fractions test
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7 <meta name="generator" content="Docutils 0.4:" />
8 <title>MochiKit.Format - string formatting goes here</title>
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15 <div class="document">
16 <div class="section">
17 <h1><a id="name" name="name">Name</a></h1>
18 <p>MochiKit.Format - string formatting goes here</p>
19 </div>
20 <div class="section">
21 <h1><a id="synopsis" name="synopsis">Synopsis</a></h1>
22 <pre class="literal-block">
23 assert( truncToFixed(0.12345, 4) == &quot;0.1234&quot; );
24 assert( roundToFixed(0.12345, 4) == &quot;0.1235&quot; );
25 assert( twoDigitAverage(1, 0) == &quot;0&quot; );
26 assert( twoDigitFloat(1.2345) == &quot;1.23&quot; );
27 assert( twoDigitFloat(1) == &quot;1&quot; );
28 assert( percentFormat(1.234567) == &quot;123.46%&quot; );
29 assert( numberFormatter(&quot;###,###%&quot;)(125) == &quot;12,500%&quot; );
30 assert( numberFormatter(&quot;##.000&quot;)(1.25) == &quot;1.250&quot; );
31 </pre>
32 </div>
33 <div class="section">
34 <h1><a id="description" name="description">Description</a></h1>
35 <p>Formatting strings and stringifying numbers is boring, so a couple
36 useful functions in that domain live here.</p>
37 </div>
38 <div class="section">
39 <h1><a id="dependencies" name="dependencies">Dependencies</a></h1>
40 <p>None.</p>
41 </div>
42 <div class="section">
43 <h1><a id="overview" name="overview">Overview</a></h1>
44 <div class="section">
45 <h2><a id="formatting-numbers" name="formatting-numbers">Formatting Numbers</a></h2>
46 <p>MochiKit provides an extensible number formatting facility, modeled
47 loosely after the Number Format Pattern Syntax <a class="footnote-reference" href="#id2" id="id1" name="id1">[1]</a> from Java.
48 <a class="mochiref reference" href="#fn-numberformatter">numberFormatter(pattern[, placeholder=&quot;&quot;[,
49 locale=&quot;default&quot;])</a> returns a function that converts Number to string
50 using the given information. <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">pattern</span></tt> is a string consisting of
51 the following symbols:</p>
52 <table border="1" class="docutils">
53 <colgroup>
54 <col width="15%" />
55 <col width="85%" />
56 </colgroup>
57 <thead valign="bottom">
58 <tr><th class="head">Symbol</th>
59 <th class="head">Meaning</th>
60 </tr>
61 </thead>
62 <tbody valign="top">
63 <tr><td><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">-</span></tt></td>
64 <td>If given, used as the position of the minus sign
65 for negative numbers. If not given, the position
66 to the left of the first number placeholder is used.</td>
67 </tr>
68 <tr><td><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">#</span></tt></td>
69 <td>The placeholder for a number that does not imply zero
70 padding.</td>
71 </tr>
72 <tr><td><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">0</span></tt></td>
73 <td>The placeholder for a number that implies zero padding.
74 If it is used to the right of a decimal separator, it
75 implies trailing zeros, otherwise leading zeros.</td>
76 </tr>
77 <tr><td><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">,</span></tt></td>
78 <td>The placeholder for a &quot;thousands separator&quot;. May be used
79 at most once, and it must be to the left of a decimal
80 separator. Will be replaced by <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">locale.separator</span></tt> in the
81 result (the default is also <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">,</span></tt>).</td>
82 </tr>
83 <tr><td><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">.</span></tt></td>
84 <td>The decimal separator. The quantity of <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">#</span></tt> or <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">0</span></tt>
85 after the decimal separator will determine the precision of
86 the result. If no decimal separator is present, the
87 fractional precision is <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">0</span></tt> -- meaning that it will be
88 rounded to the nearest integer.</td>
89 </tr>
90 <tr><td><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">%</span></tt></td>
91 <td>If present, the number will be multiplied by <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">100</span></tt> and
92 the <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">%</span></tt> will be replaced by <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">locale.percent</span></tt>.</td>
93 </tr>
94 </tbody>
95 </table>
96 </div>
97 </div>
98 <div class="section">
99 <h1><a id="api-reference" name="api-reference">API Reference</a></h1>
100 <div class="section">
101 <h2><a id="functions" name="functions">Functions</a></h2>
102 <p>
103 <a name="fn-formatlocale"></a>
104 <a class="mochidef reference" href="#fn-formatlocale">formatLocale(locale=&quot;default&quot;)</a>:</p>
105 <blockquote>
106 <p>Return a locale object for the given locale. <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">locale</span></tt> may be
107 either a string, which is looked up in the
108 <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">MochiKit.Format.LOCALE</span></tt> object, or a locale object. If no
