dygraphs Annotations

dygraphs lets you add annotations (markers) to individual points on your chart. These markers have a short bit of text or an icon that's displayed over the chart, plus a longer description that appears when you hover over them.

Demo: Dow Jones Industrial Average

Adding Annotations

There are two methods which are used to add, remove and modify annotations:

setAnnotations(array) Set the list of annotations currently displayed. This overwrites existing annotations and redraws the dygraph.
annotations Returns an array of the currently-displayed annotations.

Calling dygraph.setAnnotations(dygraph.annotations()) is a no-op: it simply causes the chart to refresh.

Let's say we have a simple chart and wish to add an annotation. Here's how:


<script type="text/javascript">
  g = new Dygraph(
    "Date,Temperature\n" +
    "2008-05-07,75\n" +
    "2008-05-08,70\n" +

    series: "Temperature",
    x: "2008-05-08",
    shortText: "L",
    text: "Coldest Day"


Annotations are JavaScript dictionaries. The series and x fields are required: they indicate which point the annotation should be attached to. If specified, shortText will appear on the annotation "flag". If you don't specify shortText, you can specify icon instead to display a small picture. The text parameter specifies hovertext. If you highlight the annotation and leave the mouse still, it will appear.

Modifying Annotations

To remove or modify existing annotations, call the annotations method to get an array of annotations. Modify that array, then pass it back in to setAnnotations. For example, this code deletes the second annotation and changes the series to which the first is attached:

  var annotations = g.annotations();
  annotations.splice(1,1);  // remove the second annotation
  annotations[0].series = "Series 2";
  g.setAnnotations(annotations);  // causes a redraw

For a more real-life example, see the annotations demo

Annotations property reference

These properties can all be set in the dictionary for an annotation. The use of each one is demonstrated on the annotations demo page.

series Required The name of the series to which the annotated point belongs.
xRequired The x value of the point. This should be the same as the value you specified in your CSV file, e.g. "2010-09-13".
shortTextText that will appear on the annotation's flag.
textA longer description of the annotation which will appear when the user hovers over it.
iconSpecify in place of shortText to mark the annotation with an image rather than text. If you specify this, you must specify width and height.
widthWidth (in pixels) of the annotation flag or icon.
heightHeight (in pixels) of the annotation flag or icon.
cssClassCSS class to use for styling the annotation.
tickHeightHeight of the tick mark (in pixels) connecting the point to its flag or icon.
attachAtBottomIf true, attach annotations to the x-axis, rather than to actual points.
clickHandler See Handlers, below
mouseOverHandlerSee Handlers, below
mouseOutHandler See Handlers, below
dblClickHandler See Handlers, below

Annotation event handlers

dygraphs lets you attach event handlers to your annotations. These can be specified globally (for all annotations) or on a per-annotation basis:

Per-point fieldGlobal option
clickHandler annotationClickHandler
mouseOutHandler annotationMouseOutHandler
dblClickHandler annotationDblClickHandler

These event handlers all take the same parameters:

  g.updateOptions( {
    annotationClickHandler: function(annotation, point, dygraph, event) {
      // ... access/modify annotation.series, annotation.x, ...

Again, check out the annotations demo for concrete examples of usage of all these handlers.