Fix & regression test for issue 392: connectSeparated and errorBars don't play nicely...
[dygraphs.git] / tests / connect-separated.html
1 <!DOCTYPE html>
2 <html>
3 <head>
4 <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE7; IE=EmulateIE9">
5 <title>connect separated</title>
6 <!--[if IE]>
7 <script type="text/javascript" src="../excanvas.js"></script>
8 <![endif]-->
9 <!--
10 For production (minified) code, use:
11 <script type="text/javascript" src="dygraph-combined.js"></script>
12 -->
13 <script type="text/javascript" src="../dygraph-dev.js"></script>
15 </head>
16 <body>
17 <p>Connecting separated points. All three of the series should have their points
18 connected with lines, and hovering over them should produce dot and legend
19 overlays in the proper color.</p>
21 <div id="graphdiv" style="width:600px; height:300px;"></div>
22 <script type="text/javascript">
23 var g = new Dygraph(document.getElementById("graphdiv"),
24 [
25 [ new Date("2009/12/01"), 10, 10, 10],
26 [ new Date("2009/12/02"), 15, 11, 12],
27 [ new Date("2009/12/03"), null, null, 12],
28 [ new Date("2009/12/04"), 20, 14, null],
29 [ new Date("2009/12/05"), 15, null, 17],
30 [ new Date("2009/12/06"), 18, null, null],
31 [ new Date("2009/12/07"), 12, 14, null]
32 ],
33 {
34 connectSeparatedPoints: true,
35 labels: ["Date","Series1","Series2","Series3"]
36 });
37 </script>
38 </body>
39 </html>