if (Dygraph.isDateLike(data[0][0])) {
- // Some intelligent defaults for a date x-axis.
- Dygraph.updateDeep(this.attrs_, {
- 'axes': {
- 'x': {
- 'valueFormatter': Dygraph.dateString_,
- 'ticker': Dygraph.dateTicker,
- 'axisLabelFormatter': dateAxisFormatter_
- }
- }
- });
+ this.setXAxisOptions_(true /* isDate */);
// Assume they're all dates.
var parsedData = Dygraph.clone(data);
return parsedData;
} else {
// Some intelligent defaults for a numeric x-axis.
- /** @private (shut up, jsdoc!) */
- Dygraph.updateDeep(this.attrs_, {
- 'axes': {
- 'x': {
- 'valueFormatter': function(x) { return x; },
- 'ticker': Dygraph.numericLinearTicks,
- 'axisLabelFormatter': numberAxisLabelFormatter_
- }
- }
- });
+ this.setXAxisOptions_(false /* isDate */);
return data;
var indepType = data.getColumnType(0);
if (indepType == 'date' || indepType == 'datetime') {
- this.attrs_.xValueParser = Dygraph.dateParser;
- this.attrs_.axes.x.valueFormatter = Dygraph.dateString_;
- this.attrs_.axes.x.ticker = Dygraph.dateTicker;
- this.attrs_.axes.x.axisLabelFormatter = dateAxisFormatter_;
+ this.setXAxisOptions_(true /* isDate */);
} else if (indepType == 'number') {
- this.attrs_.xValueParser = function(x) { return parseFloat(x); };
- this.attrs_.axes.x.valueFormatter = function(x) { return x; };
- this.attrs_.axes.x.ticker = Dygraph.numericLinearTicks;
- this.attrs_.axes.x.axisLabelFormatter = this.attrs_.axes.x.valueFormatter;
+ this.setXAxisOptions_(false /* isDate */);
} else {
Dygraph.error("only 'date', 'datetime' and 'number' types are supported for " +
"column 1 of DataTable input (Got '" + indepType + "')");