-var Dygraph = (function() {
/*jshint globalstrict: true */
/*global DygraphLayout:false, DygraphCanvasRenderer:false, DygraphOptions:false, G_vmlCanvasManager:false */
"use strict";
* Creates an interactive, zoomable chart.
* @constructor
- * @param {div | String} div A div or the id of a div into which to construct
- * the chart.
- * @param {String | Function} file A file containing CSV data or a function
- * that returns this data. The most basic expected format for each line is
- * "YYYY/MM/DD,val1,val2,...". For more information, see
- * http://dygraphs.com/data.html.
- * @param {Object} attrs Various other attributes, e.g. errorBars determines
- * whether the input data contains error ranges. For a complete list of
- * options, see http://dygraphs.com/options.html.
- */
-var Dygraph = function(div, data, opts, opt_fourth_param) {
- if (opt_fourth_param !== undefined) {
- // Old versions of dygraphs took in the series labels as a constructor
- // parameter. This doesn't make sense anymore, but it's easy to continue
- // to support this usage.
- Dygraph.warn("Using deprecated four-argument dygraph constructor");
- this.__old_init__(div, data, opts, opt_fourth_param);
- } else {
- this.__init__(div, data, opts);
+ * @param {!HTMLDivElement|string} div A div or the id of a div into which to
+ * construct the chart.
+ * @param {DygraphDataArray|
+ * GVizDataTable|
+ * string|
+ * function():(DygraphDataArray|GVizDataTable|string)} file A file
+ * containing CSV data or a function that returns this data. The most basic
+ * expected format for each line is "YYYY/MM/DD,val1,val2,...". For more
+ * information, see http://dygraphs.com/data.html.
+ * @param {Object=} opt_attrs Various other attributes, e.g. errorBars
+ * determines whether the input data contains error ranges. For a complete
+ * list of options, see http://dygraphs.com/options.html.
+ */
+var Dygraph = function(div, file, opt_attrs) {
+ // Support two-argument constructor
+ var attrs = opt_attrs || {};
+ // Hack for IE: if we're using excanvas and the document hasn't finished
+ // loading yet (and hence may not have initialized whatever it needs to
+ // initialize), then keep calling this routine periodically until it has.
+ if (/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.opera &&
+ typeof(G_vmlCanvasManager) != 'undefined' &&
+ document.readyState != 'complete') {
+ // TODO(danvk): fix this code given lack of __init__ method.
+ var self = this;
+ setTimeout(function() { self.__init__(div, file, attrs); }, 100);
+ return;
+ }
+ attrs = Dygraph.mapLegacyOptions_(attrs);
+ if (typeof(div) == 'string') {
+ div = document.getElementById(div);
+ }
+ if (!div) {
+ Dygraph.error("Constructing dygraph with a non-existent div!");
+ return;
+ }
+ this.isUsingExcanvas_ = typeof(G_vmlCanvasManager) != 'undefined';
+ // Copy the important bits into the object
+ // TODO(danvk): most of these should just stay in the attrs_ dictionary.
+ this.maindiv_ = /** @type {!HTMLDivElement} */(div);
+ this.file_ = file;
+ this.rollPeriod_ = attrs.rollPeriod || DEFAULT_ROLL_PERIOD;
+ this.previousVerticalX_ = -1;
+ this.fractions_ = attrs.fractions || false;
+ this.dateWindow_ = attrs.dateWindow || null;
+ this.is_initial_draw_ = true;
+ /** @type {!Array.<Dygraph.AnnotationType>} */
+ this.annotations_ = [];
+ // Zoomed indicators - These indicate when the graph has been zoomed and on what axis.
+ this.zoomed_x_ = false;
+ this.zoomed_y_ = false;
+ // Clear the div. This ensure that, if multiple dygraphs are passed the same
+ // div, then only one will be drawn.
+ div.innerHTML = "";
+ // For historical reasons, the 'width' and 'height' options trump all CSS
+ // rules _except_ for an explicit 'width' or 'height' on the div.
+ // As an added convenience, if the div has zero height (like <div></div> does
+ // without any styles), then we use a default height/width.
+ if (div.style.width === '' && attrs.width) {
+ div.style.width = attrs.width + "px";
+ }
+ if (div.style.height === '' && attrs.height) {
+ div.style.height = attrs.height + "px";
+ }
+ if (div.style.height === '' && div.clientHeight === 0) {
+ div.style.height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT + "px";
+ if (div.style.width === '') {
+ div.style.width = DEFAULT_WIDTH + "px";
+ }
+ }
+ // These will be zero if the dygraph's div is hidden. In that case,
+ // use the user-specified attributes if present. If not, use zero
+ // and assume the user will call resize to fix things later.
