Add test suite for DygraphOptions object. Fix broken method in it.
[dygraphs.git] / strftime / strftime.js
1 /*
2 strftime for Javascript
3 Copyright (c) 2008, Philip S Tellis <>
4 All rights reserved.
6 This code is distributed under the terms of the BSD licence
8 Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
9 are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
11 * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions
12 and the following disclaimer.
13 * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of
14 conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
15 with the distribution.
16 * The names of the contributors to this file may not be used to endorse or promote products
17 derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
27 */
29 /**
30 * \file strftime.js
31 * \author Philip S Tellis \<\>
32 * \version 1.3
33 * \date 2008/06
34 * \brief Javascript implementation of strftime
35 *
36 * Implements strftime for the Date object in javascript based on the PHP implementation described at
37 * This is in turn based on the Open Group specification defined
38 * at This implementation does not
39 * include modified conversion specifiers (i.e., Ex and Ox)
40 *
41 * The following format specifiers are supported:
42 *
43 * \copydoc formats
44 *
45 * \%a, \%A, \%b and \%B should be localised for non-English locales.
46 *
47 * \par Usage:
48 * This library may be used as follows:
49 * \code
50 * var d = new Date();
51 *
52 * var ymd = d.strftime('%Y/%m/%d');
53 * var iso = d.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z');
54 *
55 * \endcode
56 *
57 * \sa \link Date.prototype.strftime Date.strftime \endlink for a description of each of the supported format specifiers
58 * \sa Date.ext.locales for localisation information
59 * \sa for the PHP implementation which is the basis for this
60 * \sa for feedback
61 */
63 //! Date extension object - all supporting objects go in here.
64 Date.ext = {};
66 //! Utility methods
67 Date.ext.util = {};
69 /**
70 \brief Left pad a number with something
71 \details Takes a number and pads it to the left with the passed in pad character
72 \param x The number to pad
73 \param pad The string to pad with
74 \param r [optional] Upper limit for pad. A value of 10 pads to 2 digits, a value of 100 pads to 3 digits.
75 Default is 10.
77 \return The number left padded with the pad character. This function returns a string and not a number.
78 */
79 Date.ext.util.xPad=function(x, pad, r)
80 {
81 if(typeof(r) == 'undefined')
82 {
83 r=10;
84 }
85 for( ; parseInt(x, 10)<r && r>1; r/=10)
86 x = pad.toString() + x;
87 return x.toString();
88 };
90 /**
91 \brief Currently selected locale.
92 \details
93 The locale for a specific date object may be changed using \code Date.locale = "new-locale"; \endcode
94 The default will be based on the lang attribute of the HTML tag of your document
95 */
96 Date.prototype.locale = 'en-GB';
97 //! \cond FALSE
98 if(document.getElementsByTagName('html') && document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].lang)
99 {
100 Date.prototype.locale = document.getElementsByTagName('html')[0].lang;
101 }
102 //! \endcond
104 /**
105 \brief Localised strings for days of the week and months of the year.
106 \details
107 To create your own local strings, add a locale object to the locales object.
108 The key of your object should be the same as your locale name. For example:
109 en-US,
110 fr,
111 fr-CH,
112 de-DE
113 Names are case sensitive and are described at
114 Your locale object must contain the following keys:
115 \param a Short names of days of week starting with Sunday
116 \param A Long names days of week starting with Sunday
117 \param b Short names of months of the year starting with January
118 \param B Long names of months of the year starting with February
119 \param c The preferred date and time representation in your locale
120 \param p AM or PM in your locale
121 \param P am or pm in your locale
122 \param x The preferred date representation for the current locale without the time.
123 \param X The preferred time representation for the current locale without the date.
125 \sa Date.ext.locales.en for a sample implementation
126 \sa \ref localisation for detailed documentation on localising strftime for your own locale
127 */
128 Date.ext.locales = { };
130 /**
131 * \brief Localised strings for English (British).