109 locale is given, <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">LOCALE.default</span></tt> is used (equivalent to
110 <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">LOCALE.en_US</span></tt>).</p>
111 <dl class="docutils">
112 <dt><em>Availability</em>:</dt>
113 <dd>Available in MochiKit 1.3.1+</dd>
114 </dl>
115 </blockquote>
116 <p>
117 <a name="fn-lstrip"></a>
118 <a class="mochidef reference" href="#fn-lstrip">lstrip(str, chars=&quot;\s&quot;)</a>:</p>
119 <blockquote>
120 <p>Returns a string based on <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">str</span></tt> with leading whitespace
121 stripped.</p>
122 <p>If <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">chars</span></tt> is given, then that expression will be used instead
123 of whitespace. <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">chars</span></tt> should be a string suitable for use in a
124 <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">RegExp</span></tt> <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">[character</span> <span class="pre">set]</span></tt>.</p>
125 <dl class="docutils">
126 <dt><em>Availability</em>:</dt>
127 <dd>Available in MochiKit 1.3.1+</dd>
128 </dl>
129 </blockquote>
130 <p>
131 <a name="fn-numberformatter"></a>
132 <a class="mochidef reference" href="#fn-numberformatter">numberFormatter(pattern, placeholder=&quot;&quot;, locale=&quot;default&quot;)</a>:</p>
133 <blockquote>
134 <p>Return a function <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">formatNumber(aNumber)</span></tt> that formats numbers
135 as a string according to the given pattern, placeholder and
136 locale.</p>
137 <p><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">pattern</span></tt> is a string that describes how the numbers should be
138 formatted, for more information see <a class="reference" href="#formatting-numbers">Formatting Numbers</a>.</p>
139 <p><tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">locale</span></tt> is a string of a known locale (en_US, de_DE, fr_FR,
140 default) or an object with the following fields:</p>
141 <table border="1" class="docutils">
142 <colgroup>
143 <col width="16%" />
144 <col width="84%" />
145 </colgroup>
146 <tbody valign="top">
147 <tr><td>separator</td>
148 <td>The &quot;thousands&quot; separator for this locale (en_US is &quot;,&quot;)</td>
149 </tr>
150 <tr><td>decimal</td>
151 <td>The decimal separator for this locale (en_US is &quot;.&quot;)</td>
152 </tr>
153 <tr><td>percent</td>
154 <td>The percent symbol for this locale (en_US is &quot;%&quot;)</td>
155 </tr>
156 </tbody>
157 </table>
158 <dl class="docutils">
159 <dt><em>Availability</em>:</dt>
160 <dd>Available in MochiKit 1.3.1+</dd>
161 </dl>
162 </blockquote>
163 <p>
164 <a name="fn-percentformat"></a>
165 <a class="mochidef reference" href="#fn-percentformat">percentFormat(someFloat)</a>:</p>
166 <blockquote>
167 <p>Roughly equivalent to: <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">sprintf(&quot;%.2f%%&quot;,</span> <span class="pre">someFloat</span> <span class="pre">*</span> <span class="pre">100)</span></tt></p>
168 <p>In new code, you probably want to use:
169 <a class="mochiref reference" href="#fn-numberformatter">numberFormatter(&quot;#.##%&quot;)(someFloat)</a> instead.</p>
170 <dl class="docutils">
171 <dt><em>Availability</em>:</dt>
172 <dd>Available in MochiKit 1.3.1+</dd>
173 </dl>
174 </blockquote>
175 <p>
176 <a name="fn-roundtofixed"></a>
177 <a class="mochidef reference" href="#fn-roundtofixed">roundToFixed(aNumber, precision)</a>:</p>
178 <blockquote>
179 <p>Return a string representation of <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">aNumber</span></tt>, rounded to
180 <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">precision</span></tt> digits with trailing zeros. This is similar to
181 <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">Number.toFixed(aNumber,</span> <span class="pre">precision)</span></tt>, but this has
182 implementation consistent rounding behavior (some versions of
183 Safari round 0.5 down!) and also includes preceding <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">0</span></tt> for
184 numbers less than <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">1</span></tt> (Safari, again).</p>
185 <p>For example, <a class="mochiref reference" href="#fn-roundtofixed">roundToFixed(0.1357, 2)</a> returns <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">0.14</span></tt>
186 on every supported platform, where some return <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">.13</span></tt> for
187 <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">(0.1357).toFixed(2)</span></tt>.</p>
188 <dl class="docutils">
189 <dt><em>Availability</em>:</dt>
190 <dd>Available in MochiKit 1.3.1+</dd>
191 </dl>
192 </blockquote>
193 <p>
194 <a name="fn-rstrip"></a>
195 <a class="mochidef reference" href="#fn-rstrip">rstrip(str, chars=&quot;\s&quot;)</a>:</p>
196 <blockquote>
197 <p>Returns a string based on <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">str</span></tt> with trailing whitespace stripped.</p>
