Warning throwing error because of bad method name when setting customBars.
[dygraphs.git] / jsdoc-toolkit / app / test / jsdoc_test.js
1 /**
2 * @fileoverview This file is to be used for testing the JSDoc parser
3 * It is not intended to be an example of good JavaScript OO-programming,
4 * nor is it intended to fulfill any specific purpose apart from
5 * demonstrating the functionality of the
6 * <a href='http://sourceforge.net/projects/jsdoc'>JSDoc</a> parser
7 *
8 * @author Gabriel Reid gab_reid@users.sourceforge.net
9 * @version 0.1
10 */
13 /**
14 * Construct a new Shape object.
15 * @class This is the basic Shape class.
16 * It can be considered an abstract class, even though no such thing
17 * really existing in JavaScript
18 * @constructor
19 * @throws MemoryException if there is no more memory
20 * @throws GeneralShapeException rarely (if ever)
21 * @return {Shape|Coordinate} A new shape.
22 */
23 function Shape(){
25 /**
26 * This is an example of a function that is not given as a property
27 * of a prototype, but instead it is assigned within a constructor.
28 * For inner functions like this to be picked up by the parser, the
29 * function that acts as a constructor <b>must</b> be denoted with
30 * the <b>&#64;constructor</b> tag in its comment.
31 * @type String
32 */
33 this.getClassName = function(){
34 return "Shape";
35 }
37 /**
38 * This is an inner method, just used here as an example
39 * @since version 0.5
40 * @author Sue Smart
41 */
42 function addReference(){
43 // Do nothing...
44 }
46 }
48 /**
49 * Create a new Hexagon instance.
50 * @extends Shape
51 * @class Hexagon is a class that is a <i>logical</i> sublcass of
52 * {@link Shape} (thanks to the <code>&#64;extends</code> tag), but in
53 * reality it is completely unrelated to Shape.
54 * @param {int} sideLength The length of one side for the new Hexagon
55 * @example
56 * var h = new Hexagon(2);
57 * @example
58 * if (hasHex) {
59 * hex = new Hexagon(5);
60 * color = hex.getColor();
61 * }
62 */
63 function Hexagon(sideLength) {
64 }
67 /**
68 * This is an unattached (static) function that adds two integers together.
69 * @param {int} One The first number to add
70 * @param {int} Two The second number to add
71 * @author Gabriel Reid
72 * @deprecated So you shouldn't use it anymore! Use {@link Shape#getClassName} instead.
73 */
74 function Add(One, Two){
75 return One + Two;
76 }
79 /**
80 * The color of this shape
81 * @type Color
82 */
83 Shape.prototype.color = null;
85 /**
86 * The border of this shape.
87 * @field
88 * @type int
89 */
90 Shape.prototype.border = function(){return border;};
92 /*
93 * These are all the instance method implementations for Shape
94 */
96 /**
97 * Get the coordinates of this shape. It is assumed that we're always talking
98 * about shapes in a 2D location here.
99 * @requires The {@link Shape} class
100 * @returns A Coordinate object representing the location of this Shape
101 * @type Coordinate[]
102 */
103 Shape.prototype.getCoords = function(){
104 return this.coords;
105 }
107 /**
108 * Get the color of this shape.
109 * @see #setColor
110 * @see The <a href="http://example.com">Color</a> library.
111 * @link Shape
112 * @type Color
113 */
114 Shape.prototype.getColor = function(){
115 return this.color;
116 }
118 /**
119 * Set the coordinates for this Shape
120 * @param {Coordinate} coordinates The coordinates to set for this Shape
121 */
122 Shape.prototype.setCoords = function(coordinates){
123 this.coords = coordinates;
124 }
126 /**
127 * Set the color for this Shape
128 * @param {Color} color The color to set for this Shape
129 * @param other There is no other param, but it can still be documented if
130 * optional parameters are used
131 * @throws NonExistantColorException (no, not really!)
