[dygraphs.git] / gallery / gallery.js
1 var Gallery = {};
3 Gallery.entries = {};
4 Gallery.entryOrder = [];
5 Gallery.runningDemo = null;
7 /*
8 * Shortcut for creating HTML associated with a parent.
9 */
10 Gallery.create = function(type, parent, className) {
11 var elem = document.createElement(type);
12 parent.appendChild(elem);
13 if (className) {
14 elem.className = className;
15 }
16 return elem;
17 };
19 Gallery.start = function() {
20 Gallery.toc = document.getElementById("toc");
21 Gallery.workarea = document.getElementById("workarea");
22 Gallery.subtitle = Gallery.create("div", Gallery.workarea);
23 Gallery.subtitle.id = "subtitle";
24 Gallery.workareaChild = Gallery.create("div", Gallery.workarea);
25 Gallery.demotitle = document.getElementById("demotitle");
26 Gallery.textarea = new TextArea();
27 Gallery.textarea.width = 600;
28 Gallery.textarea.height = 400;
30 for (var idx in Gallery.entryOrder) {
31 var id = Gallery.entryOrder[idx];
32 var demo = Gallery.entries[id];
34 var div = Gallery.create("div", Gallery.toc, "entry");
35 div.id = id + "-toc";
36 var innerDiv = Gallery.create("div", div, "");
38 // Storing extra data in the demo object.
39 demo.div = div;
40 demo.innerDiv = innerDiv;
42 innerDiv.textContent = demo.name;
43 div.onclick = function(demo, id) { return function() {
44 if (Gallery.runningDemo != null) {
45 Gallery.runningDemo.innerDiv.className = "";
46 if (Gallery.runningDemo.clean != null) {
47 Gallery.runningDemo.clean(Gallery.workareaChild);
48 }
49 }
50 Gallery.subtitle.innerHTML = "";
51 var codeLink = Gallery.create("a", Gallery.subtitle);
52 codeLink.textContent = "code";
53 codeLink.href = "#";
54 Gallery.demotitle.textContent = demo.title ? demo.title : "";
55 demo.innerDiv.className = "selected";
56 Gallery.workareaChild.id = id;
57 location.hash = "g/" + id;
58 Gallery.workareaChild.innerHTML='';
59 if (demo.setup) {
60 demo.setup(Gallery.workareaChild);
61 }
62 var html = Gallery.workareaChild.innerHTML;
63 codeLink.onclick = function() {
64 var javascript = demo.run.toString();
65 Gallery.textarea.show("Code", "HTML\n\n" + html + "\n\njavascript\n\n" + javascript);
66 };
67 demo.run(Gallery.workareaChild);
68 Gallery.runningDemo = demo;
69 }; }(demo, id);
70 }
72 Gallery.hashChange();
74 window.onhashchange = Gallery.setHash;("hashchange", Gallery.hashChange, false);
75 };
77 Gallery.register = function(id, demo) {
78 if (Gallery.entries[id]) {
79 throw id + " already registered";
80 }
81 Gallery.entries[id] = demo;
82 Gallery.entryOrder.push(id);
83 };
85 Gallery.hashChange = function(event) {
86 if (location.hash) {
87 if (location.hash.indexOf("#g/") == 0) {
88 var id = location.hash.substring(3) + "-toc";
89 var elem = document.getElementById(id);
90 elem.onclick();
91 return;
92 }
93 }
94 Gallery.workareaChild.innerHTML = "<h3>Select a demo from the gallery on the left</h3>"
95 };