132 * \details
133 * This will be used for any of the English dialects unless overridden by a country specific one.
134 * This is the default locale if none specified
135 */
136 Date.ext.locales.en = {
137 a: ['Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat'],
138 A: ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'],
139 b: ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec'],
140 B: ['January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December'],
141 c: '%a %d %b %Y %T %Z',
142 p: ['AM', 'PM'],
143 P: ['am', 'pm'],
144 x: '%d/%m/%y',
145 X: '%T'
146 };
148 //! \cond FALSE
149 // Localised strings for US English
150 Date.ext.locales['en-US'] = Date.ext.locales.en;
151 Date.ext.locales['en-US'].c = '%a %d %b %Y %r %Z';
152 Date.ext.locales['en-US'].x = '%D';
153 Date.ext.locales['en-US'].X = '%r';
155 // Localised strings for British English
156 Date.ext.locales['en-GB'] = Date.ext.locales.en;
158 // Localised strings for Australian English
159 Date.ext.locales['en-AU'] = Date.ext.locales['en-GB'];
160 //! \endcond
162 //! \brief List of supported format specifiers.
163 /**
164 * \details
165 * \arg \%a - abbreviated weekday name according to the current locale
166 * \arg \%A - full weekday name according to the current locale
167 * \arg \%b - abbreviated month name according to the current locale
168 * \arg \%B - full month name according to the current locale
169 * \arg \%c - preferred date and time representation for the current locale
170 * \arg \%C - century number (the year divided by 100 and truncated to an integer, range 00 to 99)
171 * \arg \%d - day of the month as a decimal number (range 01 to 31)
172 * \arg \%D - same as %m/%d/%y
173 * \arg \%e - day of the month as a decimal number, a single digit is preceded by a space (range ' 1' to '31')
174 * \arg \%g - like %G, but without the century
175 * \arg \%G - The 4-digit year corresponding to the ISO week number
176 * \arg \%h - same as %b
177 * \arg \%H - hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock (range 00 to 23)
178 * \arg \%I - hour as a decimal number using a 12-hour clock (range 01 to 12)
179 * \arg \%j - day of the year as a decimal number (range 001 to 366)
180 * \arg \%m - month as a decimal number (range 01 to 12)
181 * \arg \%M - minute as a decimal number
182 * \arg \%n - newline character
183 * \arg \%p - either `AM' or `PM' according to the given time value, or the corresponding strings for the current locale
184 * \arg \%P - like %p, but lower case
185 * \arg \%r - time in a.m. and p.m. notation equal to %I:%M:%S %p
186 * \arg \%R - time in 24 hour notation equal to %H:%M
187 * \arg \%S - second as a decimal number
188 * \arg \%t - tab character
189 * \arg \%T - current time, equal to %H:%M:%S
190 * \arg \%u - weekday as a decimal number [1,7], with 1 representing Monday
191 * \arg \%U - week number of the current year as a decimal number, starting with
192 * the first Sunday as the first day of the first week
193 * \arg \%V - The ISO 8601:1988 week number of the current year as a decimal number,
194 * range 01 to 53, where week 1 is the first week that has at least 4 days
195 * in the current year, and with Monday as the first day of the week.
