- * Returns a function which returns the next index with a renderable point.
- * When connectSeparatedPoints is false, it just returns the next index.
- * But when it's true, the returned function will skip past points with null
- * yvals.
- *
- * TODO(konigsberg): Replace the two uses of this function with the Dygraph iterator.
- * @private
+ * Returns a predicate to be used with an iterator, which will
+ * iterate over points appropriately, depending on whether
+ * connectSeparatedPoints is true. When it's false, the predicate will
+ * skip over points with missing yVals.
-DygraphCanvasRenderer.makePointIteratorFunction_ = function(
- connectSeparatedPoints, points, start, end) {
- if (connectSeparatedPoints) {
- return function(j) {
- while (++j + start < end) {
- if (!(points[start + j].yval === null)) break;
- }
- return j;
- }
- } else {
- return function(j) { return j + 1 };
- }
+DygraphCanvasRenderer._getIteratorPredicate = function(connectSeparatedPoints) {
+ return connectSeparatedPoints ? DygraphCanvasRenderer._predicateThatSkipsEmptyPoints : null;
+DygraphCanvasRenderer._predicateThatSkipsEmptyPoints =
+ function(array, idx) { return array[idx].yval !== null; }
DygraphCanvasRenderer.isNullOrNaN_ = function(x) {
return (x === null || isNaN(x));
- var iteratorPredicate = this.attr_("connectSeparatedPoints") ?
- function(array, idx) { return array[idx].yval !== null; } : null;
var iter = Dygraph.createIterator(points, firstIndexInSet, setLength,
- iteratorPredicate);
+ DygraphCanvasRenderer._getIteratorPredicate(this.attr_("connectSeparatedPoints")));
if (strokeWidth && !stepPlot && (!strokePattern || strokePattern.length <= 1)) {
this._drawTrivialLine(ctx, iter, setName, color, strokeWidth, drawPointCallback, pointSize, drawPoints, drawGapPoints);
var stepPlot = this.attr_("stepPlot");
var points = this.layout.points;
var pointsLength = points.length;
- var point, i, j, prevX, prevY, prevYs, color, setName, newYs, err_color, rgb, yscale, axis;
+ var point, i, prevX, prevY, prevYs, color, setName, newYs, err_color, rgb, yscale, axis;
var setNames = this.layout.setNames;
var setCount = setNames.length;
var firstIndexInSet = this.layout.setPointsOffsets[i];
var setLength = this.layout.setPointsLengths[i];
- var afterLastIndexInSet = firstIndexInSet + setLength;
- var nextFunc = DygraphCanvasRenderer.makePointIteratorFunction_(
- this.attr_('connectSeparatedPoints'), points,
- afterLastIndexInSet);
+ var iter = Dygraph.createIterator(points, firstIndexInSet, setLength,
+ DygraphCanvasRenderer._getIteratorPredicate(this.attr_("connectSeparatedPoints")));
// setup graphics context
prevX = NaN;
fillAlpha + ')';
ctx.fillStyle = err_color;
- for (j = firstIndexInSet; j < afterLastIndexInSet; j = nextFunc(j)) {
- point = points[j];
+ while (iter.hasNext()) {
+ point = iter.next();
if (point.name == setName) { // TODO(klausw): this is always true
if (!Dygraph.isOK(point.y)) {
prevX = NaN;
axisY = this.area.h * axisY + this.area.y;
var firstIndexInSet = this.layout.setPointsOffsets[i];
var setLength = this.layout.setPointsLengths[i];
- var afterLastIndexInSet = firstIndexInSet + setLength;
- var nextFunc = DygraphCanvasRenderer.makePointIteratorFunction_(
- this.attr_('connectSeparatedPoints'), points,
- afterLastIndexInSet);
+ var iter = Dygraph.createIterator(points, firstIndexInSet, setLength,
+ DygraphCanvasRenderer._getIteratorPredicate(this.attr_("connectSeparatedPoints")));
// setup graphics context
prevX = NaN;
fillAlpha + ')';
ctx.fillStyle = err_color;
- for (j = firstIndexInSet; j < afterLastIndexInSet; j = nextFunc(j)) {
- point = points[j];
+ while(iter.hasNext()) {
+ point = iter.next();
if (point.name == setName) { // TODO(klausw): this is always true
if (!Dygraph.isOK(point.y)) {
prevX = NaN;