clean up closePath usage
[dygraphs.git] /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python
3 # Generate docs/options.html
5 import json
6 import glob
7 import re
8 import sys
10 # Set this to the path to a test file to get debug output for just that test
11 # file. Can be helpful to figure out why a test is not being shown for a
12 # particular option.
13 debug_tests = [] # [ 'tests/zoom.html' ]
15 # Pull options reference JSON out of dygraph.js
16 js = ''
17 in_json = False
18 for line in file('dygraph-options-reference.js'):
19 if '<JSON>' in line:
20 in_json = True
21 elif '</JSON>' in line:
22 in_json = False
23 elif in_json:
24 if line.endswith("\\\n"): # hacked in line continuation support with trailing \.
25 line = line[:-2]
26 js += line
28 # TODO(danvk): better errors here.
29 assert js
30 docs = json.loads(js)
32 # Go through the tests and find uses of each option.
33 for opt in docs:
34 docs[opt]['tests'] = []
36 # This is helpful for differentiating uses of options like 'width' and 'height'
37 # from appearances of identically-named options in CSS.
38 def find_braces(txt):
39 """Really primitive method to find text inside of {..} braces.
40 Doesn't work if there's an unmatched brace in a string, e.g. '{'. """
41 out = ''
42 level = 0
43 for char in txt:
44 if char == '{':
45 level += 1
46 if level >= 1:
47 out += char
48 if char == '}':
49 level -= 1
50 return out
52 # Find text followed by a colon. These won't all be options, but those that
53 # have the same name as a Dygraph option probably will be.
54 prop_re = re.compile(r'\b([a-zA-Z0-9]+) *:')
55 tests = debug_tests or glob.glob('tests/*.html')
56 for test_file in tests:
57 braced_html = find_braces(file(test_file).read())
58 if debug_tests:
59 print braced_html
61 ms = re.findall(prop_re, braced_html)
62 for opt in ms:
63 if debug_tests: print '\n'.join(ms)
64 if opt in docs and test_file not in docs[opt]['tests']:
65 docs[opt]['tests'].append(test_file)
67 if debug_tests: sys.exit(0)
69 # Extract a labels list.
70 labels = []
71 for nu, opt in docs.iteritems():
72 for label in opt['labels']:
73 if label not in labels:
74 labels.append(label)
76 print """<!DOCTYPE HTML>
77 <html>
78 <head>
79 <title>Dygraphs Options Reference</title>
80 <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
81 <style type="text/css">
82 p.option {
83 padding-left: 25px;
84 }
85 div.parameters {
86 padding-left: 15px;
87 }
88 #nav {
89 position: fixed;
90 }
91 #content {
92 max-width: 800px;
93 }
94 </style>
95 </head>
96 <body>
97 """
99 print """
100 <div id='nav'>
101 <h2>Dygraphs</h2>
102 <ul>
103 <li><a href="index.html">Home</a>
104 <li><a href="data.html">Data Formats</a></li>
105 <li><a href="annotations.html">Annotations</a></li>
106 </ul>
107 <h2>Options Reference</h2>
108 <ul>
109 <li><a href="#usage">Usage</a>
110 """
111 for label in sorted(labels):
112 print ' <li><a href="#%s">%s</a>\n' % (label, label)
113 print '</ul>\n</div>\n\n'
115 def name(f):
116 """Takes 'tests/demo.html' -> 'demo'"""
117 return f.replace('tests/', '').replace('.html', '')
119 print """
120 <div id='content'>
121 <h2>Options Reference</h2>
122 <p>Dygraphs tries to do a good job of displaying your data without any further configuration. But inevitably, you're going to want to tinker. Dygraphs provides a rich set of options for configuring its display and behavior.</p>
124 <a name="usage"></a><h3>Usage</h3>
125 <p>You specify options in the third parameter to the dygraphs constructor:</p>
126 <pre>g = new Dygraph(div,
127 data,
128 {
129 option1: value1,
130 option2: value2,
131 ...
132 });
133 </pre>
135 <p>After you've created a Dygraph, you can change an option by calling the <code>updateOptions</code> method:</p>
136 <pre>g.updateOptions({
137 new_option1: value1,
138 new_option2: value2
139 });
140 </pre>
141 <p>And, without further ado, here's the complete list of options:</p>
142 """
143 for label in sorted(labels):
144 print '<a name="%s"><h3>%s</h3>\n' % (label, label)
146 for opt_name in sorted(docs.keys()):
147 opt = docs[opt_name]
148 if label not in opt['labels']: continue
149 tests = opt['tests']
150 if not tests:
151 examples_html = '<font color=red>NONE</font>'
152 else:
153 examples_html = ' '.join(
154 '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (f, name(f)) for f in tests)
156 if 'parameters' in opt:
157 parameters = opt['parameters']
158 parameters_html = '\n'.join("<i>%s</i>: %s<br/>" % (p[0], p[1]) for p in parameters)
159 parameters_html = "\n <div class='parameters'>\n%s</div>" % (parameters_html);
160 else:
161 parameters_html = ''
163 if not opt['type']: opt['type'] = '(missing)'
164 if not opt['default']: opt['default'] = '(missing)'
165 if not opt['description']: opt['description'] = '(missing)'
167 print """
168 <div class='option'><a name="%(name)s"></a><b>%(name)s</b><br/>
169 %(desc)s<br/>
170 <i>Type: %(type)s</i><br/>%(parameters)s
171 <i>Default: %(default)s</i><br/>
172 Examples: %(examples_html)s<br/>
173 <br/></div>
174 """ % { 'name': opt_name,
175 'type': opt['type'],
176 'parameters': parameters_html,
177 'default': opt['default'],
178 'desc': opt['description'],
179 'examples_html': examples_html}
182 print """
183 <a name="point_properties"></a><h3>Point Properties</h3>
184 Some callbacks take a point argument. Its properties are:<br/>
185 <ul>
186 <li>xval/yval: The data coordinates of the point (with dates/times as millis since epoch)</li>
187 <li>canvasx/canvasy: The canvas coordinates at which the point is drawn.</li>
188 <li>name: The name of the data series to which the point belongs</li>
189 </ul>
190 </div>
191 </body>
192 </html>
193 """
195 # This page was super-helpful:
196 #