1 '/**********************************************************************************
3 ' * Copyright 2013 Adrian Lam *
4 ' * Last edited 22/11/2013 *
6 ' **********************************************************************************
7 ' * Blackjack is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *
8 ' * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
9 ' * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or *
10 ' * (at your option) any later version. *
12 ' * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
13 ' * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrranty of *
15 ' * GNU General Public License for more details. *
17 ' * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
18 ' * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> *
20 ' **********************************************************************************/
22 Public Class Blackjack
24 Dim AllCards(52) As Boolean ' array to store whether each card has been dealt
25 ' 1-13 is Ace to King of spades, 14-26 is Ace to King of Hearts etc
27 Dim PlayerCards(5) As Integer, PlayerCardCount As Integer, PlayerCardSum As Integer, PlayerCardSoftSum As Integer
29 Dim DealerCards(5) As Integer, DealerCardCount As Integer, DealerCardSum As Integer, DealerCardSoftSum As Integer
31 Dim PlayerSplitCards(5) As Integer, PlayerSplitCount As Integer, PlayerSplitSum As Integer, PlayerSplitSoftSum As Integer
33 Dim SplitStatus As Integer '0 when no split, 1 when playing 1st hand split, 2 when playing 2nd hand
34 Dim Split1Busted As Boolean, Split2Busted As Boolean
36 Private Sub Blackjack_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
40 CmdDoubleDown.Hide()
42 LblStatus.Text = "Enter bet amount and" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "click Deal to start"
43 Randomize() 'Seed pseudo-random number generator
52 CmdDoubleDown.Hide()
54 TxtBet.ReadOnly = True
55 For i = 1 To 52 Step 1
58 For i = 1 To 5 Step 1
60 PlayerSplitCards(i) = 0
66 PlayerCardSoftSum = 0
68 DealerCardSoftSum = 0
69 PlayerSplitCount = 0
71 PlayerSplitSoftSum = 0
73 TxtPlayerCard1.Text = ""
74 TxtPlayerCard1.Visible = False
75 TxtPlayerCard2.Text = ""
76 TxtPlayerCard2.Visible = False
77 TxtPlayerCard3.Text = ""
78 TxtPlayerCard3.Visible = False
79 TxtPlayerCard4.Text = ""
80 TxtPlayerCard4.Visible = False
81 TxtPlayerCard5.Text = ""
82 TxtPlayerCard5.Visible = False
84 TxtSplit1.Visible = False
86 TxtSplit2.Visible = False
88 TxtSplit3.Visible = False
90 TxtSplit4.Visible = False
92 TxtSplit5.Visible = False
93 TxtDealerCard1.Text = ""
94 TxtDealerCard1.Visible = False
95 TxtDealerCard2.Text = ""
96 TxtDealerCard2.Visible = False
97 TxtDealerCard3.Text = ""
98 TxtDealerCard3.Visible = False
99 TxtDealerCard4.Text = ""
100 TxtDealerCard4.Visible = False
101 TxtDealerCard5.Text = ""
102 TxtDealerCard5.Visible = False
103 Split1Busted = False
104 Split2Busted = False
107 Private Sub CmdDeal_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CmdDeal.Click
109 '''''BEGIN VALIDATION'''''
