{% extends "basex.html" %} {% load markup %} {% block pageid %}code{% endblock %} {% block headers %} {% endblock %} {% block title %}PlotKit.Canvas{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% filter markdown %} [PlotKit Home](PlotKit.html) | [<<](PlotKit.SweetSVG.html) PlotKit EasyPlot ================ EasyPlot is a wrapper around the various PlotKit classes to allow you to get a chart plotted as quick as possible with as little code as possible. Using EasyPlot, you will get a chart started with just a single line. Constructor ----------- ``PlotKit.EasyPlot(style, options, divElement, datasourceArray)`` EasyPlot object will automatically choose the supported render method, currently Canvas or SVG in that order, and render the datasources given in ``datasourceArray``. ### Arguments: * ``style`` may be ``line``, ``bar`` or ``pie``. * ``options`` is an associative dictionary that is the combined options of both ``Layout`` and ``Renderer``. * ``divElement`` is the container that the chart should be rendered in. It is best that the ``width`` and ``height`` attribute is set in the ``DIV`` element. * ``datasourceArray`` is an array of data sources. The elements of the array can either be a two dimensional array given in ``Plotkit.Layout.addDataset`` or it can be a string that points to the relative URL of a comma separated data file. EasyPlot Example ----------------
In this example, two datasets are passed, one defined as a 2D array and another which is a comma separated text file (CSV) at the location "sample.txt". A demonstration of this is found in the [QuickStartEasy][] example. [QuickStartEasy]: http://media.liquidx.net/js/plotkit-tests/quickstart-easy.html {% endfilter %}
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