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5 \title{\SI{100}{GbE} Passive Optical Access Networks\\Technical Milestone Report}
6 \author{Adrian I.~Lam\vspace{-1em}\\Supervised by Dr.~Seb Savory}
7 \date{16 January 2019}
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83 \begin{document}
84 \maketitle
86 \begin{abstract}
87 This project aims at evaluating methods of achieving a \SI{100}{Gb/s}
88 Ethernet passive optical access network. An optical link based on
89 coherent receivers will be considered, and a computer model
90 will be built using \MATLAB{} to simulate various physical effects
91 in the optical fibre. Digital signal processing techniques will be
92 employed to correct for these effects and demodulate the transmitted
93 symbols. Currently, all relevant linear effects have been successfully
94 simulated and compensated for, while non-linear effects have not been
95 completed yet. After the model is complete, different designs of the
96 network, such as using different modulation schemes or multiplexing
97 methods, can be simulated and their performance compared, and the
98 feasibility to use them in an access network will be discussed.
99 The results may also be verified through off-line processing of
100 real measured data.
101 \end{abstract}
103 \section{Introduction and Motivation}
104 A passive optical network (PON) is a point-to-multipoint system
105 where data for all users of the network, modulated onto an
106 optical signal, leaves the optical line terminal at the service
107 provider, and is carried along a fibre feeder, then split
108 by an unpowered beam splitter, without any routing or selection,
109 to separate distribution fibres reaching the optical network units
110 of the users~\cite[\S6.1]{PONintro}. This design allows high-speed
111 communication for a large number of consumers, with relatively low cost
112 for each user~\cite{NGPON2-1}, and is currently typically employed
113 in a fibre-to-the-home setting~\cite{ponroadmap}.
115 Fibre-to-the-home applications are already well-served by the
116 currently mature implementation of \SI{1}{Gb/s} PONs, which may
117 make higher speed PON seem unnecessary. However, there are many more
118 future applications that could potentially benefit from a
119 \SI{100}{Gb/s} PON. By designing future PON specifications to be
120 compatible with existing fibre installations, less installation
121 costs will be incurred, allowing the mixing of
122 more applications onto the same network, thus increasing
123 revenues for service providers. In addition, as more and more
124 people rely on mobile networks for their daily communication
125 and entertainment needs, mobile operators are looking to increase
126 the density in cell sites, making PONs a good candidate to deliver
127 the cell data backhaul. As the 5G mobile standard develops, PONs
128 may even be useful in the fronthaul, where
129 radio signals were sampled and relayed,
130 through a PON, to a centralized
131 location for digital signal processing (DSP), seen as a way to
132 reduce costs~\cite{ponroadmap}.
134 The use of coherent receivers in a high-speed PON is considered.
135 In contrast to direct detection receivers, both the real and imaginary
136 parts of each polarization of the received electrical field can be
137 detected separately
138 in a coherent receiver. This makes complex modulation schemes such
139 as phase-shift keying (PSK) or quadrature amplitude modulation
140 (QAM) possible, and combined with polarization-division multiplexing (PDM),
141 makes very high data rates possible~\cite[\S5.6]{foc},~\cite{savorydigital}.
143 In this project, a model to simulate the various physical effects in
144 an optical channel is to be built. DSP will
145 then be used to attempt to correct for these effects to recover the
146 original signal. Using this model, different options for achieving a
147 \SI{100}{Gb/s} PON will be compared. The response of a real channel
148 will then be measured and, using the DSP techniques investigated,
149 processed offline to verify the model and the correction methods.
150 Feasibility of employing these techniques in a commercial PON setting
151 will also be discussed.
153 The current progress in developing the simulation model is detailed
154 in \Cref{sec:simmodel}, with future plans listed in
155 \Cref{sec:future}.