132 * @see #getColor
133 */
134 Shape.prototype.setColor = function(color){
135 this.color = color;
136 }
138 /**
139 * Clone this shape
140 * @returns A copy of this shape
141 * @type Shape
142 * @author Gabriel Reid
143 */
144 Shape.prototype.clone = function(){
145 return new Shape();
146 }
148 /**
149 * Create a new Rectangle instance.
150 * @class A basic rectangle class, inherits from Shape.
151 * This class could be considered a concrete implementation class
152 * @constructor
153 * @param {int} width The optional width for this Rectangle
154 * @param {int} height Thie optional height for this Rectangle
155 * @author Gabriel Reid
156 * @see Shape is the base class for this
157 * @augments Shape
158 * @hilited
159 */
160 function Rectangle(width, // This is the width
161 height // This is the height
162 ){
163 if (width){
164 this.width = width;
165 if (height){
166 this.height = height;
167 }
168 }
169 }
172 /* Inherit from Shape */
173 Rectangle.prototype = new Shape();
175 /**
176 * Value to represent the width of the Rectangle.
177 * <br>Text in <b>bold</b> and <i>italic</i> and a
178 * link to <a href="http://sf.net">SourceForge</a>
179 * @private
180 * @type int
181 */
182 Rectangle.prototype.width = 0;
184 /**
185 * Value to represent the height of the Rectangle
186 * @private
187 * @type int
188 */
189 Rectangle.prototype.height = 0;
191 /**
192 * Get the type of this object.
193 * @type String
194 */
195 Rectangle.prototype.getClassName= function(){
196 return "Rectangle";
197 }
199 /**
200 * Get the value of the width for the Rectangle
201 * @type int
202 * @see Rectangle#setWidth
203 */
204 Rectangle.prototype.getWidth = function(){
205 return this.width;
206 }
208 /**
209 * Get the value of the height for the Rectangle.
210 * Another getter is the {@link Shape#getColor} method in the
211 * {@link Shape} base class.
212 * @return The height of this Rectangle
213 * @type int
214 * @see Rectangle#setHeight
215 */
216 Rectangle.prototype.getHeight = function(){
217 return this.height;
218 }
220 /**
221 * Set the width value for this Rectangle.
222 * @param {int} width The width value to be set
223 * @see #setWidth
224 */
225 Rectangle.prototype.setWidth = function(width){
226 this.width = width;
227 }
229 /**
230 * Set the height value for this Rectangle.
231 * @param {int} height The height value to be set
232 * @see #getHeight
233 */
234 Rectangle.prototype.setHeight = function(height){
235 this.height = height;
236 }
238 /**
239 * Get the value for the total area of this Rectangle
240 * @return total area of this Rectangle
241 * @type int
242 */
243 Rectangle.prototype.getArea = function(){
244 return width * height;
245 }
248 /**
249 * Create a new Square instance.
250 * @class A Square is a subclass of {@link Rectangle}
251 * @param {int} width The optional width for this Rectangle
252 * @param {int} height The optional height for this Rectangle
253 * @augments Rectangle
254 */
255 function Square(width, height){
256 if (width){
257 this.width = width;
258 if (height){
259 this.height = height;
260 }
261 }
263 }
265 /* Square is a subclass of Rectangle */
266 Square.prototype = new Rectangle();
268 /**
269 * Set the width value for this Shape.
270 * @param {int} width The width value to be set
271 * @see #getWidth
272 */
273 Square.prototype.setWidth = function(width){
274 this.width = this.height = width;
275 }
277 /**
278 * Set the height value for this Shape
279 * Sets the {@link Rectangle#height} attribute in the Rectangle.
280 * @param {int} height The height value to be set
281 */
282 Square.prototype.setHeight = function(height){
283 this.height = this.width = height;
284 }
287 /**
288 * Create a new Circle instance based on a radius.
