* Create the text box to adjust the averaging period
- * @return {Object} The newly-created text box
* @private
Dygraph.prototype.createRollInterface_ = function() {
- // Destroy any existing roller.
- if (this.roller_) this.graphDiv.removeChild(this.roller_);
+ // Create a roller if one doesn't exist already.
+ if (!this.roller_) {
+ this.roller_ = document.createElement("input");
+ this.roller_.type = "text";
+ this.roller_.style.display = "none";
+ this.graphDiv.appendChild(this.roller_);
+ }
+ var display = this.attr_('showRoller') ? 'block' : 'none';
- var display = this.attr_('showRoller') ? "block" : "none";
var textAttr = { "position": "absolute",
"zIndex": 10,
"top": (this.plotter_.area.h - 25) + "px",
"left": (this.plotter_.area.x + 1) + "px",
"display": display
- var roller = document.createElement("input");
- roller.type = "text";
- roller.size = "2";
- roller.value = this.rollPeriod_;
+ this.roller_.size = "2";
+ this.roller_.value = this.rollPeriod_;
for (var name in textAttr) {
if (textAttr.hasOwnProperty(name)) {
- roller.style[name] = textAttr[name];
+ this.roller_.style[name] = textAttr[name];
- var pa = this.graphDiv;
- pa.appendChild(roller);
var dygraph = this;
- roller.onchange = function() { dygraph.adjustRoll(roller.value); };
- return roller;
+ this.roller_.onchange = function() { dygraph.adjustRoll(dygraph.roller_.value); };
// These functions are taken from MochiKit.Signal
// The roller sits in the bottom left corner of the chart. We don't know where
// this will be until the options are available, so it's positioned here.
- this.roller_ = this.createRollInterface_();
+ this.createRollInterface_();
// Same thing applies for the labelsDiv. It's right edge should be flush with
// the right edge of the charting area (which may not be the same as the right