157 \section{The Simulation Model} \label{sec:simmodel}
159 \begin{figure*}[tb]
160 \centering
161 \begin{tikzpicture}
162 \small
163 \bXInput[$x_n$]{input}
164 \bXBlocL[3]{p}{\makecell[c]{Pulse shaping\\$p(t)$}}{input}
166 \bXBloc[3]{sim1}{Fibre-optic link}{p}
167 \bXLink[$x(t)$]{p}{sim1}
169 \bXSumb*[6]{AWGN}{sim1}
170 \bXLink{sim1}{AWGN}
171 \path (AWGN) ++(0,-1) node (noise) {$n(t)$};
172 \bXLink{noise}{AWGN}
174 \bXOutput[3]{y}{AWGN}
175 \bXLink[$y(t)$]{AWGN}{y}
176 \end{tikzpicture}
178 \begin{tikzpicture}
179 \small
180 \bXInput{yt}
181 \bXBloc[3]{q}{\makecell[c]{Matched filter\\$q(t)=p(-t)$}}{yt}
182 \bXLink[$y(t)$]{yt}{q}
183 \bXBloc[3]{sampler}{\makecell[c]{Sample\\$T_s=1/R_\text{sym}$}}{q}
184 \bXLink[$r(t)$]{q}{sampler}
185 \bXBloc[3]{sim2}{\makecell[c]{Channel\\equalization}}{sampler}
186 \bXLink[$r_n$]{sampler}{sim2}
187 \bXBlocL[3]{decision}{Decision}{sim2}
188 \bXOutput[2.5]{xhatn}{decision}
189 \bXLink{decision}{xhatn}
190 \path (xhatn) ++(0.3,0) node {$\hat{x}_n$};
191 \end{tikzpicture}
192 \caption{Block diagram of the
193 simulation model.}
194 \label{fig:model}
195 \end{figure*}
197 \Cref{fig:model} shows the current basic model,
198 involving a transmitter with a root-raised
199 cosine pulse shaping filter, processed to simulate the various
200 physical effects, then
201 transmitted through an additive white
202 Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel to a receiver with a matched filter.
203 The received signal is then sampled and DSP is used to correct for
204 the physical effects in the electrical domain. The demodulated signal
205 is then compared to the original pseudorandom data, to obtain a
206 measurement of the bit-error rate (BER) using a Monte-Carlo approach.
207 Currently, the main modulation scheme considered is quadrature
208 phase-shift keying (QPSK), with Gray coding.
210 The effects considered are enumerated below. The results of the
211 methods used to correct for the effects are compared to the ideal
212 AWGN channel.
214 \subsection{Chromatic Dispersion} \label{sec:CD}
215 Chromatic dispersion (CD) is the effect of the group speed of light varying
216 with the wavelength of the optical signal~\cite[\S2.7.3]{foc}. It can be
217 modelled as a linear system, with transfer function in the Fourier
218 domain
219 \[
220 G(z, \omega) = \exp\left( -\imj \frac{D\lambda^2 z}{4\pi c} \omega^2\right)
221 \] or with impulse response in the time domain
222 \begin{equation}
223 g(z, t) = \sqrt{\frac{c}{\imj D \lambda^2 z}}
224 \exp\left( \imj \frac{\pi c}{D\lambda^2 z} t^2\right)
225 \label{eq:CDimpresp}
226 \end{equation}
227 with $z$ being the transmitted distance, $c$ the speed of light
228 in vacuum, $\lambda$ the wavelength in vacuum, and $D$ the dispersion
229 parameter of the fibre~\cite{savorydigital}. For all simulations
230 below, $D=\SI{17}{ps/(nm.km)}$.
232 Using this model, constellation diagrams were obtained and
233 shown in \Cref{fig:CDconst}. It can be seen that over long
234 distances, CD would make demodulation very difficult, and as
235 such, it is necessary to compensate for this effect. Current
236 systems use dispersion compensating fibres, but DSP may be applied
237 instead to reduce cost~\cite{savorydigital}. It is noted that
238 by inverting the sign of $D$ in
239 \Cref{eq:CDimpresp}, the impulse response of the dispersion compensating
240 filter is obtained, and with truncation and discretization,
241 can be implemented as a simple tapped delay line~\cite{savorydigital}.
