/2))
+ %%
+ %% QPSK = 2 BPSKs, one real and one imaginary, each with one bit
+ %% so BER is the same as BPSK (assuming Gray code)
+ if M == 2 || M == 4
+ ber_th = qfunc(sqrt(2 * EbN0));
+ semilogy(EbN0_db, ber_th, 'b', 'LineWidth', 1);
+ legend('Simulated RRC', 'Discrete');
+ else
+ %% Approximation: J.G. Proakis and M. Salehi, 2000, Contemporary
+ %% Communication Systems using MATLAB (Equations
+ %% 7.3.18 and 7.3.19), Brooks/Cole.
+ ber_ap = 2 * qfunc(sqrt(EbN0 * log2(M) * 2) * sin(pi / M)) / log2(M);
+ semilogy(EbN0_db, ber_ap, 'b', 'LineWidth', 1);
+ legend('Simulated RRC', 'Discrete');
+ end
+ title(strcat(num2str(M), '-PSK RRC with Gray code'));
+ grid on;
+ xlabel('$E_b/N_0$ (dB)');
+ ylabel('BER');
+ formatFigure;
+ %saveas(gcf, strcat('BER_SNR_', num2str(M), 'PSK_', num2str(numSymbs), ...
+ % '.svg'));
+ %scatterplot(rxFilt);
+ %eyediagram(rxFilt, sps);