Bug fix for dygraph point selection touch event.
[dygraphs.git] / examples / mochiregexp / mochiregexp.js
1 /*
3 MochiRegExp: JavaScript Regular Expression Explorer
5 */
6 RegExpManager = function () {
7 this.timer = null;
8 bindMethods(this);
9 };
11 RegExpManager.prototype.initialize = function () {
12 /*
13 Fill in the event handlers and sample text, and do the initial update
14 The reason we do the sample text here is so that "clear" really does
15 clear the fields.
16 */
17 setNodeAttribute("inp_text", "value", "matched with your pattern");
18 connect("inp_text", "onkeyup", this, "updateSoon");
19 connect("inp_text", "onchange", this, "update");
21 setNodeAttribute("inp_regexp", "value", "/(pattern)/");
22 connect("inp_regexp", "onkeyup", this, "updateSoon");
23 connect("inp_regexp", "onchange", this, "update");
25 connect("regexp_form", "onsubmit", this, "submit");
27 this.update();
28 };
30 RegExpManager.prototype.updateSoon = function () {
31 /*
32 If the user stops typing for half a second, do one update.
33 */
34 this.cancelTimer();
35 this.timer = callLater(0.5, this.update);
36 };
38 RegExpManager.prototype.cancelTimer = function () {
39 /*
40 Cancel the timer that waits for the user to idle for half a second.
41 */
42 if (this.timer) {
43 this.timer.cancel();
44 }
45 this.timer = null;
46 };
48 RegExpManager.prototype.update = function () {
49 /*
50 Cancel the update timer and actually do an update of the
51 RegExp
52 */
53 this.cancelTimer();
54 var re;
55 try {
56 // Evaluate the regexp
57 re = eval("(" + getElement("inp_regexp").value + ")");
58 } catch (e) {
59 // If invalid, color it red and stop
60 addElementClass("lab_regexp", "error");
61 return;
62 }
63 // Make sure that it's not red
64 removeElementClass("lab_regexp", "error");
66 // replace the contents of the tbody
67 var match = getElement("inp_text").value.match(re);
68 replaceChildNodes("result_body", this.getRows(match));
69 };
71 RegExpManager.prototype.getRows = function (match) {
72 /*
73 Return rows for the tbody given a match object
74 */
75 if (!match) {
76 // No match, bail with a no match row
77 return TR(null, TD({"colspan": "3"}, "No match!"));
78 }
79 var isAlternate = true;
80 var res = [];
81 for (var k in match) {
82 isAlternate = !isAlternate;
83 var trAttribs = isAlternate ? {"class": "alternate"} : null;
84 var v = match[k];
85 var result = v;
86 // Highlight the result for the input property as three spans:
87 // [beforeMatch, duringMatch, afterMatch]
88 if (k == "input") {
89 var end = match.index + match[0].length;
90 result = [
91 SPAN(null, v.substr(0, match.index)),
92 SPAN({"class": "highlight"}, v.substring(match.index, end)),
93 SPAN(null, v.substr(end))
94 ];
95 }
96 res.push(
97 TR((isAlternate ? {"class": "alternate"} : null),
98 TD(null, k),
99 TD(null, result),
100 TD(null, repr(v))
101 )
102 );
103 }
104 return res;
105 };
107 RegExpManager.prototype.submit = function () {
108 this.update();
109 return false;
110 };
112 regExpManager = new RegExpManager();
113 addLoadEvent(regExpManager.initialize);
115 // rewrite the view-source links
116 addLoadEvent(function () {
117 var elems = getElementsByTagAndClassName("A", "view-source");
118 var page = "mochiregexp/";
119 for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
120 var elem = elems[i];
121 var href = elem.href.split(/\//).pop();
122 elem.target = "_blank";
123 elem.href = "../view-source/view-source.html#" + page + href;
124 }
125 });