var DygraphOptions = (function() {
+// For "production" code, this gets set to false by uglifyjs.
+// Need to define it outside of "use strict", hence the nested IIFEs.
+if (typeof(DEBUG) === 'undefined') DEBUG=true;
+return (function() {
/*jshint sub:true */
/*global Dygraph:false */
"use strict";
Dygraph.update(this.yAxes_[1].options, axis_opts["y2"] || {});
Dygraph.update(this.xAxis_.options, axis_opts["x"] || {});
+ if (DEBUG) this.validateOptions_();
return this.labels_;
+if (DEBUG) {
+ * Validate all options.
+ * This requires Dygraph.OPTIONS_REFERENCE, which is only available in debug builds.
+ * @private
+ */
+DygraphOptions.prototype.validateOptions_ = function() {
+ if (typeof Dygraph.OPTIONS_REFERENCE === 'undefined') {
+ throw 'Called validateOptions_ in prod build.';
+ }
+ var that = this;
+ var validateOption = function(optionName) {
+ if (!Dygraph.OPTIONS_REFERENCE[optionName]) {
+ that.warnInvalidOption_(optionName);
+ }
+ };
+ var optionsDicts = [this.xAxis_.options,
+ this.yAxes_[0].options,
+ this.yAxes_[1] && this.yAxes_[1].options,
+ this.global_,
+ this.user_,
+ this.highlightSeries_];
+ for (var i = 0; i < optionsDicts.length; i++) {
+ var dict = optionsDicts[i];
+ if (!dict) continue;
+ for (var optionName in dict) {
+ if (dict.hasOwnProperty(optionName)) {
+ validateOption(optionName);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+var WARNINGS = {}; // Only show any particular warning once.
+ * Logs a warning about invalid options.
+ * TODO: make this throw for testing
+ * @private
+ */
+DygraphOptions.prototype.warnInvalidOption_ = function(optionName) {
+ if (!WARNINGS[optionName]) {
+ var isSeries = (this.labels_.indexOf(optionName) >= 0);
+ if (isSeries) {
+ console.warn('Use new-style per-series options (saw ' + optionName + ' as top-level options key). See');
+ } else {
+ console.warn('Unknown option ' + optionName + ' (full list of options at');
+ // throw "invalid option " + optionName;
+ }
+ WARNINGS[optionName] = true;
+ }
return DygraphOptions;
* search) and generic DOM-manipulation functions.
-/*jshint globalstrict: true */
+(function() {
/*global Dygraph:false, G_vmlCanvasManager:false, Node:false */
"use strict";
+// A whitelist of options that do not change pixel positions.
+var pixelSafeOptions = {
+ 'annotationClickHandler': true,
+ 'annotationDblClickHandler': true,
+ 'annotationMouseOutHandler': true,
+ 'annotationMouseOverHandler': true,
+ 'axisLabelColor': true,
+ 'axisLineColor': true,
+ 'axisLineWidth': true,
+ 'clickCallback': true,
+ 'drawCallback': true,
+ 'drawHighlightPointCallback': true,
+ 'drawPoints': true,
+ 'drawPointCallback': true,
+ 'drawXGrid': true,
+ 'drawYGrid': true,
+ 'fillAlpha': true,
+ 'gridLineColor': true,
+ 'gridLineWidth': true,
+ 'hideOverlayOnMouseOut': true,
+ 'highlightCallback': true,
+ 'highlightCircleSize': true,
+ 'interactionModel': true,
+ 'isZoomedIgnoreProgrammaticZoom': true,
+ 'labelsDiv': true,
+ 'labelsDivStyles': true,
+ 'labelsDivWidth': true,
+ 'labelsKMB': true,
+ 'labelsKMG2': true,
+ 'labelsSeparateLines': true,
+ 'labelsShowZeroValues': true,
+ 'legend': true,
+ 'panEdgeFraction': true,
+ 'pixelsPerYLabel': true,
+ 'pointClickCallback': true,
+ 'pointSize': true,
+ 'rangeSelectorPlotFillColor': true,
+ 'rangeSelectorPlotStrokeColor': true,
+ 'showLabelsOnHighlight': true,
+ 'showRoller': true,
+ 'strokeWidth': true,
+ 'underlayCallback': true,
+ 'unhighlightCallback': true,
+ 'zoomCallback': true
* This function will scan the option list and determine if they
* require us to recalculate the pixel positions of each point.