243 \begin{figure}[htb]
244 \centering
245 \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.22\textwidth}
246 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{cd_qpsk_noiseless_Dz17_new.eps}
247 \caption{$z=\SI{1}{km}$.}
248 \end{subfigure}
249 \begin{subfigure}[t]{0.22\textwidth}
250 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{cd_qpsk_noiseless_Dz85_new.eps}
251 \caption{$z=\SI{5}{km}$.}
252 \end{subfigure}
253 \caption{QPSK constellation after chromatic dispersion,
254 without AWGN.}
255 \label{fig:CDconst}
256 \end{figure}
258 \Cref{fig:CDCompz200} shows the dispersion compensating filter in
259 action. The resulting BER very closely resembles that of the ideal
260 AWGN, thus verifying the implementation.
262 \begin{figure}[htb]
263 \centering
264 \includegraphics[width=.44\textwidth]{CDCompz200.eps}
265 \caption{QPSK signal with simulated chromatic dispersion and
266 CD compensation, over an AWGN channel, with
267 $z=\SI{200}{km}$.}
268 \label{fig:CDCompz200}
269 \end{figure}
271 \subsection{Adaptive Equalizer}
272 Adaptive equalizers can be used to correct for time-varying effects,
273 an example of which is polarization dependent effects.
274 \cite{savorydigital} discusses the implementation of adaptive
275 equalization to PDM signals.
276 This has yet to be implemented in the simulation model.
278 On the other hand, an implementation for a single polarization
279 state has been done. This would be useful for correcting for
280 fluctuations to the environment~\cite[\S11.6.1]{foc},
281 not simulated in the model, but would be present in real life.
282 In addition,
283 it was observed that the CD compensating filter discussed
284 in \Cref{sec:CD} does not perform very well over short
285 distances, as can be seen in \Cref{fig:CDCompz2}, due to
286 truncation of the non-causal infinite-length impulse response.
287 Adaptive equalization was attempted to correct for this effect
288 as well.
290 Two types of equalizing algorithms are typically considered, namely
291 the constant modulus algorithm (CMA) and the decision-directed
292 least mean square (DD-LMS) algorithm~\cite[\S11.6.1]{foc}.
293 CMA has been implemented due to its
294 simplicity. If time permits, DD-LMS can also be attempted.
296 The CMA relies on the fact that for PSK signals, the transmitted
297 symbols all have unit amplitude. As a result, it attempts to minimize
298 the distance between the signal and the unit circle.
299 \Cref{fig:adaptBefAft} illustrates the adaptive nature of the algorithm.
300 \Cref{fig:CDCompz2} demonstrates the success of the CMA, bringing
301 the performance curve back to the theoretical values.
303 \begin{figure}[htb]
304 \centering
305 \includegraphics[width=.44\textwidth]{CDCompz2.eps}
306 \caption{QPSK signal with CD, CD compensation, and CMA adaptive
307 equalizer, over an AWGN channel, with $z=\SI{2}{km}$.}
308 \label{fig:CDCompz2}
309 \end{figure}
311 \begin{figure}[htb]
312 \centering
313 \begin{subfigure}[t]{.22\textwidth}
314 \centering
315 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{adaptBefore.eps}
316 \caption{Symbols 1 to 500.}
317 \end{subfigure}%
318 \begin{subfigure}[t]{.22\textwidth}
319 \centering
320 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{adaptAfter.eps}
321 \caption{Symbols 2001 to~2500.}
322 \end{subfigure}
323 \caption{Constellations showing the adaptive behaviour of
324 the CMA.}
325 \label{fig:adaptBefAft}
326 \end{figure}
328 \subsection{Phase Noise Correction}
329 Lasers used in the transmitter and the receiver local oscillator
330 have a linewidth $\Delta\nu$ over which random frequency deviations
331 occur, resulting in a phase noise in the signal. When discretized,
332 the phase noise $\phi[k]$ can be modelled as a one-dimensional
333 Gaussian random walk,
334 \begin{gather*}
335 \phi[k] = \phi[k-1] + \Delta\phi_k \\
336 \qq*{where} \Delta\phi_k
337 \mathrel{\overset{\makebox[0pt]{\mbox{\normalfont\tiny\sffamily i.i.d.}}}{\sim}}
338 \mathcal{N}(0, 2\pi \Delta\nu T_s)
339 \quad\text{for all }k,
340 \end{gather*}
341 with $T_s$ being the sampling period~\cite[\S11.3]{foc}.
