Prepend license to dygraph.min.js
[dygraphs.git] / gallery / plotter.js
1 /*global Gallery,Dygraph,data */
2 /*jshint evil:true */
3 /*global fn */
4 Gallery.register(
5 'plotter',
6 {
7 name: 'Function Plotter',
8 title: 'Define your data with functions',
9 setup: function(parent) {
10 parent.innerHTML = [
11 "<p><b>Equation: </b><br/>",
12 "<textarea cols='80' rows='10' id='eq'>function(x) {",
13 " return [0.1 * x, 0.1 * x + Math.sin(x), 0.1*x + Math.cos(x)];",
14 "}</textarea><br/>",
15 "<b>Preset functions:</b> <select id='presets'>",
16 "<option selected id='custom'>(custom)</option>",
17 "<option id='id'>Identity</option>",
18 "<option id='sine'>Sine Wave</option>",
19 "<option id='taylor'>Taylor series</option>",
20 "<option id='sawtooth'>Sawtooth</option>",
21 "</select>",
22 "</p>",
23 "",
24 "<p><b>x range: </b> <input type='text' width='5' id='x1' value='-10' />",
25 "to <input type='text' width='5' id='x2' value='10' /></p>",
26 "<p><button id='plot'>Plot</button></p>",
27 "",
28 "<div id='graph_div' style='width:600px; height:300px;'></div>"].join("\n");
30 },
31 run: function() {
32 var plot; // defined below
33 var select = document.getElementById("presets");
34 var presets = {
35 'id': [ -10, 10, 'function(x) {\n return x;\n}' ],
36 'sine': [ -10, 10, 'function(x) {\n return Math.sin(x);\n}' ],
37 'taylor': [ -3, 3, 'function(x) {\n return [Math.cos(x), 1 - x*x/2 + x*x*x*x/24];\n}' ],
38 'sawtooth': [-10, 10, 'function(x) {\n var y = 0;\n for (var i = 1; i < 20; i+=2) {\n y += Math.sin(i * x)/i;\n }\n var final = 1 - 2*(Math.abs(Math.floor(x / Math.PI)) % 2);\n return [4/Math.PI * y, final];\n}' ]
39 };
40 select.onchange = function() {
41 var sel = select.selectedIndex;
42 var id = select.options[sel].id;
44 if (id == "custom") { return; }
45 document.getElementById("x1").value = presets[id][0];
46 document.getElementById("x2").value = presets[id][1];
47 document.getElementById("eq").value = presets[id][2];
48 plot();
49 };
51 var plotButton = document.getElementById("plot");
52 plot = function() {
53 var eq = document.getElementById("eq").value;
54 eval("fn = " + eq);
56 var graph = document.getElementById("graph_div");
57 var width = parseInt(, 10);
58 var x1 = parseFloat(document.getElementById("x1").value);
59 var x2 = parseFloat(document.getElementById("x2").value);
60 var xs = 1.0 * (x2 - x1) / width;
62 var data = [];
63 for (var i = 0; i < width; i++) {
64 var x = x1 + i * xs;
65 var y = fn(x);
66 var row = [x];
67 if (y.length > 0) {
68 for (var j = 0; j < y.length; j++) {
69 row.push(y[j]);
70 }
71 } else {
72 row.push(y);
73 }
74 data.push(row);
75 }
77 new Dygraph(graph, data);
78 };
79 plotButton.onclick = plot;
80 plot();
81 }
82 });