110 If Val(TxtTotal.Text) <= 0 Then
111 MsgBox("You have no more money! Click OK to exit program...")
114 If TxtBet.Text = "" Or Not IsNumeric(TxtBet.Text) Or Int(Val(TxtBet.Text)) <= 0 Then
115 MsgBox("Please enter a valid bet value")
118 TxtBet.Text = CStr(Int(Val(TxtBet.Text)))
119 If Val(TxtBet.Text) > Val(TxtTotal.Text) Then
120 MsgBox("You don't have enough money for such a high bet! Please lower your bet value")
123 '''''END VALIDATION'''''
126 TxtTotal.Text = CStr(Val(TxtTotal.Text) - Val(TxtBet.Text))
128 '/**********************************************************************/
132 'BEGIN Deal hole card to dealer
133 DealOneCard(DealerCards, DealerCardCount, DealerCardSum, DealerCardSoftSum)
134 TxtDealerCard1.BackColor = Color.Gray
135 TxtDealerCard1.Visible = True
136 'END Deal hole card to dealer
139 '/**************************************************************************/
141 '''''BEGIN INSURANCE'''''
142 If DealerCards(2) Mod 13 = 1 And Val(TxtTotal.Text) >= Int((Val(TxtBet.Text) + 1) / 2) Then ' If dealer's up card is Ace AND player has enough money Then
143 Dim OptionIns As Integer '6=yes, 7=no
144 OptionIns = MsgBox("Dealer may have blackjack, do you want insurance?", MsgBoxStyle.YesNo Or MsgBoxStyle.DefaultButton1 Or MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation)
145 If OptionIns = 6 And DealerCardSum = 21 Then
146 If PlayerCardSum = 21 Then
147 LblStatus.Text = "Dealer and you both have blackjack, push"
148 TxtTotal.Text = CStr(Int(Val(TxtBet.Text) * 5 / 2) + Val(TxtTotal.Text))
150 LblStatus.Text = "Dealer has blackjack"
151 TxtTotal.Text = CStr(Val(TxtTotal.Text) + Val(TxtBet.Text))
153 DisplayCard(TxtDealerCard1, DealerCards(1))
156 ElseIf OptionIns = 6 And DealerCardSum <> 21 Then
157 LblStatus.Text = "Dealer does not have blackjack"
158 TxtTotal.Text = CStr(Val(TxtTotal.Text) - Int((Val(TxtBet.Text) + 1) / 2))
159 ElseIf OptionIns = 7 And DealerCardSum = 21 Then
160 LblStatus.Text = "Dealer has blackjack"
161 DisplayCard(TxtDealerCard1, DealerCards(1))
166 '''''END INSURANCE'''''
169 If DealerCardSum = 21 Then
170 If PlayerCardSum = 21 Then
171 LblStatus.Text = "Dealer and you both have blackjack, push"
172 TxtTotal.Text = CStr(Val(TxtTotal.Text) + Val(TxtBet.Text))
174 LblStatus.Text = "Dealer has blackjack"
176 DisplayCard(TxtDealerCard1, DealerCards(1))
183 If PlayerCardSum = 21 Then
184 LblStatus.Text = "You have blackjack!"
185 TxtTotal.Text = CStr(Val(TxtTotal.Text) + Int(Val(TxtBet.Text) * 5 / 2))
191 '/**************************************************************************/
195 CmdDoubleDown.Show()
196 If PlayerCards(1) Mod 13 = PlayerCards(2) Mod 13 Then ' If both cards equal Then
201 Function RandBetween(ByVal lower As Integer, ByVal higher As Integer) ' Returns a random integer between lower and higher inclusive
202 Return Int((higher - lower + 1) * Rnd() + lower)
205 Sub DisplayCard(ByRef card As TextBox, ByVal CardValue As Integer)
206 Dim face As String, suit As String = "" ' Initialised to stop the complaint of Visual Studio, syntactically and logically not required
208 card.BackColor = Color.White ' Set the color of the textbox to white
209 If CardValue <> 0 Then
210 Select Case (Int((CardValue - 1) / 13))
213 card.ForeColor = Color.Black ' Set the font color to black
216 card.ForeColor = Color.Red
219 card.ForeColor = Color.Black
222 card.ForeColor = Color.Red
224 Select Case (CardValue Mod 13)
234 face = CStr(CardValue Mod 13)
236 card.Text = suit & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & face
