+stackedTestCase.prototype.testMultiAxisInterpolation = function() {
+ // Setting 2 axes to test that each axis stacks separately
+ var opts = {
+ colors: ['#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff'],
+ stackedGraph: true,
+ series: {
+ "Y1": {
+ axis: 'y',
+ },
+ "Y2": {
+ axis: 'y',
+ },
+ "Y3": {
+ axis: 'y2',
+ },
+ "Y4": {
+ axis: 'y2',
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ // The last series is all-NaN, it ought to be treated as all zero
+ // for stacking purposes.
+ var N = NaN;
+ var data = [
+ [100, 1, 2, N, N],
+ [101, 1, 2, 2, N],
+ [102, 1, N, N, N],
+ [103, 1, 2, 4, N],
+ [104, N, N, N, N],
+ [105, 1, 2, N, N],
+ [106, 1, 2, 7, N],
+ [107, 1, 2, 8, N],
+ [108, 1, 2, 9, N],
+ [109, 1, N, N, N]];
+ var graph = document.getElementById("graph");
+ g = new Dygraph(graph, data, opts);
+ var htx = g.hidden_ctx_;
+ var attrs = {};
+ // Check that lines are drawn at the expected positions, using
+ // interpolated values for missing data.
+ CanvasAssertions.assertLineDrawn(
+ htx, g.toDomCoords(100, 2), g.toDomCoords(101, 2), {strokeStyle: '#00ff00'});
+ CanvasAssertions.assertLineDrawn(
+ htx, g.toDomCoords(102, 3), g.toDomCoords(103, 3), {strokeStyle: '#ff0000'});
+ CanvasAssertions.assertLineDrawn(
+ htx, g.toDomCoords(107, 2.71), g.toDomCoords(108, 3), {strokeStyle: '#0000ff'});
+ CanvasAssertions.assertLineDrawn(
+ htx, g.toDomCoords(108, 3), g.toDomCoords(109, 3), {strokeStyle: '#ff0000'});
+ // Check that the expected number of line segments gets drawn
+ // for each series. Gaps don't get a line.
+ assertEquals(7, CanvasAssertions.numLinesDrawn(htx, '#ff0000'));
+ assertEquals(4, CanvasAssertions.numLinesDrawn(htx, '#00ff00'));
+ assertEquals(2, CanvasAssertions.numLinesDrawn(htx, '#0000ff'));
+ // Check that the selection returns the original (non-stacked)
+ // values and skips gaps.
+ g.setSelection(1);
+ assertEquals("101: Y1: 1 Y2: 2 Y3: 2", Util.getLegend());
+ g.setSelection(8);
+ assertEquals("108: Y1: 1 Y2: 2 Y3: 9", Util.getLegend());
+ g.setSelection(9);
+ assertEquals("109: Y1: 1", Util.getLegend());