343 The effect of phase noise can be most easily understood from a plot
344 of the constellation, as shown in \Cref{fig:phaseNoiseCircle}.
345 Demodulation is
346 impossible without any correction. Fortunately there are various
347 techniques to mitigate this issue, and two of them are discussed
348 below.
350 \subsubsection{Differential PSK}
351 In a normal PSK scheme, information is modulated as the
352 phase of each transmitted symbol. In contrast, in differential PSK (DPSK),
353 information is modulated as the \emph{difference} in phase between
354 two consecutive symbols~\cite[\S7.3.2]{ccsm}.
355 It can mitigate the effect of phase noise
356 if the linewidth is small (such that $\Delta\phi_k$ is sufficiently
357 smaller than, for example, $\pi/4$ for QPSK). Phase noise would then
358 have little influence to the phase difference between consecutive
359 symbols.
361 It was however noted that in DPSK, the demodulator is affected
362 ``twice'' by phase noise. This increases the noise variance,
363 making bit errors more likely~\cite[\S7.3.2]{ccsm}.
364 This can be seen (among other results) in \Cref{fig:phasenoise_ult}.
365 This translates to
366 a SNR penalty compared to the normal PSK scheme. At a BER of
367 $10^{-3}$, the penalty is about \SI{2.5}{dB}.
369 \subsubsection{Block phase noise estimation}
370 The phase noise can also be estimated assuming the total phase noise
371 over a small number of symbols is small. The Viterbi-Viterbi algorithm
372 used is best illustrated by an example. Consider a QPSK scheme. At the
373 receiver, the received signal $r[k]$ is given by
374 \[
375 r[k] = \exp\left( \imj \phi[k] + \imj \frac{\pi}{4} +
376 \imj \frac{d[k]\pi}{2} \right) + n[k]
377 \]
378 where $\phi[k]$ is the unknown phase of the $k$th symbol,
379 $d[k] \in \{0, 1, 2, 3\}$ is the transmitted data, and
380 $n[k]$ is AWGN. Taking the signal to the 4th power eliminates
381 $d[k]$ from the expression, resulting in
382 \begin{equation}
383 r[k]^4 = \exp\left( \imj 4\phi[k] + \imj \pi\right) + n'[k]
384 \label{eq:rk4}
385 \end{equation}
386 where $n'[k]$ are the terms involving $n[k]$. It can be shown
387 that $n'[k]$ has zero mean, thus if $\phi[k]$ does not vary
388 much over a small range of $k$, then its value can be estimated
389 by averaging over that range (thus eliminating $n'[k]$)~\cite[\S11.5]{foc}.
390 \Cref{fig:viterbiphest} shows the algorithm
391 estimating the phase of a noisy signal.
393 With a phase estimation method available, the effect of phase noise
394 can be undone simply by adding a reversed phase shift.
396 \begin{figure}[htb]
397 \centering
398 \begin{subfigure}[t]{.22\textwidth}
399 \centering
400 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{phaseNoiseCircle.eps}
401 \caption{Phase noise randomly rotating the constellation.}
402 \label{fig:phaseNoiseCircle}
403 \end{subfigure}%
404 \begin{subfigure}[t]{.22\textwidth}
405 \centering
406 \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{phaseEst.eps}
407 \caption{Example of the Viterbi-Viterbi algorithm
408 estimating phase noise.}
409 \label{fig:viterbiphest}
410 \end{subfigure}
411 \caption{Phase noise, and how it affects the received symbols.}
412 \end{figure}
414 However, at larger linewidths, phase estimation may make mistakes.
415 This is due to the ambiguity in \Cref{eq:rk4}, where in QPSK an
416 additional phase increase of $\pi/2$ gives the same solution,
417 and phase noise makes unambiguous phase unwrapping impossible.
418 This is known as a \emph{cycle slip}~\cite{taylorphest}, and
419 is illustrated in \Cref{fig:cycleslip}.