+ this.width_ = div.clientWidth || attrs.width || 0;
+ this.height_ = div.clientHeight || attrs.height || 0;
+ // TODO(danvk): set fillGraph to be part of attrs_ here, not user_attrs_.
+ if (attrs.stackedGraph) {
+ attrs.fillGraph = true;
+ // TODO(nikhilk): Add any other stackedGraph checks here.
+ }
+ // DEPRECATION WARNING: All option processing should be moved from
+ // attrs_ and user_attrs_ to options_, which holds all this information.
+ //
+ // Dygraphs has many options, some of which interact with one another.
+ // To keep track of everything, we maintain two sets of options:
+ //
+ // this.user_attrs_ only options explicitly set by the user.
+ // this.attrs_ defaults, options derived from user_attrs_, data.
+ //
+ // Options are then accessed this.attr_('attr'), which first looks at
+ // user_attrs_ and then computed attrs_. This way Dygraphs can set intelligent
+ // defaults without overriding behavior that the user specifically asks for.
+ this.user_attrs_ = {};
+ Dygraph.update(this.user_attrs_, attrs);
+ // This sequence ensures that Dygraph.DEFAULT_ATTRS is never modified.
+ this.attrs_ = {};
+ Dygraph.updateDeep(this.attrs_, Dygraph.DEFAULT_ATTRS);
+ this.boundaryIds_ = [];
+ this.setIndexByName_ = {};
+ this.datasetIndex_ = [];
+ this.registeredEvents_ = [];
+ this.eventListeners_ = {};
+ this.attributes_ = new DygraphOptions(this);
+ // Create the containing DIV and other interactive elements
+ this.createInterface_();
+ // Activate plugins.
+ this.plugins_ = [];
+ var plugins = Dygraph.PLUGINS.concat(this.getOption('plugins'));
+ for (var i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) {
+ var Plugin = plugins[i];
+ var pluginInstance = new Plugin();
+ var pluginDict = {
+ plugin: pluginInstance,
+ events: {},
+ options: {},
+ pluginOptions: {}
+ };
+ var handlers = pluginInstance.activate(this);
+ for (var eventName in handlers) {
+ // TODO(danvk): validate eventName.
+ pluginDict.events[eventName] = handlers[eventName];
+ }
+ this.plugins_.push(pluginDict);
+ // At this point, plugins can no longer register event handlers.
+ // Construct a map from event -> ordered list of [callback, plugin].
+ for (var i = 0; i < this.plugins_.length; i++) {
+ var plugin_dict = this.plugins_[i];
+ for (var eventName in plugin_dict.events) {
+ if (!plugin_dict.events.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) continue;
+ var callback = plugin_dict.events[eventName];
+ var pair = [plugin_dict.plugin, callback];
+ if (!(eventName in this.eventListeners_)) {
+ this.eventListeners_[eventName] = [pair];
+ } else {
+ this.eventListeners_[eventName].push(pair);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ this.createDragInterface_();
+ this.start_();
Dygraph.NAME = "Dygraph";
-// Utility functions
-var parseFloat_;
// Directions for panning and zooming. Use bit operations when combined
// values are possible.
Dygraph.HORIZONTAL = 1;
// Used for initializing annotation CSS rules only once.
var addedAnnotationCSS = false;
-Dygraph.prototype.__old_init__ = function(div, file, labels, attrs) {
- // Labels is no longer a constructor parameter, since it's typically set
- // directly from the data source. It also conains a name for the x-axis,
- // which the previous constructor form did not.
- if (labels !== null) {
- var new_labels = ["Date"];
- for (var i = 0; i < labels.length; i++) new_labels.push(labels[i]);
- Dygraph.update(attrs, { 'labels': new_labels });
- }
- this.__init__(div, file, attrs);
- * Initializes the Dygraph. This creates a new DIV and constructs the PlotKit
- * and context <canvas> inside of it. See the constructor for details.
- * on the parameters.
- * @param {Element} div the Element to render the graph into.
- * @param {String | Function} file Source data
- * @param {Object} attrs Miscellaneous other options
- * @private
- */
-Dygraph.prototype.__init__ = function(div, file, attrs) {
- // Hack for IE: if we're using excanvas and the document hasn't finished
- // loading yet (and hence may not have initialized whatever it needs to
- // initialize), then keep calling this routine periodically until it has.