289 * @class Circle class is another subclass of Shape
290 * @extends Shape
291 * @param {int} radius The optional radius of this {@link Circle }
292 * @mixin Square.prototype.setWidth as this.setDiameter
293 */
294 function Circle(radius){
295 if (radius) {
296 /** The radius of the this Circle. */
297 this.radius = radius;
298 }
299 }
301 /* Circle inherits from {@link Shape} */
302 Circle.prototype = new Shape();
304 /**
305 * The radius value for this Circle
306 * @private
307 * @type int
308 */
309 Circle.prototype.radius = 0;
311 /**
312 * A very simple class (static) field that is also a constant
313 * @final
314 * @type float
315 */
316 Circle.PI = 3.14;
318 /**
319 * Get the radius value for this Circle
320 * @type int
321 * @see #setRadius
322 */
323 Circle.prototype.getRadius = function(){
324 return this.radius;
325 }
327 /**
328 * Set the radius value for this Circle
329 * @param {int} radius The {@link Circle#radius} value to set
330 * @see #getRadius
331 */
332 Circle.prototype.setRadius = function(radius){
333 this.radius = radius;
334 }
336 /**
337 * An example of a class (static) method that acts as a factory for Circle
338 * objects. Given a radius value, this method creates a new Circle.
339 * @param {int} radius The radius value to use for the new Circle.
340 * @type Circle
341 */
342 Circle.createCircle = function(radius){
343 return new Circle(radius);
344 }
347 /**
348 * Create a new Coordinate instance based on x and y grid data.
349 * @class Coordinate is a class that can encapsulate location information.
350 * @param {int} [x=0] The optional x portion of the Coordinate
351 * @param {int} [y=0] The optinal y portion of the Coordinate
352 */
353 function Coordinate(x, y){
354 if (x){
355 this.x = x;
356 if (y){
357 this.y = y;
358 }
359 }
360 }
362 /**
363 * The x portion of the Coordinate
364 * @type int
365 * @see #getX
366 * @see #setX
367 */
368 Coordinate.prototype.x = 0;
370 /**
371 * The y portion of the Coordinate
372 * @type int
373 * @see #getY
374 * @see #setY
375 */
376 Coordinate.prototype.y = 0;
378 /**
379 * Gets the x portion of the Coordinate.
380 * @type int
381 * @see #setX
382 */
383 Coordinate.prototype.getX = function(){
384 return this.x;
385 }
387 /**
388 * Get the y portion of the Coordinate.
389 * @type int
390 * @see #setY
391 */
392 Coordinate.prototype.getY = function(){
393 return this.y;
394 }
396 /**
397 * Sets the x portion of the Coordinate.
398 * @param {int} x The x value to set
399 * @see #getX
400 */
401 Coordinate.prototype.setX = function(x){
402 this.x = x;
403 }
405 /**
406 * Sets the y portion of the Coordinate.
407 * @param {int} y The y value to set
408 * @see #getY
409 */
410 Coordinate.prototype.setY = function(y){
411 this.y = y;
412 }
414 /**
415 * @class This class exists to demonstrate the assignment of a class prototype
416 * as an anonymous block.
417 */
418 function ShapeFactory(){
419 }
421 ShapeFactory.prototype = {
422 /**
423 * Creates a new {@link Shape} instance.
424 * @return A new {@link Shape}
425 * @type Shape
426 */
427 createShape: function(){
428 return new Shape();
429 }
430 }
432 /**
433 * An example of a singleton class
434 * @param ... Arguments represent {@link coordinate}s in the shape.
435 * @constructor
436 */
437 MySingletonShapeFactory = function(){
439 /**
440 * Get the next {@link Shape}
441 * @type Shape
442 * @return A new {@link Shape}
443 */
444 this.getShape = function(){
445 return null;
446 }
448 }
451 /**
452 * Create a new Foo instance.
453 * @class This is the Foo class. It exists to demonstrate 'nested' classes.
454 * @constructor
455 * @see Foo.Bar
456 */
457 function Foo(){}
459 /**
460 * Creates a new instance of Bar.
461 * @class This class exists to demonstrate 'nested' classes.
462 * @constructor
463 * @see Foo.Bar
464 */
465 function Bar(){}
467 /**
468 * Nested class
469 * @constructor
470 */
471 Foo.Bar = function(){
472 /** The x. */ this.x = 2;
473 }
475 Foo.Bar.prototype = new Bar();
476 /** The y. */
477 Foo.Bar.prototype.y = '3';