--- /dev/null
+ * @fileoverview Tests for the highlightSeriesBackgroundAlpha and highlightSeriesBackgroundColor options.
+ * @author sergeyslepian@gmail.com
+ */
+describe("highlight-series-background", function() {
+ beforeEach(function () {
+ document.body.innerHTML = "<div id='graph'></div>";
+ });
+ afterEach(function () {
+ });
+ function setupGraph(highlightSeriesBackgroundAlpha, highlightSeriesBackgroundColor) {
+ var opts = {
+ width: 480,
+ height: 320,
+ labels: ['x', 'y'],
+ legend: 'always',
+ highlightSeriesOpts: {
+ strokeWidth: 1,
+ strokeBorderWidth: 1,
+ highlightCircleSize: 1
+ }
+ };
+ if(highlightSeriesBackgroundAlpha !== undefined) opts.highlightSeriesBackgroundAlpha = highlightSeriesBackgroundAlpha;
+ if(highlightSeriesBackgroundColor !== undefined) opts.highlightSeriesBackgroundColor = highlightSeriesBackgroundColor;
+ var data = [];
+ for (var j = 0; j < 10; j++) {
+ data.push([j, 0]);
+ }
+ var graph = document.getElementById("graph");
+ return new Dygraph(graph, data, opts);
+ }
+ it('testDefaultHighlight', function(done) {
+ var graph = setupGraph();
+ assert.deepEqual(Util.samplePixel(graph.canvas_, 100, 100), [0,0,0,0]);
+ graph.setSelection(0, 'y', true);
+ // handle background color fade-in time
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ assert.deepEqual(Util.samplePixel(graph.canvas_, 100, 100), [255,255,255,127]);
+ done();
+ }, 1000);
+ });
+ it('testNoHighlight', function(done) {
+ var graph = setupGraph(1);
+ assert.deepEqual(Util.samplePixel(graph.canvas_, 100, 100), [0,0,0,0]);
+ graph.setSelection(0, 'y', true);
+ // handle background color fade-in time
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ assert.deepEqual(Util.samplePixel(graph.canvas_, 100, 100), [0,0,0,0]);
+ done();
+ }, 1000);
+ });
+ it('testCustomHighlightColor', function(done) {
+ var graph = setupGraph(undefined, 'rgb(0,255,255)');
+ assert.deepEqual(Util.samplePixel(graph.canvas_, 100, 100), [0,0,0,0]);
+ graph.setSelection(0, 'y', true);
+ // handle background color fade-in time
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ assert.deepEqual(Util.samplePixel(graph.canvas_, 100, 100), [0,255,255,127]);
+ done();
+ }, 1000);
+ });
+ it('testCustomHighlightAlpha', function(done) {
+ var graph = setupGraph(0.3);
+ assert.deepEqual(Util.samplePixel(graph.canvas_, 100, 100), [0,0,0,0]);
+ graph.setSelection(0, 'y', true);
+ // handle background color fade-in time
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ assert.deepEqual(Util.samplePixel(graph.canvas_, 100, 100), [255,255,255,179]);
+ done();
+ }, 1000);
+ });
+ it('testCustomHighlightColorAndAlpha', function(done) {
+ var graph = setupGraph(0.7,'rgb(255,0,0)');
+ assert.deepEqual(Util.samplePixel(graph.canvas_, 100, 100), [0,0,0,0]);
+ graph.setSelection(0, 'y', true);
+ // handle background color fade-in time
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ assert.deepEqual(Util.samplePixel(graph.canvas_, 100, 100), [255,0,0,76]);
+ done();
+ }, 1000);
+ });
\ No newline at end of file
if (this.getOption('highlightSeriesOpts')) {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.width_, this.height_);
var alpha = 1.0 - this.getNumericOption('highlightSeriesBackgroundAlpha');
+ var backgroundColor = Dygraph.toRGB_(this.getOption('highlightSeriesBackgroundColor'));
if (alpha) {
// Activating background fade includes an animation effect for a gradual
// fade. TODO(klausw): make this independently configurable if it causes
alpha *= opt_animFraction;
- ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(255,255,255,' + alpha + ')';
+ ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(' + backgroundColor.r + ',' + backgroundColor.g + ',' + backgroundColor.b + ',' + alpha + ')';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.width_, this.height_);