numSymbs = 2^16; M = 4; % QPSK Rsym = 28e9; % symbol rate (sym/sec) %% zs: array of distances z to be simulated % Example: zs = 42; zs = 40:10:100; zs = [300, 500, 1000]; zs = 42; plotlen = length(zs); %% Tx RRC filter properties rolloff = 0.25; span = 6; % filter span sps = 16; % samples per symbol %% Sampling frequency fs = Rsym * sps; % Hz Tsamp = 1 / fs; % s % t: time vector, s t = (0 : 1 / fs : numSymbs / Rsym - 1 / fs).'; %% Chromatic dispersion D = 17; % ps / (nm km) lambda = 1550; % nm %% Laser phase noise linewidthTx = 0; % Hz linewidthLO = 1e6; % Hz %% Kerr effect / SSFS parameters gamma = 1.2; % watt^-1 / km alpha = 0.2; % dB/km dz = 2; % Step size, km %% Polarization state rotation parameters rot_omega = 1e3; % rad/s rot_phi = 2; % rad %% Launch power, per wavelength channel power_dBm = 0; power = 10 .^ (power_dBm / 10) * 1e-3; % watts %% WDM properties wavelength_channels = 3; dw = 2 * pi * 50e9; % channel spacing (rad/s) %% Shot noise hc = 6.62607015e-34 * 299792458; % J m Eperphoton = hc / (lambda * 1e-9); % J %% Stores result to be plotted ber = zeros(plotlen, 1); if plotlen > 1 fig = figure; hold on; end %% sps and Tsamp change at Tx/Rx, save these for later. spsOrig = sps; TsampOrig = Tsamp; %% Generate random data for both polarizations data_x = randi([0, M - 1], numSymbs, wavelength_channels, 'uint8'); data_y = randi([0, M - 1], numSymbs, wavelength_channels, 'uint8'); %% DE-QPSK modulation modData_x = deqpskmod(data_x); modData_y = deqpskmod(data_y); %% Construct waveforms for each channel separately A_x_wdm = zeros(numSymbs * sps, wavelength_channels); A_y_wdm = zeros(numSymbs * sps, wavelength_channels); carriers = zeros(numSymbs * sps, wavelength_channels); for w = 1 : wavelength_channels %% Compute frequency offsets: % ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ % Spectrum | | | | | | | | | | % | | | | | | | | | | % ____| |___| |___| |___| |___| |____ --> freq % channel # 5 3 1 2 4 % ang freq offset -2dw -dw 0 +dw +2dw if mod(w, 2) == 0 ndw = w / 2 * dw; else ndw = (1-w) / 2 * dw; end carriers(:, w) = exp(1j * ndw * t); A_x_wdm(:, w) = txFilter(modData_x(:, w), rolloff, span, sps); A_y_wdm(:, w) = txFilter(modData_y(:, w), rolloff, span, sps); end %% Sum the WDM waveforms with their frequency offsets A_x = sum(A_x_wdm .* carriers, 2); A_y = sum(A_y_wdm .* carriers, 2); %% Clear variables no longer needed to reduce memory usage clear modData_x modData_y A_x_wdm A_y_wdm; %% Set launch power. Divide by 2 because half power for each polarization. A_x = sqrt(power / 2) * A_x; A_y = sqrt(power / 2) * A_y; %% Rotate polarization states A_x = A_x .* cos(rot_omega * t) + ... A_y .* sin(rot_omega * t) * exp(-1j * rot_phi); A_y = A_x .* -sin(rot_omega * t) * exp(1j * rot_phi) + ... A_y .* cos(rot_omega * t); %% Now loop through each z for i = 1 : plotlen z = zs(i); sps = spsOrig; Tsamp = TsampOrig; %% Split-step Fourier [A_x, A_y] = ssfs(A_x, A_y, D, lambda, z, dz, Tsamp, gamma, alpha); %% Phase noise A_x = phaseNoise(A_x, linewidthTx, linewidthLO, Tsamp); A_y = phaseNoise(A_y, linewidthTx, linewidthLO, Tsamp); %% Here, only receive the central channel 1. % For channel n: A_x .* conj(carriers(:, n)); etc. r_x = rxFilter(A_x, rolloff, span, sps); r_y = rxFilter(A_y, rolloff, span, sps); % Rx filter performs downsampling as well, keep track of this sps = 2; Tsamp = Tsamp * spsOrig / sps; %% Rx shot noise photonpersym = mean(abs(r_x) .^ 2) / Rsym / Eperphoton; snr = photonpersym; r_x = awgn(r_x, snr, 'measured', 'linear'); r_y = awgn(r_y, snr, 'measured', 'linear'); %% -- Begin DSP channel equalization -- %% Chromatic dispersion compensation r_x = CDCompensation(r_x, D, lambda, z, Tsamp); r_y = CDCompensation(r_y, D, lambda, z, Tsamp); r_x = r_x(2:2:end); r_y = r_y(2:2:end); %% Adaptive filter [r_x, r_y] = pdm_adaptiveCMA(r_x, r_y); %% Phase noise correction r_x = phaseNoiseCorr(r_x, M, 0, 40).'; r_y = phaseNoiseCorr(r_y, M, 0, 40).'; %% Demodulate DE-QPSK demod_x = deqpskdemod(r_x); demod_y = deqpskdemod(r_y); %% Calculate and store BER [~, ber(i)] = biterr([data_x(:, 1); data_y(:, 1)], [demod_x; demod_y]); q = 20 * log10(erfcinv(2*ber)*sqrt(2)); if plotlen > 1 figure(fig); plot(zs, q); end end ber q