+ * TODO: move this into dygraph-options.js
* @param {!Array.<string>} labels a list of options to check.
* @param {!Object} attrs
* @return {boolean} true if the graph needs new points else false.
* @private
Dygraph.isPixelChangingOptionList = function(labels, attrs) {
- // A whitelist of options that do not change pixel positions.
- var pixelSafeOptions = {
- 'annotationClickHandler': true,
- 'annotationDblClickHandler': true,
- 'annotationMouseOutHandler': true,
- 'annotationMouseOverHandler': true,
- 'axisLabelColor': true,
- 'axisLineColor': true,
- 'axisLineWidth': true,
- 'clickCallback': true,
- 'digitsAfterDecimal': true,
- 'drawCallback': true,
- 'drawHighlightPointCallback': true,
- 'drawPoints': true,
- 'drawPointCallback': true,
- 'drawXGrid': true,
- 'drawYGrid': true,
- 'fillAlpha': true,
- 'gridLineColor': true,
- 'gridLineWidth': true,
- 'hideOverlayOnMouseOut': true,
- 'highlightCallback': true,
- 'highlightCircleSize': true,
- 'interactionModel': true,
- 'isZoomedIgnoreProgrammaticZoom': true,
- 'labelsDiv': true,
- 'labelsDivStyles': true,
- 'labelsDivWidth': true,
- 'labelsKMB': true,
- 'labelsKMG2': true,
- 'labelsSeparateLines': true,
- 'labelsShowZeroValues': true,
- 'legend': true,
- 'maxNumberWidth': true,
- 'panEdgeFraction': true,
- 'pixelsPerYLabel': true,
- 'pointClickCallback': true,
- 'pointSize': true,
- 'rangeSelectorPlotFillColor': true,
- 'rangeSelectorPlotStrokeColor': true,
- 'showLabelsOnHighlight': true,
- 'showRoller': true,
- 'sigFigs': true,
- 'strokeWidth': true,
- 'underlayCallback': true,
- 'unhighlightCallback': true,
- 'xAxisLabelFormatter': true,
- 'xTicker': true,
- 'xValueFormatter': true,
- 'yAxisLabelFormatter': true,
- 'yValueFormatter': true,
- 'zoomCallback': true
- };
// Assume that we do not require new points.
// This will change to true if we actually do need new points.
- var requiresNewPoints = false;
// Create a dictionary of series names for faster lookup.
// If there are no labels, then the dictionary stays empty.
+ // Scan through a flat (i.e. non-nested) object of options.
+ // Returns true/false depending on whether new points are needed.
+ var scanFlatOptions = function(options) {
+ for (var property in options) {
+ if (options.hasOwnProperty(property) &&
+ !pixelSafeOptions[property]) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ };
// Iterate through the list of updated options.
for (var property in attrs) {
- // Break early if we already know we need new points from a previous option.
- if (requiresNewPoints) {
- break;
- }
- if (attrs.hasOwnProperty(property)) {
- // Find out of this field is actually a series specific options list.
- if (seriesNamesDictionary[property]) {
- // This property value is a list of options for this series.
- // If any of these sub properties are not pixel safe, set the flag.
- for (var subProperty in attrs[property]) {
- // Break early if we already know we need new points from a previous option.
- if (requiresNewPoints) {
- break;
- }
- if (attrs[property].hasOwnProperty(subProperty) && !pixelSafeOptions[subProperty]) {
- requiresNewPoints = true;
- }
+ if (!attrs.hasOwnProperty(property)) continue;
+ // Find out of this field is actually a series specific options list.
+ if (property == 'highlightSeriesOpts' ||
+ (seriesNamesDictionary[property] && !attrs.series)) {
+ // This property value is a list of options for this series.
+ if (scanFlatOptions(attrs[property])) return true;
+ } else if (property == 'series' || property == 'axes') {
+ // This is twice-nested options list.
+ var perSeries = attrs[property];
+ for (var series in perSeries) {
+ if (perSeries.hasOwnProperty(series) &&
+ scanFlatOptions(perSeries[series])) {
+ return true;
- // If this was not a series specific option list, check if its a pixel changing property.
- } else if (!pixelSafeOptions[property]) {
- requiresNewPoints = true;
+ } else {
+ // If this was not a series specific option list, check if it's a pixel
+ // changing property.
+ if (!pixelSafeOptions[property]) return true;
- return requiresNewPoints;
+ return false;
Dygraph.Circles = {
return null;