Dygraph.CENTENNIAL = 20;
-/** @type {Array.<number>} */
-Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS = [];
-Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS[Dygraph.SECONDLY] = 1000 * 1;
-Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS[Dygraph.TWO_SECONDLY] = 1000 * 2;
-Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS[Dygraph.FIVE_SECONDLY] = 1000 * 5;
-Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS[Dygraph.TEN_SECONDLY] = 1000 * 10;
-Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS[Dygraph.THIRTY_SECONDLY] = 1000 * 30;
-Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS[Dygraph.MINUTELY] = 1000 * 60;
-Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS[Dygraph.TWO_MINUTELY] = 1000 * 60 * 2;
-Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS[Dygraph.FIVE_MINUTELY] = 1000 * 60 * 5;
-Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS[Dygraph.TEN_MINUTELY] = 1000 * 60 * 10;
-Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS[Dygraph.THIRTY_MINUTELY] = 1000 * 60 * 30;
-Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS[Dygraph.HOURLY] = 1000 * 3600;
-Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS[Dygraph.TWO_HOURLY] = 1000 * 3600 * 2;
-Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS[Dygraph.SIX_HOURLY] = 1000 * 3600 * 6;
-Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS[Dygraph.DAILY] = 1000 * 86400;
-Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS[Dygraph.WEEKLY] = 1000 * 604800;
+// Date components enumeration (in the order of the arguments in Date)
+// TODO: make this an @enum
+Dygraph.DATEFIELD_Y = 0;
+Dygraph.DATEFIELD_M = 1;
+Dygraph.DATEFIELD_D = 2;
+Dygraph.DATEFIELD_HH = 3;
+Dygraph.DATEFIELD_MM = 4;
+Dygraph.DATEFIELD_SS = 5;
+Dygraph.DATEFIELD_MS = 6;
+Dygraph.NUM_DATEFIELDS = 7;
+/** @type {Array.<{datefield:number, step:number, spacing:number}>} */
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT = [];
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.SECONDLY] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_SS, step: 1, spacing: 1000 * 1};
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.TWO_SECONDLY] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_SS, step: 2, spacing: 1000 * 2};
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.FIVE_SECONDLY] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_SS, step: 5, spacing: 1000 * 5};
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.TEN_SECONDLY] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_SS, step: 10, spacing: 1000 * 10};
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.THIRTY_SECONDLY] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_SS, step: 30, spacing: 1000 * 30};
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.MINUTELY] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_MM, step: 1, spacing: 1000 * 60};
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.TWO_MINUTELY] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_MM, step: 2, spacing: 1000 * 60 * 2};
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.FIVE_MINUTELY] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_MM, step: 5, spacing: 1000 * 60 * 5};
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.TEN_MINUTELY] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_MM, step: 10, spacing: 1000 * 60 * 10};
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.THIRTY_MINUTELY] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_MM, step: 30, spacing: 1000 * 60 * 30};
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.HOURLY] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_HH, step: 1, spacing: 1000 * 3600};
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.TWO_HOURLY] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_HH, step: 2, spacing: 1000 * 3600 * 2};
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.SIX_HOURLY] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_HH, step: 6, spacing: 1000 * 3600 * 6};
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.DAILY] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_D, step: 1, spacing: 1000 * 86400};
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.WEEKLY] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_D, step: 7, spacing: 1000 * 604800};
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.MONTHLY] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_M, step: 1, spacing: 1000 * 7200 * 365.2524}; // 1e3 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.2524 / 12
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.QUARTERLY] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_M, step: 3, spacing: 1000 * 21600 * 365.2524}; // 1e3 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.2524 / 4
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.BIANNUAL] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_M, step: 6, spacing: 1000 * 43200 * 365.2524}; // 1e3 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.2524 / 2
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.ANNUAL] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_Y, step: 1, spacing: 1000 * 86400 * 365.2524}; // 1e3 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.2524 * 1
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.DECADAL] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_Y, step: 10, spacing: 1000 * 864000 * 365.2524}; // 1e3 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.2524 * 10
+Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[Dygraph.CENTENNIAL] = {datefield: Dygraph.DATEFIELD_Y, step: 100, spacing: 1000 * 8640000 * 365.2524}; // 1e3 * 60 * 60 * 24 * 365.2524 * 100
- * A collection of objects specifying where it is acceptable to place tick
- * marks for granularities larger than WEEKLY.
- * 'months' is an array of month indexes on which to place tick marks.
- * 'year_mod' ticks are placed when year % year_mod = 0.
- * @type {Array.<Object>}
- */
- months : [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11],
- year_mod : 1
- months: [0,3,6,9],
- year_mod: 1
- months: [0,6],
- year_mod: 1
- months: [0],
- year_mod: 1
- months: [0],
- year_mod: 10
- months: [0],
- year_mod: 100
* This is a list of human-friendly values at which to show tick marks on a log
* @param {number} a Left edge of the chart (ms)
* @param {number} b Right edge of the chart (ms)
* @param {number} pixels Size of the chart in the relevant dimension (width).