- if (/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.opera &&
- typeof(G_vmlCanvasManager) != 'undefined' &&
- document.readyState != 'complete') {
- var self = this;
- setTimeout(function() { self.__init__(div, file, attrs); }, 100);
- return;
- }
- // Support two-argument constructor
- if (attrs === null || attrs === undefined) { attrs = {}; }
- attrs = Dygraph.mapLegacyOptions_(attrs);
- if (typeof(div) == 'string') {
- div = document.getElementById(div);
- }
- if (!div) {
- Dygraph.error("Constructing dygraph with a non-existent div!");
- return;
- }
- this.isUsingExcanvas_ = typeof(G_vmlCanvasManager) != 'undefined';
- // Copy the important bits into the object
- // TODO(danvk): most of these should just stay in the attrs_ dictionary.
- this.maindiv_ = div;
- this.file_ = file;
- this.rollPeriod_ = attrs.rollPeriod || DEFAULT_ROLL_PERIOD;
- this.previousVerticalX_ = -1;
- this.fractions_ = attrs.fractions || false;
- this.dateWindow_ = attrs.dateWindow || null;
- this.is_initial_draw_ = true;
- this.annotations_ = [];
- // Zoomed indicators - These indicate when the graph has been zoomed and on what axis.
- this.zoomed_x_ = false;
- this.zoomed_y_ = false;
- // Clear the div. This ensure that, if multiple dygraphs are passed the same
- // div, then only one will be drawn.
- div.innerHTML = "";
- // For historical reasons, the 'width' and 'height' options trump all CSS
- // rules _except_ for an explicit 'width' or 'height' on the div.
- // As an added convenience, if the div has zero height (like <div></div> does
- // without any styles), then we use a default height/width.
- if (div.style.width === '' && attrs.width) {
- div.style.width = attrs.width + "px";
- }
- if (div.style.height === '' && attrs.height) {
- div.style.height = attrs.height + "px";
- }
- if (div.style.height === '' && div.clientHeight === 0) {
- div.style.height = DEFAULT_HEIGHT + "px";
- if (div.style.width === '') {
- div.style.width = DEFAULT_WIDTH + "px";
- }
- }
- // These will be zero if the dygraph's div is hidden. In that case,
- // use the user-specified attributes if present. If not, use zero
- // and assume the user will call resize to fix things later.
- this.width_ = div.clientWidth || attrs.width || 0;
- this.height_ = div.clientHeight || attrs.height || 0;
- // TODO(danvk): set fillGraph to be part of attrs_ here, not user_attrs_.
- if (attrs.stackedGraph) {
- attrs.fillGraph = true;
- // TODO(nikhilk): Add any other stackedGraph checks here.
- }
- // DEPRECATION WARNING: All option processing should be moved from
- // attrs_ and user_attrs_ to options_, which holds all this information.
- //
- // Dygraphs has many options, some of which interact with one another.
- // To keep track of everything, we maintain two sets of options:
- //
- // this.user_attrs_ only options explicitly set by the user.
- // this.attrs_ defaults, options derived from user_attrs_, data.
- //
- // Options are then accessed this.attr_('attr'), which first looks at
- // user_attrs_ and then computed attrs_. This way Dygraphs can set intelligent
- // defaults without overriding behavior that the user specifically asks for.
- this.user_attrs_ = {};
- Dygraph.update(this.user_attrs_, attrs);
- // This sequence ensures that Dygraph.DEFAULT_ATTRS is never modified.
- this.attrs_ = {};
- Dygraph.updateDeep(this.attrs_, Dygraph.DEFAULT_ATTRS);
- this.boundaryIds_ = [];
- this.setIndexByName_ = {};
- this.datasetIndex_ = [];
- this.registeredEvents_ = [];
- this.eventListeners_ = {};
- this.attributes_ = new DygraphOptions(this);
- // Create the containing DIV and other interactive elements
- this.createInterface_();
- // Activate plugins.
- this.plugins_ = [];
- var plugins = Dygraph.PLUGINS.concat(this.getOption('plugins'));
- for (var i = 0; i < plugins.length; i++) {
- var Plugin = plugins[i];
- var pluginInstance = new Plugin();
- var pluginDict = {
- plugin: pluginInstance,
- events: {},
- options: {},
- pluginOptions: {}
- };
- var handlers = pluginInstance.activate(this);
- for (var eventName in handlers) {
- // TODO(danvk): validate eventName.
- pluginDict.events[eventName] = handlers[eventName];
- }
- this.plugins_.push(pluginDict);
- }
- // At this point, plugins can no longer register event handlers.
- // Construct a map from event -> ordered list of [callback, plugin].
- for (var i = 0; i < this.plugins_.length; i++) {
- var plugin_dict = this.plugins_[i];
- for (var eventName in plugin_dict.events) {
- if (!plugin_dict.events.hasOwnProperty(eventName)) continue;
- var callback = plugin_dict.events[eventName];
- var pair = [plugin_dict.plugin, callback];
- if (!(eventName in this.eventListeners_)) {
- this.eventListeners_[eventName] = [pair];
- } else {
- this.eventListeners_[eventName].push(pair);
- }
- }
- }
- this.createDragInterface_();
- this.start_();
* Triggers a cascade of events to the various plugins which are interested in them.
