+++ /dev/null
-# Ensures that dygraph-combined.js is unaffected.
-# Helpful for pull requests, where this is a common mistake.
-grep 'var' dygraph-combined.js > /dev/null
-if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
- echo 'Please revert changes to dygraph-combined.js' >&2
- echo 'You can do this by running: ' >& 2
- echo '' >& 2
- echo ' git checkout dygraph-combined.js' >&2
- echo '' >& 2
- exit 1
-exit 0
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Generate docs/options.html
-import glob
-import json
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-# Set this to the path to a test file to get debug output for just that test
-# file. Can be helpful to figure out why a test is not being shown for a
-# particular option.
-debug_tests = [] # [ 'tests/zoom.html' ]
-# Pull options reference JSON out of dygraph.js
-js = ''
-in_json = False
-for line in file('dygraph-options-reference.js'):
- if '<JSON>' in line:
- in_json = True
- elif '</JSON>' in line:
- in_json = False
- elif in_json:
- js += line
-# TODO(danvk): better errors here.
-assert js
-docs = json.loads(js)
-# Go through the tests and find uses of each option.
-for opt in docs:
- docs[opt]['tests'] = []
- docs[opt]['gallery'] = []
-# This is helpful for differentiating uses of options like 'width' and 'height'
-# from appearances of identically-named options in CSS.
-def find_braces(txt):
- """Really primitive method to find text inside of {..} braces.
- Doesn't work if there's an unmatched brace in a string, e.g. '{'. """
- out = ''
- level = 0
- for char in txt:
- if char == '{':
- level += 1
- if level >= 1:
- out += char
- if char == '}':
- level -= 1
- return out
-def search_files(type, files):
- # Find text followed by a colon. These won't all be options, but those that
- # have the same name as a Dygraph option probably will be.
- prop_re = re.compile(r'\b([a-zA-Z0-9]+) *:')
- for test_file in files:
- if os.path.isfile(test_file): # Basically skips directories
- text = file(test_file).read()
- # Hack for slipping past gallery demos that have title in their attributes
- # so they don't appear as reasons for the demo to have 'title' options.
- if type == "gallery":
- idx = text.find("function(")
- if idx >= 0:
- text = text[idx:]
- braced_html = find_braces(text)
- if debug_tests:
- print braced_html
- ms = re.findall(prop_re, braced_html)
- for opt in ms:
- if debug_tests: print '\n'.join(ms)
- if opt in docs and test_file not in docs[opt][type]:
- docs[opt][type].append(test_file)
-search_files("tests", glob.glob("tests/*.html"))
-search_files("gallery", glob.glob("gallery/*.js")) #TODO add grep "Gallery.register\("
-if debug_tests: sys.exit(0)
-# Extract a labels list.
-labels = []
-for _, opt in docs.iteritems():
- for label in opt['labels']:
- if label not in labels:
- labels.append(label)
-print """
-<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
- This file is generated by generate-documentation.py.
-<link rel=stylesheet href="options.css" />
-print """
-<div class="col-lg-3">
-<div class="dygraphs-side-nav affix-top" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="0">
-<ul class='nav'>
- <li><a href="#usage">Usage</a>
-for label in sorted(labels):
- print ' <li><a href="#%s">%s</a>\n' % (label, label)
-print '</ul></div></div>\n\n'
-print """
-<div id='content' class='col-lg-9'>
-<h2>Options Reference</h2>
-<p>Dygraphs tries to do a good job of displaying your data without any further configuration. But inevitably, you're going to want to tinker. Dygraphs provides a rich set of options for configuring its display and behavior.</p>
-<a name="usage"></a><h3>Usage</h3>
-<p>You specify options in the third parameter to the dygraphs constructor:</p>
-<pre>g = new Dygraph(div,
- data,
- {
- option1: value1,
- option2: value2,
- ...