237 card.Visible = True
241 Sub DealOneCard(ByRef PersonCards() As Integer, ByRef PersonCardCount As Integer, ByRef PersonCardSum As Integer, ByRef PersonCardSoftSum As Integer)
242 Dim card As Integer
244 Do ' Ensure that no cards are repeated
245 card = RandBetween(1, 52)
246 Loop Until Not AllCards(card)
247 AllCards(card) = True
249 PersonCardCount = PersonCardCount + 1
250 PersonCards(PersonCardCount) = card
251 PersonCardSum = PersonCardSum + (card Mod 13)
252 ' Now this does not work if the card is A, J, Q or K, so the exceptions are handled below:
254 If PersonCardSoftSum <> 0 Then ' If person has an ace Then
255 PersonCardSoftSum = PersonCardSoftSum + (card Mod 13)
258 Select Case (card Mod 13)
260 PersonCardSum = PersonCardSum + 10
261 If PersonCardSoftSum <> 0 Then ' If person has an ace Then
262 PersonCardSoftSum = PersonCardSoftSum + 10
265 PersonCardSum = PersonCardSum - 1
266 If PersonCardSoftSum <> 0 Then
267 PersonCardSoftSum = PersonCardSoftSum - 1
270 PersonCardSum = PersonCardSum - 2
271 If PersonCardSoftSum <> 0 Then
272 PersonCardSoftSum = PersonCardSoftSum - 2
275 PersonCardSum = PersonCardSum + 10
276 If PersonCardSoftSum = 0 Then ' If person does not already have an ace Then
277 PersonCardSoftSum = PersonCardSum - 10
278 Else ' Person already has an ace
279 PersonCardSum = PersonCardSum - 10
285 DealOneCard(PlayerCards, PlayerCardCount, PlayerCardSum, PlayerCardSoftSum)
286 DisplayCard(TxtPlayerCard1, PlayerCards(1))
287 DisplayCard(TxtPlayerCard2, PlayerCards(2))
288 DisplayCard(TxtPlayerCard3, PlayerCards(3))
289 DisplayCard(TxtPlayerCard4, PlayerCards(4))
290 DisplayCard(TxtPlayerCard5, PlayerCards(5))
294 DealOneCard(DealerCards, DealerCardCount, DealerCardSum, DealerCardSoftSum)
295 ''card 1 skipped because it is hole card
296 DisplayCard(TxtDealerCard2, DealerCards(2))
297 DisplayCard(TxtDealerCard3, DealerCards(3))
298 DisplayCard(TxtDealerCard4, DealerCards(4))
299 DisplayCard(TxtDealerCard5, DealerCards(5))
302 Private Sub CmdHit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CmdHit.Click
303 CmdDoubleDown.Hide()
305 If SplitStatus = 0 Then ' If player did not split Then
307 If PlayerCardSoftSum > 21 Or (PlayerCardSum > 21 And PlayerCardSoftSum = 0) Then
308 LblStatus.Text = "You busted"
311 ElseIf PlayerCardCount = 5 Then
312 LblStatus.Text = "You win"
313 TxtTotal.Text = CStr(Val(TxtTotal.Text) + 2 * Val(TxtBet.Text))
316 ElseIf PlayerCardSum = 21 Or PlayerCardSoftSum = 21 Then ' Automatically stands if player reaches 21
317 CmdStand.PerformClick()
320 ElseIf SplitStatus = 1 Then ' ElseIf player splitted and is playing the first hand Then
322 If PlayerCardSoftSum > 21 Or (PlayerCardSum > 21 And PlayerCardSoftSum = 0) Then
323 LblStatus.Text = "First hand busted" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "Second hand (top)"
324 Split1Busted = True
327 SplitStatus = 2 ' Starts player on second hand
328 ElseIf PlayerCardCount = 5 Then
329 LblStatus.Text = "First hand win" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "Second hand (top)"
330 SplitStatus = 2 ' Starts player on second hand
331 ElseIf PlayerCardSum = 21 Or PlayerCardSoftSum = 21 Then ' Automatically stands if player reaches 21
332 CmdStand.PerformClick()
335 Else ' ElseIf player splitted and is playing the second hand Then
337 If PlayerSplitSoftSum > 21 Or (PlayerSplitSum > 21 And PlayerSplitSoftSum = 0) Then
338 LblStatus.Text = "Second hand busted"
339 Split2Busted = True
341 ElseIf PlayerSplitCount = 5 Then