196 * \arg \%w - day of the week as a decimal, Sunday being 0
197 * \arg \%W - week number of the current year as a decimal number, starting with the
198 * first Monday as the first day of the first week
199 * \arg \%x - preferred date representation for the current locale without the time
200 * \arg \%X - preferred time representation for the current locale without the date
201 * \arg \%y - year as a decimal number without a century (range 00 to 99)
202 * \arg \%Y - year as a decimal number including the century
203 * \arg \%z - numerical time zone representation
204 * \arg \%Z - time zone name or abbreviation
205 * \arg \%% - a literal `\%' character
206 */
207 Date.ext.formats = {
208 a: function(d) { return Date.ext.locales[d.locale].a[d.getDay()]; },
209 A: function(d) { return Date.ext.locales[d.locale].A[d.getDay()]; },
210 b: function(d) { return Date.ext.locales[d.locale].b[d.getMonth()]; },
211 B: function(d) { return Date.ext.locales[d.locale].B[d.getMonth()]; },
212 c: 'toLocaleString',
213 C: function(d) { return Date.ext.util.xPad(parseInt(d.getFullYear()/100, 10), 0); },
214 d: ['getDate', '0'],
215 e: ['getDate', ' '],
216 g: function(d) { return Date.ext.util.xPad(parseInt(Date.ext.util.G(d)/100, 10), 0); },
217 G: function(d) {
218 var y = d.getFullYear();
219 var V = parseInt(Date.ext.formats.V(d), 10);
220 var W = parseInt(Date.ext.formats.W(d), 10);
222 if(W > V) {
223 y++;
224 } else if(W===0 && V>=52) {
225 y--;
226 }
228 return y;
229 },
230 H: ['getHours', '0'],
231 I: function(d) { var I=d.getHours()%12; return Date.ext.util.xPad(I===0?12:I, 0); },
232 j: function(d) {
233 var ms = d - new Date('' + d.getFullYear() + '/1/1 GMT');
234 ms += d.getTimezoneOffset()*60000;
235 var doy = parseInt(ms/60000/60/24, 10)+1;
236 return Date.ext.util.xPad(doy, 0, 100);
237 },
238 m: function(d) { return Date.ext.util.xPad(d.getMonth()+1, 0); },
239 M: ['getMinutes', '0'],
240 p: function(d) { return Date.ext.locales[d.locale].p[d.getHours() >= 12 ? 1 : 0 ]; },
241 P: function(d) { return Date.ext.locales[d.locale].P[d.getHours() >= 12 ? 1 : 0 ]; },
242 S: ['getSeconds', '0'],
243 u: function(d) { var dow = d.getDay(); return dow===0?7:dow; },
244 U: function(d) {
245 var doy = parseInt(Date.ext.formats.j(d), 10);
246 var rdow = 6-d.getDay();
247 var woy = parseInt((doy+rdow)/7, 10);
248 return Date.ext.util.xPad(woy, 0);
249 },
250 V: function(d) {
251 var woy = parseInt(Date.ext.formats.W(d), 10);
252 var dow1_1 = (new Date('' + d.getFullYear() + '/1/1')).getDay();
253 // First week is 01 and not 00 as in the case of %U and %W,
254 // so we add 1 to the final result except if day 1 of the year
255 // is a Monday (then %W returns 01).
256 // We also need to subtract 1 if the day 1 of the year is
257 // Friday-Sunday, so the resulting equation becomes:
258 var idow = woy + (dow1_1 > 4 || dow1_1 <= 1 ? 0 : 1);
259 if(idow == 53 && (new Date('' + d.getFullYear() + '/12/31')).getDay() < 4)
260 {
261 idow = 1;
262 }
263 else if(idow === 0)
264 {
265 idow = Date.ext.formats.V(new Date('' + (d.getFullYear()-1) + '/12/31'));
266 }
268 return Date.ext.util.xPad(idow, 0);
269 },
270 w: 'getDay',
271 W: function(d) {
272 var doy = parseInt(Date.ext.formats.j(d), 10);
273 var rdow = 7-Date.ext.formats.u(d);
274 var woy = parseInt((doy+rdow)/7, 10);
275 return Date.ext.util.xPad(woy, 0, 10);
276 },
277 y: function(d) { return Date.ext.util.xPad(d.getFullYear()%100, 0); },
278 Y: 'getFullYear',
279 z: function(d) {
280 var o = d.getTimezoneOffset();
281 var H = Date.ext.util.xPad(parseInt(Math.abs(o/60), 10), 0);
282 var M = Date.ext.util.xPad(o%60, 0);
283 return (o>0?'-':'+') + H + M;
284 },
285 Z: function(d) { return d.toString().replace(/^.*\(([^)]+)\)$/, '$1'); },
286 '%': function(d) { return '%'; }
287 };
289 /**
290 \brief List of aggregate format specifiers.