421 The result of a particular run of the simulation is shown in
422 \Cref{fig:phasenoise_ult}.
423 It can be seen that when cycle slips do not occur, the resulting
424 BER is much closer to the theoretical AWGN channel compared to
425 DPSK. However, if a cycle slip occurs, all the subsequent symbols
426 will be demodulated incorrectly~\cite{taylorphest},
427 giving very poor performance.
429 To eliminate the effect of cycle slips, principles from DPSK
430 can be incorporated into the phase estimation method, but instead
431 of differentially modulating the \emph{symbols}, the source
432 \emph{bit stream} is differentially \emph{encoded}. This is known
433 as \emph{differentially encoded} PSK (DEPSK). At the receiver, the
434 symbols are corrected after phase estimation (as above), and then
435 demodulated like conventional PSK, before differentially decoding
436 the bits. While this method transforms a single bit error into
437 a pair of bit errors~\cite{taylorphest}, it has a smaller SNR
438 penalty than DPSK~\cite[Ch.~13]{matlabcomm}, since the
439 noise variance
440 is not increased like it is in DPSK. \Cref{fig:phasenoise_ult} also
441 shows the result of DEPSK, which is immune to cycle slips, with
442 a smaller SNR penalty than DPSK. Many forward error correction
443 codes can effectively correct for short bursts of bit errors,
444 thus further reducing the penalty~\cite{taylorphest}, however
445 this will not be investigated in this project.
447 \begin{figure}[htb]
448 \centering
449 %\begin{subfigure}[t]{.22\textwidth}
450 %\centering
451 \includegraphics[width=.3\textwidth]{cycleslip.eps}
452 \caption{A cycle slip.}
453 \label{fig:cycleslip}
454 %\end{subfigure}%
455 %\begin{subfigure}[t]{.22\textwidth}
456 % \centering
457 % \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{adaptAfter.eps}
458 % \caption{Symbols 2001 to~2500.}
459 %\end{subfigure}
460 %\caption{Constellations showing the adaptive behaviour of
461 %the CMA.}
462 \end{figure}
464 \begin{figure}[htb]
465 \centering
466 \includegraphics[width=.44\textwidth]{phasenoise_ult.eps}
467 \caption{Performance of various methods under a phase noise
468 of \SI{10}{MHz}, on a particular run of the simulation.}
469 \label{fig:phasenoise_ult}
470 \end{figure}
473 \subsection{Non-linearity: Kerr Effect}
474 Kerr effect is one of the non-linear effects investigated in this
475 project. Kerr effect describes the change in refractive index of
476 a material as the optical power of the incident beam changes.
477 The result is a phase shift proportional to the optical power
478 (i.e.~the square of the electric field, hence
479 non-linear)~\cite[\S10.2]{foc},~\cite[\S6.2.2]{nfo}.
480 To numerically simulate this effect together with other linear effects,
481 the \emph{split-step Fourier method} is used. In brief, the fibre
482 length is divided into many small bits. The signal is first transformed
483 to the Fourier domain, and chromatic dispersion is applied
484 (as in \Cref{sec:CD}). The signal is then transformed back to the time
485 domain and its power is calculated. From this, the corresponding
486 phase shift due to Kerr effect can be applied. This process repeats
487 until the total simulated length reaches the desired transmission
488 distance~\cite[\S2.4.1, App.~B]{nfo}.
490 Currently, the general structure of the split-step Fourier method
491 has been coded, but there are small problems that require fixing,
492 and as such results are yet to be included in this report. However,
493 the general shape of the resulting curve matches existing
494 literature~\cite{savory100Gbps},
495 so there should be little difficulty in having it completed soon.
497 \section{Future Plan and Timeline} \label{sec:future}
498 After completing the simulation for Kerr effect, the most important
499 task would be to integrate all the effects into a single simulation
500 program, to prepare for the final model to evaluate different
501 transmission schemes.
