Added test cases to verify that per series alphaFill is working properly
[dygraphs.git] / gallery / two-axes.js
1 /*global Gallery,Dygraph,data */
2 Gallery.register(
3 'two-axes',
4 {
5 name: "Multiple y-axes",
6 setup: function(parent) {
7 parent.innerHTML =
8 "<p>The same data with both one and two y-axes. Two y-axes:</p>" +
9 "<div id='demodiv' style='width: 640; height: 350; border: 1px solid black'></div>" +
10 "<p>A single y-axis:</p>" +
11 "<div id='demodiv_one' style='width: 640; height: 350; border: 1px solid black'></div>" +
12 "<input type='checkbox' id='check'><label for='check'> Fill?</label>";
13 },
14 run: function() {
15 var g, g2;
16 document.getElementById('check').onchange = function(el) {
17 g.updateOptions( { fillGraph: el.checked } );
18 g2.updateOptions( { fillGraph: el.checked } );
19 };
21 var data = [];
22 for (var i = 1; i <= 100; i++) {
23 var m = "01", d = i;
24 if (d > 31) { m = "02"; d -= 31; }
25 if (m == "02" && d > 28) { m = "03"; d -= 28; }
26 if (m == "03" && d > 31) { m = "04"; d -= 31; }
27 if (d < 10) d = "0" + d;
28 // two series, one with range 1-100, one with range 1-2M
29 data.push([new Date("2010/" + m + "/" + d),
30 i,
31 100 - i,
32 1e6 * (1 + i * (100 - i) / (50 * 50)),
33 1e6 * (2 - i * (100 - i) / (50 * 50))]);
34 }
36 g = new Dygraph(
37 document.getElementById("demodiv"),
38 data,
39 {
40 labels: [ 'Date', 'Y1', 'Y2', 'Y3', 'Y4' ],
41 'Y3': {
42 axis: {
43 }
44 },
45 'Y4': {
46 axis: 'Y3' // use the same y-axis as series Y3
47 },
48 axes: {
49 y2: {
50 // set axis-related properties here
51 labelsKMB: true
52 }
53 },
54 ylabel: 'Primary y-axis',
55 y2label: 'Secondary y-axis',
56 yAxisLabelWidth: 60
57 }
58 );
60 g2 = new Dygraph(
61 document.getElementById("demodiv_one"),
62 data,
63 {
64 labels: [ 'Date', 'Y1', 'Y2', 'Y3', 'Y4' ],
65 labelsKMB: true,
66 ylabel: 'Primary y-axis',
67 y2label: 'Secondary y-axis'
68 }
69 );
70 }
71 });