"highlightCallback": {
"default": "null",
"labels": ["Callbacks"],
- "type": "function(event, x, points,row)",
- "description": "When set, this callback gets called every time a new point is highlighted. The parameters are the JavaScript mousemove event, the x-coordinate of the highlighted points and an array of highlighted points: <code>[ {name: 'series', yval: y-value}, … ]</code>"
+ "type": "function(event, x, points, row)",
+ "description": "When set, this callback gets called every time a new point is highlighted.",
+ "parameters": [
+ ["event", "the JavaScript mousemove event"],
+ ["x", "the x-coordinate of the highlighted points"],
+ ["points", "an array of highlighted points: <code>[ {name: 'series', yval: y-value}, … ]</code>"],
+ ["row", "???"]
+ ]
+ "drawHighlightPointCallback": {
+ "default": "null",
+ "labels": ["Data Line display"],
+ "type": "function(g, seriesName, canvasContext, cx, cy, color, pointSize)",
+ "description": "Draw a custom item when a point is highlighted. Default is a small dot matching the series color."
+ },
"includeZero": {
"default": "false",
"labels": ["Axis display"],