assertExpectedLinesDrawnPerSeries(htx, 4, 3, 3);
+ConnectSeparatedPointsTestCase.prototype.testNaNErrorBars = function() {
+ var data = [
+ [0,[1,2,3]],
+ [1,[2,3,4]],
+ [2,[3,4,5]],
+ [3,[null,null,null]],
+ [4,[2,3,4]],
+ [5,[3,4,5]],
+ [6,[2,3,4]],
+ [7,[NaN,NaN,NaN]],
+ [8,[2,3,4]],
+ [9,[2,3,4]],
+ [10,[2,3,4]],
+ [11,[2,3,4]]
+ ];
+ var opts = {
+ labels: ["x", "y"],
+ colors: ["#ff0000"],
+ customBars: true,
+ connectSeparatedPoints: true
+ };
+ var graph = document.getElementById("graph");
+ var g = new Dygraph(graph, data, opts);
+ htx = g.hidden_ctx_;
+ var attrs = {};
+ // Line should be drawn across the null gap.
+ CanvasAssertions.assertLineDrawn(htx,
+ g.toDomCoords(data[2][0], data[2][1][1]),
+ g.toDomCoords(data[4][0], data[4][1][1]),
+ attrs);
+ // No line across the NaN gap, and a single line (not two)
+ // across the null gap.
+ assertEquals(8, CanvasAssertions.numLinesDrawn(htx, '#ff0000'));