stackedGraph: false,
hideOverlayOnMouseOut: true,
+ // TODO(danvk): support 'onmouseover' and 'never', and remove synonyms.
+ legend: 'onmouseover', // the only relevant value at the moment is 'always'.
stepPlot: false,
avoidMinZero: false,
return -1;
+// TODO(danvk): rename this function to something like 'isNonZeroNan'.
Dygraph.isOK = function(x) {
return x && !isNaN(x);
Dygraph.prototype.generateLegendHTML_ = function(x, sel_points) {
+ // If no points are selected, we display a default legend. Traditionally,
+ // this has been blank. But a better default would be a conventional legend,
+ // which provides essential information for a non-interactive chart.
+ if (typeof(x) === 'undefined') {
+ if (this.attr_('legend') != 'always') return '';
+ var sepLines = this.attr_('labelsSeparateLines');
+ var labels = this.attr_('labels');
+ var html = '';
+ for (var i = 1; i < labels.length; i++) {
+ var c = new RGBColor(this.plotter_.colors[labels[i]]);
+ if (i > 1) html += (sepLines ? '<br/>' : ' ');
+ html += "<b><font color='" + c.toHex() + "'>—" + labels[i] +
+ "</font></b>";
+ }
+ return html;
+ }
var displayDigits = this.numXDigits_ + this.numExtraDigits_;
var html = this.attr_('xValueFormatter')(x, displayDigits) + ":";
var c = new RGBColor(this.plotter_.colors[]);
var yval = fmtFunc(pt.yval, displayDigits);
+ // TODO(danvk): use a template string here and make it an attribute.
html += " <b><font color='" + c.toHex() + "'>"
+ + "</font></b>:"
+ yval;
// Get rid of the overlay data
var ctx = this.canvas_.getContext("2d");
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width_, this.height_);
- this.attr_("labelsDiv").innerHTML = "";
+ this.attr_('labelsDiv').innerHTML = this.generateLegendHTML_();
this.selPoints_ = [];
this.lastx_ = -1;
this.canvas_.getContext('2d').clearRect(0, 0, this.canvas_.width,
+ if (is_initial_draw) {
+ // Generate a static legend before any particular point is selected.
+ this.attr_('labelsDiv').innerHTML = this.generateLegendHTML_();
+ }
if (this.attr_("drawCallback") !== null) {
this.attr_("drawCallback")(this, is_initial_draw);