server: http://localhost:9876 # This list needs to be kept in sync w/ the one in dygraph-dev.js # and the one in load: - strftime/strftime-min.js - rgbcolor/rgbcolor.js - dashed-canvas.js - dygraph-layout.js - dygraph-canvas.js - dygraph-options.js - dygraph.js - dygraph-utils.js - dygraph-gviz.js - dygraph-interaction-model.js - dygraph-options-reference.js - dygraph-tickers.js - dygraph-dev.js - excanvas.js # NOTE: we can't do plugins/*.js because the order is important. - plugins/base.js - plugins/annotations.js - plugins/axes.js - plugins/range-selector.js - plugins/chart-labels.js - plugins/grid.js - plugins/legend.js - plugins/install.js - auto_tests/tests/*.js