291 \details
292 Aggregate format specifiers map to a combination of basic format specifiers.
293 These are implemented in terms of Date.ext.formats.
295 A format specifier that maps to 'locale' is read from Date.ext.locales[current-locale].
297 \sa Date.ext.formats
298 */
299 Date.ext.aggregates = {
300 c: 'locale',
301 D: '%m/%d/%y',
302 h: '%b',
303 n: '\n',
304 r: '%I:%M:%S %p',
305 R: '%H:%M',
306 t: '\t',
307 T: '%H:%M:%S',
308 x: 'locale',
309 X: 'locale'
310 };
312 //! \cond FALSE
313 // Cache timezone values because they will never change for a given JS instance
314 Date.ext.aggregates.z = Date.ext.formats.z(new Date());
315 Date.ext.aggregates.Z = Date.ext.formats.Z(new Date());
316 //! \endcond
318 //! List of unsupported format specifiers.
319 /**
320 * \details
321 * All format specifiers supported by the PHP implementation are supported by
322 * this javascript implementation.
323 */
324 Date.ext.unsupported = { };
327 /**
328 * \brief Formats the date according to the specified format.
329 * \param fmt The format to format the date in. This may be a combination of the following:
330 * \copydoc formats
331 *
332 * \return A string representation of the date formatted based on the passed in parameter
333 * \sa for documentation on format specifiers
334 */
335 Date.prototype.strftime=function(fmt)
336 {
337 // Fix locale if declared locale hasn't been defined
338 // After the first call this condition should never be entered unless someone changes the locale
339 if(!(this.locale in Date.ext.locales))
340 {
341 if(this.locale.replace(/-[a-zA-Z]+$/, '') in Date.ext.locales)
342 {
343 this.locale = this.locale.replace(/-[a-zA-Z]+$/, '');
344 }
345 else
346 {
347 this.locale = 'en-GB';
348 }
349 }
351 var d = this;
352 // First replace aggregates
353 while(fmt.match(/%[cDhnrRtTxXzZ]/))
354 {
355 fmt = fmt.replace(/%([cDhnrRtTxXzZ])/g, function(m0, m1)
356 {
357 var f = Date.ext.aggregates[m1];
358 return (f == 'locale' ? Date.ext.locales[d.locale][m1] : f);
359 });
360 }
363 // Now replace formats - we need a closure so that the date object gets passed through
364 var str = fmt.replace(/%([aAbBCdegGHIjmMpPSuUVwWyY%])/g, function(m0, m1)
365 {
366 var f = Date.ext.formats[m1];
367 if(typeof(f) == 'string') {
368 return d[f]();
369 } else if(typeof(f) == 'function') {
370 return, d);
371 } else if(typeof(f) == 'object' && typeof(f[0]) == 'string') {
372 return Date.ext.util.xPad(d[f[0]](), f[1]);
373 } else {
374 return m1;
375 }
376 });
377 d=null;
378 return str;
379 };
381 /**
382 * \mainpage strftime for Javascript
383 *
384 * \section toc Table of Contents
385 * - \ref intro_sec
386 * - <a class="el" href="strftime.js">Download full source</a> / <a class="el" href="strftime-min.js">minified</a>
387 * - \subpage usage
388 * - \subpage format_specifiers
389 * - \subpage localisation
390 * - \link strftime.js API Documentation \endlink
391 * - \subpage demo
392 * - \subpage changelog
393 * - \subpage faq
394 * - <a class="el" href="">Feedback</a>
395 * - \subpage copyright_licence
396 *
397 * \section intro_sec Introduction
398 *
399 * C and PHP developers have had access to a built in strftime function for a long time.
