{% extends "basex.html" %} {% load markup %} {% block pageid %}code{% endblock %} {% block headers %} {% endblock %} {% block title %}PlotKit.Canvas{% endblock %} {% block content %}
{% filter markdown %} [PlotKit Home](PlotKit.html) | [<<](PlotKit.Renderer.html) | [>>](PlotKit.SVG.html) PlotKit Canvas ============== This contains the CanvasRenderer, the default renderer and most well supported one used in PlotKit. It supports Safari 2, Firefox 1.5, Opera 9 and IE 6. Note that for IE6 support, you will need iecanvas.htc which is included with PlotKit. Please see the [Canvas/SVG Browser Support Status][Browser] for bugs with the Canvas implementation on different browsers. PlotKit Canvas Extra Options ---------------------------- In addition to the options outlined in [PlotKit.Renderer][], here are additional options that the CanvasRenderer supports.
Option nameDescriptionTypeDefault
IECanvasHTC Path relative to the HTML document of the iecanvas.htc file. string iecanvas.htc
PlotKit Canvas Example ---------------------- var options = { "drawsBackground": true, "drawYAxis": false, "IECanvasHTC": "contrib/iecanvas.htc" }; var layout = new Layout("bar", {}); layout.addDataset("squares", [[0, 0], [1, 1], [2, 4], [3, 9], [4, 16]]); layout.evaluate() var renderer = new CanvasRenderer($('canvas'), layout, options); layout.render(); PlotKit Canvas Events/Signals ----------------------------- There is preliminary support for events in the CanvasRenderer. If ``enableEvents`` is set ``true`` in the options, you can hook into the ``onmousemove``, ``onclick``, ``onmouseover`` and ``onmouseout`` events via the MochiKit.Signal.connect. Note that you must have included MochiKit/Signal.js before instantiating the CanvasRenderer PlotKit Canvas Notes -------------------- ### IE Support IE Support is done thanks to webfx's great iecanvas.htc which emulates part of the WHATWG canvas specification. Note that alpha values and clear() does not work in IE. Remember that iecanvas.htc __must__ reside on the same domain as the HTML page itself. [PlotKit.Renderer]: PlotKit.Renderer.html [Browser]: SVGCanvasCompat.html {% endfilter %}
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