502 Afterwards, it was planned to have a more realistic
503 model of the noise -- the AWGN channel would be replaced with
504 a combination of thermal noise (which can be modelled as
505 AWGN)~\cite[\S8.1.1]{aoe}
506 and shot noise. Finally, PDM and wavelength-division
507 multiplexing would
508 be implemented to have a ``complete'' model. To have sufficient
509 time for the remaining parts of the project, it was planned to have
510 this completed by week 3 of Lent term, i.e.\ about one week for
511 each of the three tasks.
513 A few different designs of the network will be evaluated and compared,
514 and the suitability to use in a PON will be discussed. Running the
515 simulation a few times with different parameters should not take
516 too much time, but discussing real-life feasibility may involve
517 more review of current literature, so an estimate of 2 weeks is
518 reserved for this.
520 The final three weeks of Lent will be spent obtaining experimental
521 data and verifying simulation results, to make further adjustments
522 to the model if necessary, and to prepare
523 for the final report and presentation.
525 It is expected that most of the Easter vacation would be spent preparing
526 for the examinations. Work on the final report and presentation would
527 resume after that, which should be enough time to meet the deadline
528 in week 5 of Easter term.
530 \begin{thebibliography}{10}
531 \bibitem{PONintro}
532 C.C.K.~Chan,
533 ``Protection architectures for passive optical networks,'' in
534 \textit{Passive Optical Networks: Principles and Practice},
535 C.F.~Lam, Ed.
536 Burlington, MA: Academic Press, 2007, pp.~243-266.
537 \bibitem{NGPON2-1}
538 J.S.~Wey \textit{et al.},
539 ``Physical layer aspects of NG-PON2 standards -- Part 1:
540 optical link design,''
541 \textit{J.~Opt.\ Commun.\ Netw.}, vol.~8, no.~1, pp.~33-42, 2016.
542 doi:10.1364/JOCN.8.000033
543 \bibitem{ponroadmap}
544 D.~Nesset, ``PON Roadmap,''
545 \textit{J.~Opt.\ Commun.\ Netw.}, vol.~9, no.~1, pp.~A71-A76, 2017.
546 doi:10.1364/\allowbreak JOCN.9.000A71
547 \bibitem{foc}
548 S.~Kumar and M.J.~Deen,
549 \textit{Fiber Optic Communications: Fundamentals and Applications}.
550 Chichester, UK: Wiley, 2014.
551 \bibitem{savorydigital}
552 S.J.~Savory, ``Digital filters for coherent optical receivers,''
553 \textit{Opt.\ Express}, vol.~16, no.~2, pp.~804-817, 2008.
554 doi:10.1364/OE.16.000804
555 \bibitem{ccsm}
556 J.G.~Proakis and M.~Salehi,
557 \textit{Contemporary Communication Systems Using \MATLAB}.
558 Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole, 2000.
559 \bibitem{taylorphest}
560 M.G.~Taylor, ``Phase estimation methods for optical coherent
561 detection using digital signal processing,''
562 \textit{J.~Lightwave Technol.}, vol.~27, no.~7, pp.~901-914, 2009.
563 doi:10.1109/JLT.2008.927778
564 \bibitem{matlabcomm}
565 The MathWorks, Inc.,
566 \textit{Communications Toolbox\textnormal{\texttrademark{}} User's Guide}
567 (R2018b),
568 2018. [Online]. Available:
569 \url{https://www.mathworks.com/help/pdf_doc/comm/comm.pdf}.
570 [Accessed: Jan.~9, 2019].
571 \bibitem{nfo}
572 G.P.~Agrawal,
573 \textit{Nonlinear Fiber Optics}, 5th ed.
574 Oxford, UK: Academic Press, 2013.
575 \bibitem{savory100Gbps}
576 Md.S.~Faruk, D.J.~Ives, and S.J.~Savory,
577 ``Technology requirements for an Alamouti-coded \SI{100}{Gb/s}
578 digital coherent receiver using $3\times3$ couplers for
579 passive optical networks,''
580 \textit{IEEE Photon.\ J.}, vol.~10, no.~1, 2018.
581 doi:10.1109/JPHOT.2017.2788191
582 \bibitem{aoe}
583 P.~Horowitz and W.~Hill,
584 \textit{The Art of Electronics}, 3rd ed.
585 New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015.
586 \end{thebibliography}
588 \end{document}