400 * This function is an easy way to format dates and times for various display needs.
401 *
402 * This library brings the flexibility of strftime to the javascript Date object
403 *
404 * Use this library if you frequently need to format dates in javascript in a variety of ways. For example,
405 * if you have PHP code that writes out formatted dates, and want to mimic the functionality using
406 * progressively enhanced javascript, then this library can do exactly what you want.
407 *
408 *
409 *
410 *
411 * \page usage Example usage
412 *
413 * \section usage_sec Usage
414 * This library may be used as follows:
415 * \code
416 * var d = new Date();
417 *
418 * var ymd = d.strftime('%Y/%m/%d');
419 * var iso = d.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z');
420 *
421 * \endcode
422 *
423 * \subsection examples Examples
424 *
425 * To get the current time in hours and minutes:
426 * \code
427 * var d = new Date();
428 * d.strftime("%H:%M");
429 * \endcode
430 *
431 * To get the current time with seconds in AM/PM notation:
432 * \code
433 * var d = new Date();
434 * d.strftime("%r");
435 * \endcode
436 *
437 * To get the year and day of the year for August 23, 2009:
438 * \code
439 * var d = new Date('2009/8/23');
440 * d.strftime("%Y-%j");
441 * \endcode
442 *
443 * \section demo_sec Demo
444 *
445 * Try your own examples on the \subpage demo page. You can use any of the supported
446 * \subpage format_specifiers.
447 *
448 *
449 *
450 *
451 * \page localisation Localisation
452 * You can localise strftime by implementing the short and long forms for days of the
453 * week and months of the year, and the localised aggregates for the preferred date
454 * and time representation for your locale. You need to add your locale to the
455 * Date.ext.locales object.
456 *
457 * \section localising_fr Localising for french
458 *
459 * For example, this is how we'd add French language strings to the locales object:
460 * \dontinclude index.html
461 * \skip Generic french
462 * \until };
463 * The % format specifiers are all defined in \ref formats. You can use any of those.
464 *
465 * This locale definition may be included in your own source file, or in the HTML file
466 * including \c strftime.js, however it must be defined \em after including \c strftime.js
467 *
468 * The above definition includes generic french strings and formats that are used in France.
469 * Other french speaking countries may have other representations for dates and times, so we
470 * need to override this for them. For example, Canadian french uses a Y-m-d date format,
471 * while French french uses d.m.Y. We fix this by defining Canadian french to be the same
472 * as generic french, and then override the format specifiers for \c x for the \c fr-CA locale:
473 * \until End french
474 *
475 * You can now use any of the French locales at any time by setting \link Date.prototype.locale Date.locale \endlink
476 * to \c "fr", \c "fr-FR", \c "fr-CA", or any other french dialect:
477 * \code
478 * var d = new Date("2008/04/22");
479 * d.locale = "fr";
480 *
481 * d.strftime("%A, %d %B == %x");
482 * \endcode
483 * will return:
484 * \code
485 * mardi, 22 avril == 22.04.2008
486 * \endcode
487 * While changing the locale to "fr-CA":
488 * \code
489 * d.locale = "fr-CA";
490 *
491 * d.strftime("%A, %d %B == %x");
492 * \endcode
493 * will return:
494 * \code
495 * mardi, 22 avril == 2008-04-22
496 * \endcode
497 *
498 * You can use any of the format specifiers defined at \ref formats
499 *
500 * The locale for all dates defaults to the value of the \c lang attribute of your HTML document if
501 * it is set, or to \c "en" otherwise.
502 * \note
503 * Your locale definitions \b MUST be added to the locale object before calling
504 * \link Date.prototype.strftime Date.strftime \endlink.
505 *
506 * \sa \ref formats for a list of format specifiers that can be used in your definitions
507 * for c, x and X.