- * @param {function(string):*} opts Function mapping from option name ->
- * value.
+ * @param {function(string):*} opts Function mapping from option name -> value.
* @return {number} The appropriate axis granularity for this chart. See the
* enumeration of possible values in dygraph-tickers.js.
+ * Compute the number of ticks on a date axis for a given granularity.
* @param {number} start_time
* @param {number} end_time
* @param {number} granularity (one of the granularities enumerated above)
- * @return {number} Number of ticks that would result.
+ * @return {number} (Approximate) number of ticks that would result.
Dygraph.numDateTicks = function(start_time, end_time, granularity) {
- if (granularity < Dygraph.MONTHLY) {
- // Generate one tick mark for every fixed interval of time.
- var spacing = Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS[granularity];
- return Math.floor(0.5 + 1.0 * (end_time - start_time) / spacing);
- } else {
- var tickPlacement = Dygraph.LONG_TICK_PLACEMENTS[granularity];
- var msInYear = 365.2524 * 24 * 3600 * 1000;
- var num_years = 1.0 * (end_time - start_time) / msInYear;
- return Math.floor(0.5 + 1.0 * num_years * tickPlacement.months.length / tickPlacement.year_mod);
- }
+ var spacing = Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[granularity].spacing;
+ return Math.round(1.0 * (end_time - start_time) / spacing);
+ * Compute the positions and labels of ticks on a date axis for a given granularity.
* @param {number} start_time
* @param {number} end_time
* @param {number} granularity (one of the granularities enumerated above)
- * @param {function(string):*} opts Function mapping from option name -> value.
+ * @param {function(string):*} opts Function mapping from option name -> value.
* @param {Dygraph=} dg
* @return {!Dygraph.TickList}
Dygraph.getDateAxis = function(start_time, end_time, granularity, opts, dg) {
var formatter = /** @type{AxisLabelFormatter} */(
- var ticks = [];
- var t;
- if (granularity < Dygraph.MONTHLY) {
- // Generate one tick mark for every fixed interval of time.
- var spacing = Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS[granularity];
- // Find a time less than start_time which occurs on a "nice" time boundary
- // for this granularity.
- var g = spacing / 1000;
- var d = new Date(start_time);
- Dygraph.setDateSameTZ(d, {ms: 0});
- var x;
- if (g <= 60) { // seconds
- x = d.getSeconds();
- Dygraph.setDateSameTZ(d, {s: x - x % g});
- } else {
- Dygraph.setDateSameTZ(d, {s: 0});
- g /= 60;
- if (g <= 60) { // minutes
- x = d.getMinutes();
- Dygraph.setDateSameTZ(d, {m: x - x % g});
- } else {
- Dygraph.setDateSameTZ(d, {m: 0});
- g /= 60;
- if (g <= 24) { // days
- x = d.getHours();
- d.setHours(x - x % g);
- } else {
- d.setHours(0);
- g /= 24;
- if (g == 7) { // one week
- d.setDate(d.getDate() - d.getDay());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- start_time = d.getTime();
- // For spacings coarser than two-hourly, we want to ignore daylight
- // savings transitions to get consistent ticks. For finer-grained ticks,
- // it's essential to show the DST transition in all its messiness.
- var start_offset_min = new Date(start_time).getTimezoneOffset();
- var check_dst = (spacing >= Dygraph.SHORT_SPACINGS[Dygraph.TWO_HOURLY]);
- for (t = start_time; t <= end_time; t += spacing) {
- d = new Date(t);
- // This ensures that we stay on the same hourly "rhythm" across
- // daylight savings transitions. Without this, the ticks could get off
- // by an hour. See tests/daylight-savings.html or issue 147.
- if (check_dst && d.getTimezoneOffset() != start_offset_min) {
- var delta_min = d.getTimezoneOffset() - start_offset_min;
- t += delta_min * 60 * 1000;
- d = new Date(t);
- start_offset_min = d.getTimezoneOffset();
- // Check whether we've backed into the previous timezone again.
- // This can happen during a "spring forward" transition. In this case,
- // it's best to skip this tick altogether (we may be shooting for a
- // non-existent time like the 2AM that's skipped) and go to the next
- // one.
- if (new Date(t + spacing).getTimezoneOffset() != start_offset_min) {
- t += spacing;
- d = new Date(t);
- start_offset_min = d.getTimezoneOffset();
- }
- }
- ticks.push({ v:t,
- label: formatter(d, granularity, opts, dg)
- });
- }
+ var utc = opts("labelsDateUTC");
+ var step = Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[granularity].step;
+ var datefield = Dygraph.TICK_PLACEMENT[granularity].datefield;
+ // Choose appropiate date methods according to UTC or local time option.
