// Create the containing DIV and other interactive elements
- // Create the PlotKit grapher
- // TODO(danvk): why does the Layout need its own set of options?
- this.layoutOptions_ = { 'xOriginIsZero': false };
- Dygraph.update(this.layoutOptions_, this.attrs_);
- Dygraph.update(this.layoutOptions_, this.user_attrs_);
- Dygraph.update(this.layoutOptions_, {
- 'errorBars': (this.attr_("errorBars") || this.attr_("customBars")) });
- this.layout_ = new DygraphLayout(this, this.layoutOptions_);
- // TODO(danvk): why does the Renderer need its own set of options?
- this.renderOptions_ = { colorScheme: this.colors_,
- strokeColor: null,
- axisLineWidth: Dygraph.AXIS_LINE_WIDTH };
- Dygraph.update(this.renderOptions_, this.attrs_);
- Dygraph.update(this.renderOptions_, this.user_attrs_);
- this.plotter_ = new DygraphCanvasRenderer(this,
- this.hidden_, this.layout_,
- this.renderOptions_);
- this.createStatusMessage_();
- this.createRollInterface_();
- this.createDragInterface_();
* Generates interface elements for the Dygraph: a containing div, a div to
* display the current point, and a textbox to adjust the rolling average
- * period.
+ * period. Also creates the Renderer/Layout elements.
* @private
Dygraph.prototype.createInterface_ = function() {
Dygraph.addEvent(this.hidden_, 'mouseout', function(e) {
+ // Create the grapher
+ // TODO(danvk): why does the Layout need its own set of options?
+ this.layoutOptions_ = { 'xOriginIsZero': false };
+ Dygraph.update(this.layoutOptions_, this.attrs_);
+ Dygraph.update(this.layoutOptions_, this.user_attrs_);
+ Dygraph.update(this.layoutOptions_, {
+ 'errorBars': (this.attr_("errorBars") || this.attr_("customBars")) });
+ this.layout_ = new DygraphLayout(this, this.layoutOptions_);
+ // TODO(danvk): why does the Renderer need its own set of options?
+ this.renderOptions_ = { colorScheme: this.colors_,
+ strokeColor: null,
+ axisLineWidth: Dygraph.AXIS_LINE_WIDTH };
+ Dygraph.update(this.renderOptions_, this.attrs_);
+ Dygraph.update(this.renderOptions_, this.user_attrs_);
+ this.plotter_ = new DygraphCanvasRenderer(this,
+ this.hidden_, this.layout_,
+ this.renderOptions_);
+ this.createStatusMessage_();
+ this.createRollInterface_();
+ this.createDragInterface_();
+ * Resizes the dygraph. If no parameters are specified, resizes to fill the
+ * containing div (which has presumably changed size since the dygraph was
+ * instantiated. If the width/height are specified, the div will be resized.
+ * @param {Number} width Width (in pixels)
+ * @param {Number} height Height (in pixels)
+ */
+Dygraph.prototype.resize = function(width, height) {
+ if ((width === null) != (height === null)) {
+ this.warn("Dygraph.resize() should be called with zero parameters or " +
+ "two non-NULL parameters. Pretending it was zero.");
+ width = height = null;
+ }
+ this.maindiv_.innerHTML = "";
+ if (width) {
+ this.maindiv_.style.width = width + "px";
+ this.maindiv_.style.height = height + "px";
+ this.width_ = width;
+ this.height_ = height;
+ } else {
+ this.width_ = this.maindiv_.offsetWidth;
+ this.height_ = this.maindiv_.offsetHeight;
+ }
+ this.createInterface_();
* Adjusts the number of days in the rolling average. Updates the graph to
* reflect the new averaging period.
* @param {Number} length Number of days over which to average the data.