* Custom interaction model builders can use it to provide the default
* panning behavior.
- * @param { Event } event the event object which led to the startZoom call.
+ * @param { Event } event the event object which led to the endPan call.
* @param { Dygraph} g The dygraph on which to act.
* @param { Object} context The dragging context object (with
* dragStartX/dragStartY/etc. properties). This function modifies the context.
+ * @private
+ */
+Dygraph.Interaction.startTouch = function(event, g, context) {
+ event.preventDefault(); // touch browsers are all nice.
+ var touches = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < event.touches.length; i++) {
+ var t = event.touches[i];
+ // we dispense with 'dragGetX_' because all touchBrowsers support pageX
+ touches.push({
+ pageX: t.pageX,
+ pageY: t.pageY,
+ dataX: g.toDataXCoord(t.pageX),
+ dataY: g.toDataYCoord(t.pageY)
+ // identifier: t.identifier
+ });
+ }
+ context.initialTouches = touches;
+ if (touches.length == 1) {
+ // This is just a swipe.
+ context.initialPinchCenter = touches[0];
+ context.touchDirections = { x: true, y: true };
+ } else if (touches.length == 2) {
+ // It's become a pinch!
+ // only screen coordinates can be averaged (data coords could be log scale).
+ context.initialPinchCenter = {
+ pageX: 0.5 * (touches[0].pageX + touches[1].pageX),
+ pageY: 0.5 * (touches[0].pageY + touches[1].pageY),
+ // TODO(danvk): remove
+ dataX: 0.5 * (touches[0].dataX + touches[1].dataX),
+ dataY: 0.5 * (touches[0].dataY + touches[1].dataY),
+ };
+ // Make pinches in a 45-degree swath around either axis 1-dimensional zooms.
+ var initialAngle = 180 / Math.PI * Math.atan2(
+ context.initialPinchCenter.pageY - touches[0].pageY,
+ touches[0].pageX - context.initialPinchCenter.pageX);
+ // use symmetry to get it into the first quadrant.
+ initialAngle = Math.abs(initialAngle);
+ if (initialAngle > 90) initialAngle = 90 - initialAngle;
+ context.touchDirections = {
+ x: (initialAngle < (90 - 45/2)),
+ y: (initialAngle > 45/2)
+ };
+ }
+ // save the full x & y ranges.
+ context.initialRange = {
+ x: g.xAxisRange(),
+ y: g.yAxisRange()
+ };
+ * @private
+ */
+Dygraph.Interaction.moveTouch = function(event, g, context) {
+ var touches = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < event.touches.length; i++) {
+ var t = event.touches[i];
+ touches.push({
+ pageX: t.pageX,
+ pageY: t.pageY,
+ });
+ }
+ var initialTouches = context.initialTouches;
+ var c_now;
+ // old and new centers.
+ var c_init = context.initialPinchCenter;
+ if (touches.length == 1) {
+ c_now = touches[0];
+ } else {
+ c_now = {
+ pageX: 0.5 * (touches[0].pageX + touches[1].pageX),
+ pageY: 0.5 * (touches[0].pageY + touches[1].pageY)
+ };
+ }
+ // this is the "swipe" component
+ // we toss it out for now, but could use it in the future.
+ var swipe = {
+ pageX: c_now.pageX - c_init.pageX,
+ pageY: c_now.pageY - c_init.pageY,
+ };
+ var dataWidth = context.initialRange.x[1] - context.initialRange.x[0];
+ var dataHeight = context.initialRange.y[0] - context.initialRange.y[1];
+ swipe.dataX = (swipe.pageX / g.plotter_.area.w) * dataWidth;
+ swipe.dataY = (swipe.pageY / g.plotter_.area.h) * dataHeight;
+ var xScale, yScale;
+ // The residual bits are usually split into scale & rotate bits, but we split
+ // them into x-scale and y-scale bits.
+ if (touches.length == 1) {
+ xScale = 1.0;
+ yScale = 1.0;
+ } else if (touches.length == 2) {
+ var initHalfWidth = (initialTouches[1].pageX - c_init.pageX);
+ xScale = (touches[1].pageX - c_now.pageX) / initHalfWidth;
+ var initHalfHeight = (initialTouches[1].pageY - c_init.pageY);
+ yScale = (touches[1].pageY - c_now.pageY) / initHalfHeight;
+ }
+ // Clip scaling to [1/8, 8] to prevent too much blowup.
+ xScale = Math.min(8, Math.max(0.125, xScale));
+ yScale = Math.min(8, Math.max(0.125, yScale));
+ if (context.touchDirections.x) {
+ g.dateWindow_ = [
+ c_init.dataX - swipe.dataX + (context.initialRange.x[0] - c_init.dataX) / xScale,
+ c_init.dataX - swipe.dataX + (context.initialRange.x[1] - c_init.dataX) / xScale,
+ ];
+ }
+ if (context.touchDirections.y) {
+ for (var i = 0; i < 1 /*g.axes_.length*/; i++) {
+ var axis = g.axes_[i];
+ if (axis.logscale) {
+ // TODO(danvk): implement
+ } else {
+ axis.valueWindow = [
+ c_init.dataY - swipe.dataY + (context.initialRange.y[0] - c_init.dataY) / yScale,
+ c_init.dataY - swipe.dataY + (context.initialRange.y[1] - c_init.dataY) / yScale,
+ ];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ g.drawGraph_(false);
+ * @private
+ */
+Dygraph.Interaction.endTouch = function(event, g, context) {
+ if (event.touches.length != 0) {
+ // this is effectively a "reset"
+ Dygraph.Interaction.startTouch(event, g, context);
+ }
* Default interation model for dygraphs. You can refer to specific elements of
* this when constructing your own interaction model, e.g.:
* g.updateOptions( {
+ touchstart: function(event, g, context) {
+ Dygraph.Interaction.startTouch(event, g, context);
+ },
+ touchmove: function(event, g, context) {
+ Dygraph.Interaction.moveTouch(event, g, context);
+ },
+ touchend: function(event, g, context) {
+ Dygraph.Interaction.endTouch(event, g, context);
+ },
// Temporarily cancel the dragging event when the mouse leaves the graph
mouseout: function(event, g, context) {
if (context.isZooming) {