+ // weekday: return the day of week from a Date object.
+ // decompose_date: decompose a Date object into an array of datefields.
+ // compose_date: compose a Date object from an array of date fields.
+ var compose_date, decompose_date, weekday;
+ if (utc) {
+ weekday = function (d) {
+ return d.getUTCDay();
+ };
+ decompose_date = function (d) {
+ var a = [];
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_Y] = d.getUTCFullYear();
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_M] = d.getUTCMonth();
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_D] = d.getUTCDate();
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_HH] = d.getUTCHours();
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_MM] = d.getUTCMinutes();
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_SS] = d.getUTCSeconds();
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_MS] = d.getUTCMilliseconds();
+ return a;
+ };
+ compose_date = function (a) {
+ var d = new Date(Date.UTC(a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_Y],
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_M],
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_D],
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_HH],
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_MM],
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_SS],
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_MS]));
+ return d;
+ };
} else {
- // Display a tick mark on the first of a set of months of each year.
- // Years get a tick mark iff y % year_mod == 0. This is useful for
- // displaying a tick mark once every 10 years, say, on long time scales.
- var months;
- var year_mod = 1; // e.g. to only print one point every 10 years.
+ weekday = function(d) {
+ return d.getDay();
+ };
+ decompose_date = function (d) {
+ var a = [];
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_Y] = d.getFullYear();
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_M] = d.getMonth();
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_D] = d.getDate();
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_HH] = d.getHours();
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_MM] = d.getMinutes();
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_SS] = d.getSeconds();
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_MS] = d.getMilliseconds();
+ return a;
+ };
+ compose_date = function (a) {
+ var d = new Date(a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_Y],
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_M],
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_D],
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_HH],
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_MM],
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_SS],
+ a[Dygraph.DATEFIELD_MS]);
+ return d;
+ };
+ }
+ // Choose a nice tick position before the initial instant.
+ // Currently, this code deals properly with the existent daily granularities:
+ // DAILY (with step of 1) and WEEKLY (with step of 7 but specially handled).
+ // Other daily granularities (say TWO_DAILY) should also be handled specially
+ // by setting the start_date_offset to 0.
+ var start_date = new Date(start_time);
+ var date_array = decompose_date(start_date);
+ var start_date_offset = date_array[datefield] % step;
+ if (granularity == Dygraph.WEEKLY) {
+ // This will put the ticks on Sundays.
+ start_date_offset = weekday(start_date);
+ }
+ date_array[datefield] -= start_date_offset;
+ for (var df = datefield + 1; df < Dygraph.NUM_DATEFIELDS; df++) {
+ // The minimum value is 1 for the day of month, and 0 for all other fields.
+ date_array[df] = (df === Dygraph.DATEFIELD_D) ? 1 : 0;
+ }
- if (granularity < Dygraph.NUM_GRANULARITIES) {
- months = Dygraph.LONG_TICK_PLACEMENTS[granularity].months;
- year_mod = Dygraph.LONG_TICK_PLACEMENTS[granularity].year_mod;
- } else {
- Dygraph.warn("Span of dates is too long");
- }
- var start_year = new Date(start_time).getFullYear();
- var end_year = new Date(end_time).getFullYear();
- var zeropad = Dygraph.zeropad;
- for (var i = start_year; i <= end_year; i++) {
- if (i % year_mod !== 0) continue;
- for (var j = 0; j < months.length; j++) {
- var date_str = i + "/" + zeropad(1 + months[j]) + "/01";
- t = Dygraph.dateStrToMillis(date_str);
- if (t < start_time || t > end_time) continue;
- ticks.push({ v:t,
- label: formatter(new Date(t), granularity, opts, dg)
- });
- }
+ // Generate the ticks.
+ // This relies on the roll over property of the Date functions:
+ // when some date field is set to a value outside of its logical range,
+ // the excess 'rolls over' the next (more significant) field.
+ // When using local time with DST transitions, different dates may represent
+ // the same time instant, so do not repeat the tick. At each step,
+ // we have to check that the date is effectively increased because native
+ // JS date functions do not assert that on DST transitions.
+ // Since start_date is no later than start_time (but possibly equal),
+ // assuming a previous tick just before start_time also removes an spurious
+ // tick outside the given time range.
+ var ticks = [];
+ var next_tick_date = compose_date(date_array);
+ var next_tick_time = next_tick_date.getTime();
+ var prev_tick_time = start_time - 1;
+ while (next_tick_time <= end_time) {
+ if (next_tick_time > prev_tick_time) {
+ ticks.push({ v: next_tick_time,
+ label: formatter(next_tick_date, granularity, opts, dg)
+ });
+ prev_tick_time = next_tick_time;
+ date_array[datefield] += step;
+ next_tick_date = compose_date(date_array);
+ next_tick_time = next_tick_date.getTime();
return ticks;