- });
-<p>After you've created a Dygraph, you can change an option by calling the <code>updateOptions</code> method:</p>
- new_option1: value1,
- new_option2: value2
- });
-<p>Some options can be set on a per-axis and per-series basis. See the docs on <a href="per-axis.html">per-axis and per-series options</a> to learn how to do this. The options which may be set in this way are marked as such on this page.</p>
-<p>For options which are functions (e.g. callbacks and formatters), the value of <code>this</code> is set to the Dygraph object.</p>
-<p>And, without further ado, here's the complete list of options:</p>
-def test_name(f):
- """Takes 'tests/demo.html' -> 'demo'"""
- return f.replace('tests/', '').replace('.html', '')
-def gallery_name(f):
- """Takes 'gallery/demo.js' -> 'demo'"""
- return f.replace('gallery/', '').replace('.js', '')
-def urlify_gallery(f):
- """Takes 'gallery/demo.js' -> 'demo'"""
- return f.replace('gallery/', 'gallery/#g/').replace('.js', '')
-for label in sorted(labels):
- print '<a name="%s"></a><h3>%s</h3>\n' % (label, label)
- for opt_name in sorted(docs.keys()):
- opt = docs[opt_name]
- if label not in opt['labels']: continue
- tests = opt['tests']
- if not tests:
- examples_html = '<font color=red>NONE</font>'
- else:
- examples_html = ' '.join(
- '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (f, test_name(f)) for f in tests)
- gallery = opt['gallery']
- if not gallery:
- gallery_html = '<font color=red>NONE</font>'
- else:
- gallery_html = ' '.join(
- '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (urlify_gallery(f), gallery_name(f)) for f in gallery)
- if 'parameters' in opt:
- parameters = opt['parameters']
- parameters_html = '\n'.join("<i>%s</i>: %s<br/>" % (p[0], p[1]) for p in parameters)
- parameters_html = "\n <div class='parameters'>\n%s</div>" % (parameters_html);
- else:
- parameters_html = ''
- if not opt['type']: opt['type'] = '(missing)'
- if not opt['default']: opt['default'] = '(missing)'
- if not opt['description']: opt['description'] = '(missing)'
- print """
- <div class='option'><a name="%(name)s"></a><b>%(name)s</b>
- <a class="link" href="#%(name)s">#</a>
- <br/>
- <p>%(desc)s</p>
- <i>Type: %(type)s</i><br/>%(parameters)s
- <i>Default: %(default)s</i></p>
- Gallery Samples: %(gallery_html)s<br/>
- Other Examples: %(examples_html)s<br/>
- <br/></div>
- """ % { 'name': opt_name,
- 'type': opt['type'],
- 'parameters': parameters_html,
- 'default': opt['default'],
- 'desc': opt['description'],
- 'examples_html': examples_html,
- 'gallery_html': gallery_html}
-print """
-<a name="point_properties"></a><h3>Point Properties</h3>
-Some callbacks take a point argument. Its properties are:<br/>
-<li>xval/yval: The data coordinates of the point (with dates/times as millis since epoch)</li>
-<li>canvasx/canvasy: The canvas coordinates at which the point is drawn.</li>
-<li>name: The name of the data series to which the point belongs</li>
-<li>idx: The row number of the point in the data set</li>
-</div> <!-- #content -->
-<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
-# This page was super-helpful:
-# http://jsbeautifier.org/
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/env python
-# Generates docs/download.html
-# Run:
-# ./generate-download.py > docs/download.html
-import json
-releases = json.load(file('releases.json'))
-def file_links(release):
- v = release['version']
- return ['<a href="%(v)s/%(f)s">%(f)s</a>' % {
- 'f': f, 'v': v} for f in release['files']]
-# Validation of releases.json
-for idx, release in enumerate(releases):
- if idx == 0: continue
- assert 'version' in release, 'Release missing version: %s' % release
- assert 'files' in release, 'Release missing files: %s' % release
- assert release['version'] < releases[idx - 1]['version'], (
- 'Releases should be in reverse chronological order in releases.json')
-current_html = '<p>' + ('</p><p>'.join(file_links(releases[0]))) + '</p>'
-previous_lis = []
-for release in releases[1:]:
- previous_lis.append('<li>%(v)s: %(files)s (<a href="%(v)s/">%(v)s docs</a>)' % {
- 'v': release['version'],
- 'files': ', '.join(file_links(release))
- })
-print '''
-<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
- This file is generated by generate-download.py.