198 <p>If <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">chars</span></tt> is given, then that expression will be used instead
199 of whitespace. <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">chars</span></tt> should be a string suitable for use in a
200 <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">RegExp</span></tt> <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">[character</span> <span class="pre">set]</span></tt>.</p>
201 <dl class="docutils">
202 <dt><em>Availability</em>:</dt>
203 <dd>Available in MochiKit 1.3.1+</dd>
204 </dl>
205 </blockquote>
206 <p>
207 <a name="fn-strip"></a>
208 <a class="mochidef reference" href="#fn-strip">strip(str, chars=&quot;\s&quot;)</a>:</p>
209 <blockquote>
210 <p>Returns a string based on <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">str</span></tt> with leading and trailing
211 whitespace stripped (equivalent to <a class="mochiref reference" href="#fn-lstrip">lstrip(rstrip(str,
212 chars), chars)</a>).</p>
213 <p>If <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">chars</span></tt> is given, then that expression will be used instead
214 of whitespace. <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">chars</span></tt> should be a string suitable for use in a
215 <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">RegExp</span></tt> <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">[character</span> <span class="pre">set]</span></tt>.</p>
216 <dl class="docutils">
217 <dt><em>Availability</em>:</dt>
218 <dd>Available in MochiKit 1.3.1+</dd>
219 </dl>
220 </blockquote>
221 <p>
222 <a name="fn-trunctofixed"></a>
223 <a class="mochidef reference" href="#fn-trunctofixed">truncToFixed(aNumber, precision)</a>:</p>
224 <blockquote>
225 <p>Return a string representation of <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">aNumber</span></tt>, truncated to
226 <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">precision</span></tt> digits with trailing zeros. This is similar to
227 <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">aNumber.toFixed(precision)</span></tt>, but this truncates rather than
228 rounds and has implementation consistent behavior for numbers less
229 than 1. Specifically, <a class="mochiref reference" href="#fn-trunctofixed">truncToFixed(aNumber,
230 precision)</a> will always have a preceding <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">0</span></tt> for numbers less
231 than <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">1</span></tt>.</p>
232 <p>For example, <a class="mochiref reference" href="#fn-trunctofixed">truncToFixed(0.1357, 2)</a> returns <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">0.13</span></tt>.</p>
233 <dl class="docutils">
234 <dt><em>Availability</em>:</dt>
235 <dd>Available in MochiKit 1.3.1+</dd>
236 </dl>
237 </blockquote>
238 <p>
239 <a name="fn-twodigitaverage"></a>
240 <a class="mochidef reference" href="#fn-twodigitaverage">twoDigitAverage(numerator, denominator)</a>:</p>
241 <blockquote>
242 <p>Calculate an average from a numerator and a denominator and return
243 it as a string with two digits of precision (e.g. &quot;1.23&quot;).</p>
244 <p>If the denominator is 0, &quot;0&quot; will be returned instead of <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">NaN</span></tt>.</p>
245 <dl class="docutils">
246 <dt><em>Availability</em>:</dt>
247 <dd>Available in MochiKit 1.3.1+</dd>
248 </dl>
249 </blockquote>
250 <p>
251 <a name="fn-twodigitfloat"></a>
252 <a class="mochidef reference" href="#fn-twodigitfloat">twoDigitFloat(someFloat)</a>:</p>
253 <blockquote>
254 <p>Roughly equivalent to: <tt class="docutils literal"><span class="pre">sprintf(&quot;%.2f&quot;,</span> <span class="pre">someFloat)</span></tt></p>
255 <p>In new code, you probably want to use
256 <a class="mochiref reference" href="#fn-numberformatter">numberFormatter(&quot;#.##&quot;)(someFloat)</a> instead.</p>
257 <dl class="docutils">
258 <dt><em>Availability</em>:</dt>
259 <dd>Available in MochiKit 1.3.1+</dd>
260 </dl>
261 </blockquote>
262 </div>
263 </div>
264 <div class="section">
265 <h1><a id="see-also" name="see-also">See Also</a></h1>
266 <table class="docutils footnote" frame="void" id="id2" rules="none">
267 <colgroup><col class="label" /><col /></colgroup>
268 <tbody valign="top">
269 <tr><td class="label"><a class="fn-backref" href="#id1" name="id2">[1]</a></td><td>Java Number Format Pattern Syntax:
270 <a class="reference" href=""></a></td></tr>
271 </tbody>
272 </table>
273 </div>
274 <div class="section">
275 <h1><a id="authors" name="authors">Authors</a></h1>
276 <ul class="simple">
277 <li>Bob Ippolito &lt;<a class="reference" href="mailto:bob&#64;">bob&#64;</a>&gt;</li>
278 </ul>
279 </div>
280 <div class="section">
281 <h1><a id="copyright" name="copyright">Copyright</a></h1>
282 <p>Copyright 2005 Bob Ippolito &lt;<a class="reference" href="mailto:bob&#64;">bob&#64;</a>&gt;. This program is
283 dual-licensed free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
284 under the terms of the <a class="reference" href="">MIT License</a> or the <a class="reference" href="">Academic Free License
285 v2.1</a>.</p>
286 </div>
287 </div>
289 </body>
290 </html>