508 *
509 * \section locale_names Locale names
510 *
511 * Locale names are defined in RFC 1766. Typically, a locale would be a two letter ISO639
512 * defined language code and an optional ISO3166 defined country code separated by a -
513 *
514 * eg: fr-FR, de-DE, hi-IN
515 *
516 * \sa
517 * \sa
518 * \sa
519 *
520 * \section locale_fallback Locale fallbacks
521 *
522 * If a locale object corresponding to the fully specified locale isn't found, an attempt will be made
523 * to fall back to the two letter language code. If a locale object corresponding to that isn't found
524 * either, then the locale will fall back to \c "en". No warning will be issued.
525 *
526 * For example, if we define a locale for de:
527 * \until };
528 * Then set the locale to \c "de-DE":
529 * \code
530 * d.locale = "de-DE";
531 *
532 * d.strftime("%a, %d %b");
533 * \endcode
534 * In this case, the \c "de" locale will be used since \c "de-DE" has not been defined:
535 * \code
536 * Di, 22 Apr
537 * \endcode
538 *
539 * Swiss german will return the same since it will also fall back to \c "de":
540 * \code
541 * d.locale = "de-CH";
542 *
543 * d.strftime("%a, %d %b");
544 * \endcode
545 * \code
546 * Di, 22 Apr
547 * \endcode
548 *
549 * We need to override the \c a specifier for Swiss german, since it's different from German german:
550 * \until End german
551 * We now get the correct results:
552 * \code
553 * d.locale = "de-CH";
554 *
555 * d.strftime("%a, %d %b");
556 * \endcode
557 * \code
558 * Die, 22 Apr
559 * \endcode
560 *
561 * \section builtin_locales Built in locales
562 *
563 * This library comes with pre-defined locales for en, en-GB, en-US and en-AU.
564 *
565 *
566 *
567 *
568 * \page format_specifiers Format specifiers
569 *
570 * \section specifiers Format specifiers
571 * strftime has several format specifiers defined by the Open group at
572 *
573 *
574 * PHP added a few of its own, defined at
575 *
576 * This javascript implementation supports all the PHP specifiers
577 *
578 * \subsection supp Supported format specifiers:
579 * \copydoc formats
580 *
581 * \subsection unsupportedformats Unsupported format specifiers:
582 * \copydoc unsupported
583 *
584 *
585 *
586 *
587 * \page demo strftime demo
588 * <div style="float:right;width:45%;">
589 * \copydoc formats
590 * </div>
591 * \htmlinclude index.html
592 *
593 *
594 *
595 *
596 * \page faq FAQ
597 *
598 * \section how_tos Usage
599 *
600 * \subsection howtouse Is there a manual on how to use this library?
601 *
602 * Yes, see \ref usage
603 *
604 * \subsection wheretoget Where can I get a minified version of this library?
605 *
606 * The minified version is available <a href="strftime-min.js" title="Minified strftime.js">here</a>.
607 *
608 * \subsection which_specifiers Which format specifiers are supported?
609 *
610 * See \ref format_specifiers
611 *
612 * \section whys Why?
613 *
614 * \subsection why_lib Why this library?
615 *
616 * I've used the strftime function in C, PHP and the Unix shell, and found it very useful
617 * to do date formatting. When I needed to do date formatting in javascript, I decided
618 * that it made the most sense to just reuse what I'm already familiar with.
619 *
620 * \subsection why_another Why another strftime implementation for Javascript?
621 *
622 * Yes, there are other strftime implementations for Javascript, but I saw problems with
623 * all of them that meant I couldn't use them directly. Some implementations had bad
624 * designs. For example, iterating through all possible specifiers and scanning the string
625 * for them. Others were tied to specific libraries like prototype.
626 *
627 * Trying to extend any of the existing implementations would have required only slightly
628 * less effort than writing this from scratch. In the end it took me just about 3 hours
629 * to write the code and about 6 hours battling with doxygen to write these docs.
630 *
631 * I also had an idea of how I wanted to implement this, so decided to try it.
