var stacked_datasets = [];
// Loop over all fields in the dataset
for (var i = 1; i < data[0].length; i++) {
if (!this.visibility()[i - 1]) continue;
series = this.rollingAverage(series, this.rollPeriod_);
// Prune down to the desired range, if necessary (for zooming)
+ // Because there can be lines going to points outside of the visible area,
+ // we actually prune to visible points, plus one on either side.
var bars = this.attr_("errorBars") || this.attr_("customBars");
if (this.dateWindow_) {
var low = this.dateWindow_[0];
var high= this.dateWindow_[1];
var pruned = [];
+ // TODO(danvk): do binary search instead of linear search.
+ // TODO(danvk): pass firstIdx and lastIdx directly to the renderer.
+ var firstIdx = null, lastIdx = null;
for (var k = 0; k < series.length; k++) {
- // if (series[k][0] >= low && series[k][0] <= high) {
- pruned.push(series[k]);
- // }
+ if (series[k][0] >= low && firstIdx === null) {
+ firstIdx = k;
+ }
+ if (series[k][0] <= high) {
+ lastIdx = k;
+ }
+ }
+ if (firstIdx === null) firstIdx = 0;
+ if (firstIdx > 0) firstIdx--;
+ if (lastIdx === null) lastIdx = series.length - 1;
+ if (lastIdx < series.length - 1) lastIdx++;
+ for (var k = firstIdx; k <= lastIdx; k++) {
+ pruned.push(series[k]);
series = pruned;