342 LblStatus.Text = LblStatus.Text & "Second hand win" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
344 ElseIf PlayerSplitSoftSum = 21 Or PlayerSplitSum = 21 Then ' Automatically stands if player reaches 21
345 CmdStand.PerformClick()
351 DealOneCard(PlayerSplitCards, PlayerSplitCount, PlayerSplitSum, PlayerSplitSoftSum)
352 DisplayCard(TxtSplit1, PlayerSplitCards(1))
353 DisplayCard(TxtSplit2, PlayerSplitCards(2))
354 DisplayCard(TxtSplit3, PlayerSplitCards(3))
355 DisplayCard(TxtSplit4, PlayerSplitCards(4))
356 DisplayCard(TxtSplit5, PlayerSplitCards(5))
359 Sub ScoreCalc(ByRef score As Integer, ByVal softsum As Integer, ByVal sum As Integer)
360 If softsum > 21 Or (sum > 21 And softsum = 0) Then ' If busted Then
362 ElseIf sum > 21 And softsum <> 0 Then ' ElseIf sum busted but player has an ace and softsum not busted Then
369 Sub EndSplitHands()
371 If Split1Busted And Split2Busted Then
378 '/***********************************************************/
380 Dim score1 As Integer, score2 As Integer, dealerscore As Integer
382 ScoreCalc(score1, PlayerCardSoftSum, PlayerCardSum)
383 ScoreCalc(score2, PlayerSplitSoftSum, PlayerSplitSum)
384 ScoreCalc(dealerscore, DealerCardSoftSum, DealerCardSum)
387 LblStatus.Text = "First hand busted" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
388 ElseIf score1 > dealerscore Or (score1 <> 0 And PlayerCardCount = 5) Then
389 LblStatus.Text = "First hand win" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
390 TxtTotal.Text = CStr(Val(TxtTotal.Text) + 2 * Val(TxtBet.Text))
391 ElseIf score1 = dealerscore Then
392 LblStatus.Text = "First hand push" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
393 TxtTotal.Text = CStr(Val(TxtTotal.Text) + Val(TxtBet.Text))
395 LblStatus.Text = "First hand lose" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
399 LblStatus.Text = LblStatus.Text & "Second hand busted" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
400 ElseIf score2 > dealerscore Or (score2 <> 0 And PlayerSplitCount = 5) Then
401 LblStatus.Text = LblStatus.Text & "Second hand win" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
402 TxtTotal.Text = CStr(Val(TxtTotal.Text) + 2 * Val(TxtBet.Text))
403 ElseIf score2 = dealerscore Then
404 LblStatus.Text = LblStatus.Text & "Second hand push" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
405 TxtTotal.Text = CStr(Val(TxtTotal.Text) + Val(TxtBet.Text))
407 LblStatus.Text = LblStatus.Text & "Second hand lose" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
410 If dealerscore = 0 Then
411 LblStatus.Text = LblStatus.Text & "Dealer Busted" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
414 '/*********************************************************/
420 DisplayCard(TxtDealerCard1, DealerCards(1)) ' Show the hole card
421 While ((DealerCardSum < 17 And DealerCardSoftSum = 0) Or (DealerCardSoftSum < 17 And DealerCardSoftSum <> 0)) And DealerCardCount < 5 'While dealer has not reached 17
428 TxtBet.ReadOnly = False
431 CmdDoubleDown.Hide()
435 Private Sub CmdStand_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CmdStand.Click
436 If SplitStatus = 1 Then ' If player splitted and is playing first hand Then
437 SplitStatus = 2 ' Starts player on second hand
440 CmdDoubleDown.Hide()
441 LblStatus.Text = "Second hand (top)"
443 ElseIf SplitStatus = 2 Then ' ElseIf player splitted and is playing second hand Then
446 Else ' player did not split
449 '/*************************************************************************/
451 Dim PlayerScore As Integer = 0, DealerScore As Integer = 0