-<script src="modernizr.custom.18445.js"></script>
-<p>The current version of dygraphs is <b>%(version)s</b>. Most users will want to download minified files for this version:</p>
-<div id="current-release" class="panel">
-<p>There's a hosted version of dygraphs on <a href="https://cdnjs.com/libraries/dygraph">cdnjs.com</a>:</p>
-<pre><script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/dygraph/%(version)s/dygraph-combined.js"></script></pre>
-<p>You can install dygraphs using <a href="https://www.npmjs.org/package/dygraphs">NPM</a> or <a href="http://bower.io/search/?q=dygraphs">Bower</a>.</p>
-<p>To install using NPM:</p>
-<pre>$ npm install dygraphs
-# dygraphs is now in node_modules/dygraphs/dygraph-combined.js</pre>
-<p>To install using bower:</p>
-<pre>$ bower install dygraphs
-# dygraphs is now in bower_components/dygraphs/dygraph-combined.js</pre>
-<p>Most distributions include a source map. For non-concatenated JS, see <a href="https://github.com/danvk/dygraphs/blob/master/dygraph-dev.js">dygraph-dev.js</a> on <a href="https://github.com/danvk/dygraphs/">github</a>.</a>
-<p>To generate your own minified JS, run:</p>
-<pre>git clone https://github.com/danvk/dygraphs.git
-<p>This will create a dygraph.min.js file in the dygraphs directory.</p>
-<p>You may also download files for previously-released versions:</p>
-<p>See <a href="/versions.html">Version History</a> for more information on each release.</p>
-<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
-''' % {
- 'version': releases[0]['version'],
- 'current_html': current_html,
- 'previous_lis': '\n'.join(previous_lis)
- }
+++ /dev/null
-# Generates JSDoc in the /jsdoc dir. Clears any existing jsdoc there.
-rm -rf jsdoc
-echo Generating JSDoc...
-java -jar jsdoc-toolkit/jsrun.jar \
- jsdoc-toolkit/app/run.js \
- -d=jsdoc -t=jsdoc-toolkit/templates/jsdoc \
- dygraph.js \
-| tee /tmp/dygraphs-jsdocerrors.txt
-if [ -s /tmp/dygraphs-jsdocerrors.txt ]; then
- echo Please fix any jsdoc errors/warnings before sending patches.
-chmod -R a+rX jsdoc
-echo Done
+++ /dev/null
-# This script generates the combined JS file, pushes all content to a web site
-# and then reverts the combined file.
-if [ "$1" == "" ] ; then
- echo "usage: $0 destination"
- exit 1
-set -x
-# Produce dygraph-combined.js and dygraph-combined-dev.js
-./generate-combined.sh cat-dev > dygraph-combined-dev.js
-# Generate documentation.
-./generate-documentation.py > docs/options.html
-chmod a+r docs/options.html
-if [ -s docs/options.html ] ; then
- ./generate-jsdoc.sh
- ./generate-download.py > docs/download.html
- temp_dir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/dygraphs-docs.XXXX)
- cd docs
- ./ssi_expander.py $temp_dir
- cd ..
- # Make sure everything will be readable on the web.
- # This is like "chmod -R a+rX", but excludes the .git directory.
- find . -path ./.git -prune -o -print | xargs chmod a+rX
- # Copy everything to the site.
- rsync -avzr gallery common tests jsdoc experimental plugins datahandler polyfills extras $site \
- && \
- rsync -avzr --copy-links dashed-canvas.js dygraph*.js gadget.xml thumbnail.png screenshot.png $temp_dir/* $site/
- echo "generate-documentation.py failed"
-# Revert changes to dygraph-combined.js and docs.
-make clean-combined-test
-rm dygraph-combined-dev.js
-git checkout docs/download.html
-rm docs/options.html
-rm -rf $temp_dir
+++ /dev/null
-# This script "releases" a version of dygraphs.
-if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
- echo "Usage: $0 X.Y.Z" >&2
- exit 1
-echo $VERSION | egrep '\d+\.\d+\.\d+' > /dev/null
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Version must be of the form 1.2.3 (got '$VERSION')" >&2
- exit 1
-# Make sure this is being run from a release branch with the correct name.
-branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
-if [ $branch != "release-$VERSION" ]; then
- echo "Must be on a branch named 'release-$VERSION' (found '$branch')" >&2
- exit 1
-git status | grep 'working directory clean' > /dev/null
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Must release with a clean working directory. Commit your changes." >&2
- exit 1
-grep "$VERSION" package.json
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Version in package.json doesn't match command line argument." >&2
- exit 1
-grep "v$VERSION" bower.json
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Version in bower.json doesn't match command line argument." >&2
- exit 1
-grep "$VERSION" releases.json
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Version $VERSION does not appear in releases.json." >&2
- exit 1
-rm dygraph-combined.js # changes to this will make the tests fail.
-make lint test test-combined
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Tests failed. Won't release!" >&2
- exit 1
-git reset --hard # make test-combined deletes the source map
-# Push a permanent copy of documentation & generated files to a versioned copy
-# of the site. This is where the downloadable files are generated.
-# TODO(danvk): make sure this actually generates the downloadable files!
-echo "Pushing docs and generated files to dygraphs.com/$VERSION"
-./push-to-web.sh dygraphs.com:dygraphs.com/$VERSION
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
- echo "Push to web failed" >&2
- exit 1
-# Everything is good.
-# Switch to the "releases" branch, merge this change and tag it.
-echo "Switching branches to do the release."
-git checkout releases
-git merge --no-ff $branch
-COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
-echo "Tagging commit $COMMIT as version $VERSION"
-git tag -a "v$VERSION" -m "Release of version $VERSION"
-git push --tags
-echo "Release was successful!"
-echo "Pushing the new version to dygraphs.com..."
-./push-to-web.sh dygraphs.com:dygraphs.com
-echo "Success!\n"
-echo "Don't forget to merge changes on this branch back into master:"
-echo "git merge --no-ff $branch"
-# Discourage users from working on the "releases" branch.
-git checkout master
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Generate docs/options.html
+import glob
+import json
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+# Set this to the path to a test file to get debug output for just that test
+# file. Can be helpful to figure out why a test is not being shown for a
+# particular option.
+debug_tests = [] # [ 'tests/zoom.html' ]
+# Pull options reference JSON out of dygraph.js
+js = ''
+in_json = False
+for line in file('dygraph-options-reference.js'):
+ if '<JSON>' in line:
+ in_json = True
+ elif '</JSON>' in line:
+ in_json = False
+ elif in_json:
+ js += line
+# TODO(danvk): better errors here.
+assert js
+docs = json.loads(js)
+# Go through the tests and find uses of each option.
+for opt in docs:
+ docs[opt]['tests'] = []
+ docs[opt]['gallery'] = []
+# This is helpful for differentiating uses of options like 'width' and 'height'
+# from appearances of identically-named options in CSS.
+def find_braces(txt):
+ """Really primitive method to find text inside of {..} braces.
+ Doesn't work if there's an unmatched brace in a string, e.g. '{'. """
+ out = ''
+ level = 0
+ for char in txt:
+ if char == '{':
+ level += 1
+ if level >= 1:
+ out += char
+ if char == '}':
+ level -= 1
+ return out
+def search_files(type, files):
+ # Find text followed by a colon. These won't all be options, but those that
+ # have the same name as a Dygraph option probably will be.
+ prop_re = re.compile(r'\b([a-zA-Z0-9]+) *:')
+ for test_file in files:
+ if os.path.isfile(test_file): # Basically skips directories
+ text = file(test_file).read()
+ # Hack for slipping past gallery demos that have title in their attributes
+ # so they don't appear as reasons for the demo to have 'title' options.
+ if type == "gallery":
+ idx = text.find("function(")
+ if idx >= 0:
+ text = text[idx:]
+ braced_html = find_braces(text)
+ if debug_tests:
+ print braced_html
+ ms = re.findall(prop_re, braced_html)
+ for opt in ms:
+ if debug_tests: print '\n'.join(ms)
+ if opt in docs and test_file not in docs[opt][type]:
+ docs[opt][type].append(test_file)
+search_files("tests", glob.glob("tests/*.html"))
+search_files("gallery", glob.glob("gallery/*.js")) #TODO add grep "Gallery.register\("
+if debug_tests: sys.exit(0)
+# Extract a labels list.
+labels = []
+for _, opt in docs.iteritems():
+ for label in opt['labels']:
+ if label not in labels:
+ labels.append(label)
+print """
+<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
+ This file is generated by generate-documentation.py.
