Many of the functions and methods in the dygraphs source have some form of Closure annotations on them ("@param", "@return", "@private", etc.). These provide some documentation value, but they were largely written by developers who had never used the Closure Compiler and so the syntax is often not quite correct. This file tracks which files have been fully "closurized", i.e. compile under the Closure Compiler without any errors or warnings. Core: - dygraph-canvas.js - dygraph-interaction-model.js - dygraph-layout.js - dygraph-options.js - dygraph-range-selector.js - dygraph.js x dygraph-gviz.js x dygraph-tickers.js x dygraph-options-reference.js x dygraph-utils.js x dashed-canvas.js Plugins: - plugins/annotations.js - plugins/axes.js - plugins/base.js - plugins/chart-labels.js - plugins/grid.js - plugins/install.js - plugins/legend.js Here's a command that can be used to build dygraphs using the closure compiler: java -jar ../../closure-compiler-read-only/build/compiler.jar --js=dygraph-utils.js --js=dashed-canvas.js --js=dygraph-options-reference.js --js=dygraph-tickers.js --js=dygraph-gviz.js --js_output_file=/tmp/out.js --compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS --warning_level VERBOSE --externs dygraph-externs.js As each file is closurized, it can be added as a "--js" parameter.