+ * Parses the value as a floating point number. This is like the parseFloat()
+ * built-in, but with a few differences:
+ * - the empty string is parsed as null, rather than NaN.
+ * - if the string cannot be parsed at all, an error is logged.
+ * If the string can't be parsed, this method returns null.
+ * @param {String} x The string to be parsed
+ * @param {Number} opt_line_no The line number from which the string comes.
+ * @param {String} opt_line The text of the line from which the string comes.
+ * @private
+ */
+// Parse the x as a float or return null if it's not a number.
+Dygraph.prototype.parseFloat_ = function(x, opt_line_no, opt_line) {
+ var val = parseFloat(x);
+ if (!isNaN(val)) return val;
+ // Try to figure out what happeend.
+ // If the value is the empty string, parse it as null.
+ if (/^ *$/.test(x)) return null;
+ // If it was actually "NaN", return it as NaN.
+ if (/^ *nan *$/i.test(x)) return NaN;
+ // Looks like a parsing error.
+ var msg = "Unable to parse '" + x + "' as a number";
+ if (opt_line !== null && opt_line_no !== null) {
+ msg += " on line " + (1+opt_line_no) + " ('" + opt_line + "') of CSV.";
+ }
+ this.error(msg);
+ return null;
* Parses a string in a special csv format. We expect a csv file where each
* line is a date point, and the first field in each line is the date string.
* We also expect that all remaining fields represent series.
start = 1;
this.attrs_.labels = lines[0].split(delim);
- // Parse the x as a float or return null if it's not a number.
- var parseFloatOrNull = function(x) {
- var val = parseFloat(x);
- // isFinite() returns false for NaN and +/-Infinity.
- return isFinite(val) ? val : null;
- };
+ var line_no = 0;
var xParser;
var defaultParserSet = false; // attempt to auto-detect x value type
var outOfOrder = false;
for (var i = start; i < lines.length; i++) {
var line = lines[i];
+ line_no = i;
if (line.length == 0) continue; // skip blank lines
if (line[0] == '#') continue; // skip comment lines
var inFields = line.split(delim);
for (var j = 1; j < inFields.length; j++) {
// TODO(danvk): figure out an appropriate way to flag parse errors.
var vals = inFields[j].split("/");
- fields[j] = [parseFloatOrNull(vals[0]), parseFloatOrNull(vals[1])];
+ fields[j] = [this.parseFloat_(vals[0], i, line),
+ this.parseFloat_(vals[1], i, line)];
} else if (this.attr_("errorBars")) {
// If there are error bars, values are (value, stddev) pairs
for (var j = 1; j < inFields.length; j += 2)
- fields[(j + 1) / 2] = [parseFloatOrNull(inFields[j]),
- parseFloatOrNull(inFields[j + 1])];
+ fields[(j + 1) / 2] = [this.parseFloat_(inFields[j], i, line),
+ this.parseFloat_(inFields[j + 1], i, line)];
} else if (this.attr_("customBars")) {
// Bars are a low;center;high tuple
for (var j = 1; j < inFields.length; j++) {
var vals = inFields[j].split(";");
- fields[j] = [ parseFloatOrNull(vals[0]),
- parseFloatOrNull(vals[1]),
- parseFloatOrNull(vals[2]) ];
+ fields[j] = [ this.parseFloat_(vals[0], i, line),
+ this.parseFloat_(vals[1], i, line),
+ this.parseFloat_(vals[2], i, line) ];
} else {
// Values are just numbers
for (var j = 1; j < inFields.length; j++) {
- fields[j] = parseFloatOrNull(inFields[j]);
+ fields[j] = this.parseFloat_(inFields[j], i, line);
if (ret.length > 0 && fields[0] < ret[ret.length - 1][0]) {