+<link rel=stylesheet href="options.css" />
+print """
+<div class="col-lg-3">
+<div class="dygraphs-side-nav affix-top" data-spy="affix" data-offset-top="0">
+<ul class='nav'>
+ <li><a href="#usage">Usage</a>
+for label in sorted(labels):
+ print ' <li><a href="#%s">%s</a>\n' % (label, label)
+print '</ul></div></div>\n\n'
+print """
+<div id='content' class='col-lg-9'>
+<h2>Options Reference</h2>
+<p>Dygraphs tries to do a good job of displaying your data without any further configuration. But inevitably, you're going to want to tinker. Dygraphs provides a rich set of options for configuring its display and behavior.</p>
+<a name="usage"></a><h3>Usage</h3>
+<p>You specify options in the third parameter to the dygraphs constructor:</p>
+<pre>g = new Dygraph(div,
+ data,
+ {
+ option1: value1,
+ option2: value2,
+ ...
+ });
+<p>After you've created a Dygraph, you can change an option by calling the <code>updateOptions</code> method:</p>
+ new_option1: value1,
+ new_option2: value2
+ });
+<p>Some options can be set on a per-axis and per-series basis. See the docs on <a href="per-axis.html">per-axis and per-series options</a> to learn how to do this. The options which may be set in this way are marked as such on this page.</p>
+<p>For options which are functions (e.g. callbacks and formatters), the value of <code>this</code> is set to the Dygraph object.</p>
+<p>And, without further ado, here's the complete list of options:</p>
+def test_name(f):
+ """Takes 'tests/demo.html' -> 'demo'"""
+ return f.replace('tests/', '').replace('.html', '')
+def gallery_name(f):
+ """Takes 'gallery/demo.js' -> 'demo'"""
+ return f.replace('gallery/', '').replace('.js', '')
+def urlify_gallery(f):
+ """Takes 'gallery/demo.js' -> 'demo'"""
+ return f.replace('gallery/', 'gallery/#g/').replace('.js', '')
+for label in sorted(labels):
+ print '<a name="%s"></a><h3>%s</h3>\n' % (label, label)
+ for opt_name in sorted(docs.keys()):
+ opt = docs[opt_name]
+ if label not in opt['labels']: continue
+ tests = opt['tests']
+ if not tests:
+ examples_html = '<font color=red>NONE</font>'
+ else:
+ examples_html = ' '.join(
+ '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (f, test_name(f)) for f in tests)
+ gallery = opt['gallery']
+ if not gallery:
+ gallery_html = '<font color=red>NONE</font>'
+ else:
+ gallery_html = ' '.join(
+ '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (urlify_gallery(f), gallery_name(f)) for f in gallery)
+ if 'parameters' in opt:
+ parameters = opt['parameters']
+ parameters_html = '\n'.join("<i>%s</i>: %s<br/>" % (p[0], p[1]) for p in parameters)
+ parameters_html = "\n <div class='parameters'>\n%s</div>" % (parameters_html);
+ else:
+ parameters_html = ''
+ if not opt['type']: opt['type'] = '(missing)'
+ if not opt['default']: opt['default'] = '(missing)'
+ if not opt['description']: opt['description'] = '(missing)'
+ print """
+ <div class='option'><a name="%(name)s"></a><b>%(name)s</b>
+ <a class="link" href="#%(name)s">#</a>
+ <br/>
+ <p>%(desc)s</p>
+ <i>Type: %(type)s</i><br/>%(parameters)s
+ <i>Default: %(default)s</i></p>
+ Gallery Samples: %(gallery_html)s<br/>
+ Other Examples: %(examples_html)s<br/>
+ <br/></div>
+ """ % { 'name': opt_name,
+ 'type': opt['type'],
+ 'parameters': parameters_html,
+ 'default': opt['default'],
+ 'desc': opt['description'],
+ 'examples_html': examples_html,
+ 'gallery_html': gallery_html}
+print """
+<a name="point_properties"></a><h3>Point Properties</h3>
+Some callbacks take a point argument. Its properties are:<br/>
+<li>xval/yval: The data coordinates of the point (with dates/times as millis since epoch)</li>
+<li>canvasx/canvasy: The canvas coordinates at which the point is drawn.</li>