452 If DealerCardSum > 21 And (DealerCardSoftSum > 21 Or DealerCardSoftSum = 0) Then
453 LblStatus.Text = "Dealer busted"
454 TxtTotal.Text = CStr(Val(TxtTotal.Text) + 2 * Val(TxtBet.Text))
457 ElseIf DealerCardSum > 21 And DealerCardSoftSum <> 0 Then
458 DealerScore = DealerCardSoftSum
460 DealerScore = DealerCardSum
463 If PlayerCardSum > 21 Then PlayerScore = PlayerCardSoftSum Else PlayerScore = PlayerCardSum
465 If PlayerScore > DealerScore Then
466 LblStatus.Text = "You win"
467 TxtTotal.Text = CStr(Val(TxtTotal.Text) + 2 * Val(TxtBet.Text))
469 ElseIf PlayerScore = DealerScore Then
470 LblStatus.Text = "Push"
471 TxtTotal.Text = CStr(Val(TxtTotal.Text) + Val(TxtBet.Text))
474 LblStatus.Text = "You lose"
478 '/*************************************************************************/
483 Private Sub CmdDoubleDown_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CmdDoubleDown.Click
484 CmdDoubleDown.Hide()
487 Dim SecondBet As String
488 SecondBet = InputBox("Enter second bet value:")
489 While Val(SecondBet) > Val(TxtBet.Text) Or Val(SecondBet) > Val(TxtTotal.Text) Or SecondBet = "" Or Not IsNumeric(SecondBet) Or Int(Val(SecondBet)) <= 0
490 If Val(SecondBet) > Val(TxtBet.Text) Or Val(SecondBet) > Val(TxtTotal.Text) Then
491 SecondBet = InputBox("Second bet too large, please enter another value:")
493 SecondBet = InputBox("Please enter a correct numerical positive integral value:")
496 SecondBet = CStr(Int(Val(SecondBet)))
497 TxtTotal.Text = CStr(Val(TxtTotal.Text) - Val(SecondBet))
502 If PlayerCardSoftSum > 21 Or (PlayerCardSum > 21 And PlayerCardSoftSum = 0) Then
503 LblStatus.Text = "You busted"
510 '/*******************************************************************************/
512 Dim PlayerScore As Integer = 0, DealerScore As Integer = 0
513 If DealerCardSum > 21 And (DealerCardSoftSum > 21 Or DealerCardSoftSum = 0) Then
514 LblStatus.Text = "Dealer busted"
515 TxtTotal.Text = CStr(Val(TxtTotal.Text) + 2 * Val(TxtBet.Text) + 2 * Val(SecondBet))
518 ElseIf DealerCardSum > 21 And DealerCardSoftSum <> 0 Then
519 DealerScore = DealerCardSoftSum
521 DealerScore = DealerCardSum
524 If PlayerCardSum > 21 Then PlayerScore = PlayerCardSoftSum Else PlayerScore = PlayerCardSum
526 If PlayerScore > DealerScore Then
527 LblStatus.Text = "You win"
528 TxtTotal.Text = CStr(Val(TxtTotal.Text) + 2 * Val(TxtBet.Text) + 2 * Val(SecondBet))
530 ElseIf PlayerScore = DealerScore Then
531 LblStatus.Text = "Push"
532 TxtTotal.Text = CStr(Val(TxtTotal.Text) + Val(TxtBet.Text) + Val(SecondBet))
535 LblStatus.Text = "You lose"
539 '/********************************************************************************/
543 Private Sub CmdSplit_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CmdSplit.Click
545 TxtSplit1.Text = TxtPlayerCard2.Text
546 TxtSplit1.Visible = True
547 TxtPlayerCard2.Text = ""
548 TxtPlayerCard2.Visible = False
550 LblStatus.Text = "first hand (bottom)"
551 SplitStatus = 1 ' Starts the player on split on first hand
553 '''''BEGIN set counters'''''
554 PlayerCardSum = PlayerCardSum / 2
555 PlayerCardSoftSum = PlayerCardSoftSum / 2
556 PlayerSplitSum = PlayerCardSum
557 PlayerSplitSoftSum = PlayerCardSoftSum
558 PlayerCardCount = 1
559 PlayerSplitCount = 1
560 PlayerSplitCards(1) = PlayerCards(2)
562 '''''END set counters'''''
568 CmdDoubleDown.Hide()
571 Private Sub CmdRules_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CmdRules.Click
572 '''''Open a new form with the rules on it'''''
573 Dim rules As New Rules ' Declare the new form
574 rules.Show() ' Show the new form