632 *
633 * \subsection why_extend_date Why extend the Date class rather than subclass it?
634 *
635 * I tried subclassing Date and failed. I didn't want to waste time on figuring
636 * out if there was a problem in my code or if it just wasn't possible. Adding to the
637 * Date.prototype worked well, so I stuck with it.
638 *
639 * I did have some worries because of the way loops got messed up after json.js added
640 * to the Object.prototype, but that isn't an issue here since {} is not a subclass of Date.
641 *
642 * My last doubt was about the Date.ext namespace that I created. I still don't like this,
643 * but I felt that \c ext at least makes clear that this is external or an extension.
644 *
645 * It's quite possible that some future version of javascript will add an \c ext or a \c locale
646 * or a \c strftime property/method to the Date class, but this library should probably
647 * check for capabilities before doing what it does.
648 *
649 * \section curiosity Curiosity
650 *
651 * \subsection how_big How big is the code?
652 *
653 * \arg 26K bytes with documentation
654 * \arg 4242 bytes minified using <a href="">YUI Compressor</a>
655 * \arg 1477 bytes minified and gzipped
656 *
657 * \subsection how_long How long did it take to write this?
658 *
659 * 15 minutes for the idea while I was composing this blog post:
660 *
661 *
662 * 3 hours in one evening to write v1.0 of the code and 6 hours the same
663 * night to write the docs and this manual. As you can tell, I'm fairly
664 * sleepy.
665 *
666 * Versions 1.1 and 1.2 were done in a couple of hours each, and version 1.3
667 * in under one hour.
668 *
669 * \section contributing Contributing
670 *
671 * \subsection how_to_rfe How can I request features or make suggestions?
672 *
673 * You can leave a comment on my blog post about this library here:
674 *
675 *
676 * \subsection how_to_contribute Can I/How can I contribute code to this library?
677 *
678 * Yes, that would be very nice, thank you. You can do various things. You can make changes
679 * to the library, and make a diff against the current file and mail me that diff at
680 *, or you could just host the new file on your own servers and add
681 * your name to the copyright list at the top stating which parts you've added.
682 *
683 * If you do mail me a diff, let me know how you'd like to be listed in the copyright section.
684 *
685 * \subsection copyright_signover Who owns the copyright on contributed code?
686 *
687 * The contributor retains copyright on contributed code.
688 *
689 * In some cases I may use contributed code as a template and write the code myself. In this
690 * case I'll give the contributor credit for the idea, but will not add their name to the
691 * copyright holders list.
692 *
693 *
694 *
695 *
696 * \page copyright_licence Copyright & Licence
697 *
698 * \section copyright Copyright
699 * \dontinclude strftime.js
700 * \skip Copyright
701 * \until rights
702 *
703 * \section licence Licence
704 * \skip This code
705 * \until SUCH DAMAGE.
706 *
707 *
708 *
709 * \page changelog ChangeLog
710 *
711 * \par 1.3 - 2008/06/17:
712 * - Fixed padding issue with negative timezone offsets in %r
713 * reported and fixed by Mikko <>
714 * - Added support for %P
715 * - Internationalised %r, %p and %P
716 *
717 * \par 1.2 - 2008/04/27:
718 * - Fixed support for c (previously it just returned toLocaleString())
719 * - Add support for c, x and X
720 * - Add locales for en-GB, en-US and en-AU
721 * - Make en-GB the default locale (previous was en)
722 * - Added more localisation docs
723 *
724 * \par 1.1 - 2008/04/27:
725 * - Fix bug in xPad which wasn't padding more than a single digit
726 * - Fix bug in j which had an off by one error for days after March 10th because of daylight savings
727 * - Add support for g, G, U, V and W
728 *
729 * \par 1.0 - 2008/04/22:
730 * - Initial release with support for a, A, b, B, c, C, d, D, e, H, I, j, m, M, p, r, R, S, t, T, u, w, y, Y, z, Z, and %
731 */