+<li>name: The name of the data series to which the point belongs</li>
+<li>idx: The row number of the point in the data set</li>
+</div> <!-- #content -->
+<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
+# This page was super-helpful:
+# http://jsbeautifier.org/
--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Generates docs/download.html
+# Run:
+# ./generate-download.py > docs/download.html
+import json
+releases = json.load(file('releases.json'))
+def file_links(release):
+ v = release['version']
+ return ['<a href="%(v)s/%(f)s">%(f)s</a>' % {
+ 'f': f, 'v': v} for f in release['files']]
+# Validation of releases.json
+for idx, release in enumerate(releases):
+ if idx == 0: continue
+ assert 'version' in release, 'Release missing version: %s' % release
+ assert 'files' in release, 'Release missing files: %s' % release
+ assert release['version'] < releases[idx - 1]['version'], (
+ 'Releases should be in reverse chronological order in releases.json')
+current_html = '<p>' + ('</p><p>'.join(file_links(releases[0]))) + '</p>'
+previous_lis = []
+for release in releases[1:]:
+ previous_lis.append('<li>%(v)s: %(files)s (<a href="%(v)s/">%(v)s docs</a>)' % {
+ 'v': release['version'],
+ 'files': ', '.join(file_links(release))
+ })
+print '''
+<!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
+ This file is generated by generate-download.py.
+<script src="modernizr.custom.18445.js"></script>
+<p>The current version of dygraphs is <b>%(version)s</b>. Most users will want to download minified files for this version:</p>
+<div id="current-release" class="panel">
+<p>There's a hosted version of dygraphs on <a href="https://cdnjs.com/libraries/dygraph">cdnjs.com</a>:</p>
+<pre><script src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/dygraph/%(version)s/dygraph-combined.js"></script></pre>
+<p>You can install dygraphs using <a href="https://www.npmjs.org/package/dygraphs">NPM</a> or <a href="http://bower.io/search/?q=dygraphs">Bower</a>.</p>
+<p>To install using NPM:</p>
+<pre>$ npm install dygraphs
+# dygraphs is now in node_modules/dygraphs/dygraph-combined.js</pre>
+<p>To install using bower:</p>
+<pre>$ bower install dygraphs
+# dygraphs is now in bower_components/dygraphs/dygraph-combined.js</pre>
+<p>Most distributions include a source map. For non-concatenated JS, see <a href="https://github.com/danvk/dygraphs/blob/master/dygraph-dev.js">dygraph-dev.js</a> on <a href="https://github.com/danvk/dygraphs/">github</a>.</a>
+<p>To generate your own minified JS, run:</p>
+<pre>git clone https://github.com/danvk/dygraphs.git
+<p>This will create a dygraph.min.js file in the dygraphs directory.</p>
+<p>You may also download files for previously-released versions:</p>
+<p>See <a href="/versions.html">Version History</a> for more information on each release.</p>
+<!--#include virtual="footer.html" -->
+''' % {
+ 'version': releases[0]['version'],
+ 'current_html': current_html,
+ 'previous_lis': '\n'.join(previous_lis)
+ }
--- /dev/null
+# Generates JSDoc in the /jsdoc dir. Clears any existing jsdoc there.
+rm -rf jsdoc
+echo Generating JSDoc...
+java -jar jsdoc-toolkit/jsrun.jar \
+ jsdoc-toolkit/app/run.js \
+ -d=jsdoc -t=jsdoc-toolkit/templates/jsdoc \
+ dygraph.js \
+| tee /tmp/dygraphs-jsdocerrors.txt
+if [ -s /tmp/dygraphs-jsdocerrors.txt ]; then
+ echo Please fix any jsdoc errors/warnings before sending patches.
+chmod -R a+rX jsdoc
+echo Done
--- /dev/null
+# This script generates the combined JS file, pushes all content to a web site
+# and then reverts the combined file.
+if [ "$1" == "" ] ; then
+ echo "usage: $0 destination"
+ exit 1
+set -x
+# Produce dygraph-combined.js and dygraph-combined-dev.js
+./generate-combined.sh cat-dev > dygraph-combined-dev.js
+# Generate documentation.