* Returns true if the "default behavior" should be performed, i.e. if none of
* @private
- * @param String} axis The name of the axis (i.e. 'x', 'y' or 'y2')
+ * @param {string} axis The name of the axis (i.e. 'x', 'y' or 'y2')
* @return { ... } A function mapping string -> option value
Dygraph.prototype.optionsViewForAxis_ = function(axis) {
for (var i = 0; i < series.length; ++i) {
var item = series[i];
var yraw = bars ? item[1][0] : item[1];
- var yval = yraw === null ? null : parseFloat_(yraw);
+ var yval = yraw === null ? null : Dygraph.parseFloat(yraw);
var point = {
x: NaN,
y: NaN,
- xval: parseFloat_(item[0]),
+ xval: Dygraph.parseFloat(item[0]),
yval: yval,
name: setName, // TODO(danvk): is this really necessary?
idx: i + boundaryIdStart
if (bars) {
point.y_top = NaN;
point.y_bottom = NaN;
- point.yval_minus = parseFloat_(item[1][1]);
- point.yval_plus = parseFloat_(item[1][2]);
+ point.yval_minus = Dygraph.parseFloat(item[1][1]);
+ point.yval_plus = Dygraph.parseFloat(item[1][2]);
- * Parses the value as a floating point number. This is like the parseFloat()
- * built-in, but with a few differences:
- * - the empty string is parsed as null, rather than NaN.
- * - if the string cannot be parsed at all, an error is logged.
- * If the string can't be parsed, this method returns null.
- * @param {String} x The string to be parsed
- * @param {Number} opt_line_no The line number from which the string comes.
- * @param {String} opt_line The text of the line from which the string comes.
- * @private
- */
-// Parse the x as a float or return null if it's not a number.
-var parseFloat_ = function(x, opt_line_no, opt_line) {
- var val = parseFloat(x);
- if (!isNaN(val)) return val;
- // Try to figure out what happeend.
- // If the value is the empty string, parse it as null.
- if (/^ *$/.test(x)) return null;
- // If it was actually "NaN", return it as NaN.
- if (/^ *nan *$/i.test(x)) return NaN;
- // Looks like a parsing error.
- var msg = "Unable to parse '" + x + "' as a number";
- if (opt_line !== null && opt_line_no !== null) {
- msg += " on line " + (1+opt_line_no) + " ('" + opt_line + "') of CSV.";
- }
- Dygraph.error(msg);
- return null;
* @private
* Parses a string in a special csv format. We expect a csv file where each
* line is a date point, and the first field in each line is the date string.
fields[j] = [0, 0];
} else {
- fields[j] = [parseFloat_(vals[0], i, line),
- parseFloat_(vals[1], i, line)];
+ fields[j] = [Dygraph.parseFloat(vals[0], i, line),
+ Dygraph.parseFloat(vals[1], i, line)];
} else if (this.attr_("errorBars")) {
'values (' + (inFields.length - 1) + "): '" + line + "'");
for (j = 1; j < inFields.length; j += 2) {
- fields[(j + 1) / 2] = [parseFloat_(inFields[j], i, line),
- parseFloat_(inFields[j + 1], i, line)];
+ fields[(j + 1) / 2] = [Dygraph.parseFloat(inFields[j], i, line),
+ Dygraph.parseFloat(inFields[j + 1], i, line)];
} else if (this.attr_("customBars")) {
// Bars are a low;center;high tuple
} else {
vals = val.split(";");
if (vals.length == 3) {
- fields[j] = [ parseFloat_(vals[0], i, line),
- parseFloat_(vals[1], i, line),
- parseFloat_(vals[2], i, line) ];
+ fields[j] = [ Dygraph.parseFloat(vals[0], i, line),
+ Dygraph.parseFloat(vals[1], i, line),
+ Dygraph.parseFloat(vals[2], i, line) ];
} else {
Dygraph.warn('When using customBars, values must be either blank ' +
'or "low;center;high" tuples (got "' + val +
} else {
// Values are just numbers
for (j = 1; j < inFields.length; j++) {
- fields[j] = parseFloat_(inFields[j], i, line);
+ fields[j] = Dygraph.parseFloat(inFields[j], i, line);
if (ret.length > 0 && fields[0] < ret[ret.length - 1][0]) {
Dygraph.prototype.indexFromSetName = function(name) {
return this.setIndexByName_[name];
-return Dygraph;