+./generate-documentation.py > docs/options.html
+chmod a+r docs/options.html
+if [ -s docs/options.html ] ; then
+ ./generate-jsdoc.sh
+ ./generate-download.py > docs/download.html
+ temp_dir=$(mktemp -d /tmp/dygraphs-docs.XXXX)
+ cd docs
+ ./ssi_expander.py $temp_dir
+ cd ..
+ # Make sure everything will be readable on the web.
+ # This is like "chmod -R a+rX", but excludes the .git directory.
+ find . -path ./.git -prune -o -print | xargs chmod a+rX
+ # Copy everything to the site.
+ rsync -avzr gallery common tests jsdoc experimental plugins datahandler polyfills extras $site \
+ && \
+ rsync -avzr --copy-links dashed-canvas.js dygraph*.js gadget.xml thumbnail.png screenshot.png $temp_dir/* $site/
+ echo "generate-documentation.py failed"
+# Revert changes to dygraph-combined.js and docs.
+make clean-combined-test
+rm dygraph-combined-dev.js
+git checkout docs/download.html
+rm docs/options.html
+rm -rf $temp_dir
--- /dev/null
+# This script "releases" a version of dygraphs.
+if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
+ echo "Usage: $0 X.Y.Z" >&2
+ exit 1
+echo $VERSION | egrep '\d+\.\d+\.\d+' > /dev/null
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Version must be of the form 1.2.3 (got '$VERSION')" >&2
+ exit 1
+# Make sure this is being run from a release branch with the correct name.
+branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
+if [ $branch != "release-$VERSION" ]; then
+ echo "Must be on a branch named 'release-$VERSION' (found '$branch')" >&2
+ exit 1
+git status | grep 'working directory clean' > /dev/null
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Must release with a clean working directory. Commit your changes." >&2
+ exit 1
+grep "$VERSION" package.json
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Version in package.json doesn't match command line argument." >&2
+ exit 1
+grep "v$VERSION" bower.json
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Version in bower.json doesn't match command line argument." >&2
+ exit 1
+grep "$VERSION" releases.json
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Version $VERSION does not appear in releases.json." >&2
+ exit 1
+rm dygraph-combined.js # changes to this will make the tests fail.
+make lint test test-combined
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Tests failed. Won't release!" >&2
+ exit 1
+git reset --hard # make test-combined deletes the source map
+# Push a permanent copy of documentation & generated files to a versioned copy
+# of the site. This is where the downloadable files are generated.
+# TODO(danvk): make sure this actually generates the downloadable files!
+echo "Pushing docs and generated files to dygraphs.com/$VERSION"
+./push-to-web.sh dygraphs.com:dygraphs.com/$VERSION
+if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
+ echo "Push to web failed" >&2
+ exit 1
+# Everything is good.
+# Switch to the "releases" branch, merge this change and tag it.
+echo "Switching branches to do the release."
+git checkout releases
+git merge --no-ff $branch
+COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
+echo "Tagging commit $COMMIT as version $VERSION"
+git tag -a "v$VERSION" -m "Release of version $VERSION"
+git push --tags
+echo "Release was successful!"
+echo "Pushing the new version to dygraphs.com..."
+./push-to-web.sh dygraphs.com:dygraphs.com
+echo "Success!\n"
+echo "Don't forget to merge changes on this branch back into master:"
+echo "git merge --no-ff $branch"
+# Discourage users from working on the "releases" branch.
+git checkout master
+++ /dev/null
-which phantomjs > /dev/null
-if [ $? != 0 ]; then
- echo You must install phantomjs to use command-line testing.
- echo Visit http://www.phantomjs.org/ to get it.
- echo
- echo OR open auto_tests/misc/local.html in a browser.
- echo OR follow the instructions in auto_tests/README
- exit 1
-# Don't run tests if the documentation doesn't parse.
-./generate-documentation.py > /dev/null
-if [ $? != 0 ]; then
- echo Failed to generate documentation. Fix this before running tests.
- exit 1
-phantomjs phantom-driver.js $* | tee /tmp/test-results.txt
-trap "rm -f /tmp/test-results.txt" EXIT
-if grep -q 'FAIL' /tmp/test-results.txt; then
- echo One or more tests failed.
- exit 1