got it!
[dygraphs.git] / dygraph-layout.js
1 /**
2 * @license
3 * Copyright 2011 Dan Vanderkam (
4 * MIT-licensed (
5 */
7 /**
8 * @fileoverview Based on PlotKitLayout, but modified to meet the needs of
9 * dygraphs.
10 */
12 /*jshint globalstrict: true */
13 /*global Dygraph:false */
14 "use strict";
16 /**
17 * Creates a new DygraphLayout object.
18 *
19 * This class contains all the data to be charted.
20 * It uses data coordinates, but also records the chart range (in data
21 * coordinates) and hence is able to calculate percentage positions ('In this
22 * view, Point A lies 25% down the x-axis.')
23 *
24 * Two things that it does not do are:
25 * 1. Record pixel coordinates for anything.
26 * 2. (oddly) determine anything about the layout of chart elements.
27 *
28 * The naming is a vestige of Dygraph's original PlotKit roots.
29 *
30 * @constructor
31 */
32 var DygraphLayout = function(dygraph) {
33 this.dygraph_ = dygraph;
34 this.datasets = [];
35 this.setNames = [];
36 this.annotations = [];
37 this.yAxes_ = null;
39 // TODO(danvk): it's odd that xTicks_ and yTicks_ are inputs, but xticks and
40 // yticks are outputs. Clean this up.
41 this.xTicks_ = null;
42 this.yTicks_ = null;
43 };
45 DygraphLayout.prototype.attr_ = function(name) {
46 return this.dygraph_.attr_(name);
47 };
49 DygraphLayout.prototype.addDataset = function(setname, set_xy) {
50 this.datasets.push(set_xy);
51 this.setNames.push(setname);
52 };
54 DygraphLayout.prototype.getPlotArea = function() {
55 return this.computePlotArea_();
56 };
58 // Compute the box which the chart should be drawn in. This is the canvas's
59 // box, less space needed for axis and chart labels.
60 DygraphLayout.prototype.computePlotArea_ = function() {
61 var area = {
62 // TODO(danvk): per-axis setting.
63 x: 0,
64 y: 0
65 };
67 area.w = this.dygraph_.width_ - area.x - this.attr_('rightGap');
68 area.h = this.dygraph_.height_;
70 // Let plugins reserve space.
71 var e = {
72 chart_div: this.dygraph_.graphDiv,
73 reserveSpaceLeft: function(px) {
74 var r = {
75 x: area.x,
76 y: area.y,
77 w: px,
78 h: area.h
79 };
80 area.x += px;
81 area.w -= px;
82 return r;
83 },
84 reserveSpaceRight: function(px) {
85 var r = {
86 x: area.x + area.w - px,
87 y: area.y,
88 w: px,
89 h: area.h
90 };
91 area.w -= px;
92 return r;
93 },
94 reserveSpaceTop: function(px) {
95 var r = {
96 x: area.x,
97 y: area.y,
98 w: area.w,
99 h: px
100 };
101 area.y += px;
102 area.h -= px;
103 return r;
104 },
105 reserveSpaceBottom: function(px) {
106 var r = {
107 x: area.x,
108 y: area.y + area.h - px,
109 w: area.w,
110 h: px
111 };
112 area.h -= px;
113 return r;
114 },
115 chartRect: function() {
116 return {x:area.x, y:area.y, w:area.w, h:area.h};
117 }
118 };
119 this.dygraph_.cascadeEvents_('layout', e);
121 // Add space for range selector, if needed.
122 if (this.attr_('showRangeSelector')) {
123 area.h -= this.attr_('rangeSelectorHeight') + 4;
124 }
126 return area;
127 };
129 DygraphLayout.prototype.setAnnotations = function(ann) {
130 // The Dygraph object's annotations aren't parsed. We parse them here and
131 // save a copy. If there is no parser, then the user must be using raw format.
132 this.annotations = [];
133 var parse = this.attr_('xValueParser') || function(x) { return x; };
134 for (var i = 0; i < ann.length; i++) {
135 var a = {};
136 if (!ann[i].xval && !ann[i].x) {
137 this.dygraph_.error("Annotations must have an 'x' property");
138 return;
139 }
140 if (ann[i].icon &&
141 !(ann[i].hasOwnProperty('width') &&
142 ann[i].hasOwnProperty('height'))) {
143 this.dygraph_.error("Must set width and height when setting " +
144 "annotation.icon property");
145 return;
146 }
147 Dygraph.update(a, ann[i]);
148 if (!a.xval) a.xval = parse(a.x);
149 this.annotations.push(a);
150 }
151 };
153 DygraphLayout.prototype.setXTicks = function(xTicks) {
154 this.xTicks_ = xTicks;
155 };
157 // TODO(danvk): add this to the Dygraph object's API or move it into Layout.
158 DygraphLayout.prototype.setYAxes = function (yAxes) {
159 this.yAxes_ = yAxes;
160 };
162 DygraphLayout.prototype.setDateWindow = function(dateWindow) {
163 this.dateWindow_ = dateWindow;
164 };
166 DygraphLayout.prototype.evaluate = function() {
167 this._evaluateLimits();
168 this._evaluateLineCharts();
169 this._evaluateLineTicks();
170 this._evaluateAnnotations();
171 };
173 DygraphLayout.prototype._evaluateLimits = function() {
174 this.minxval = this.maxxval = null;
175 if (this.dateWindow_) {
176 this.minxval = this.dateWindow_[0];
177 this.maxxval = this.dateWindow_[1];
178 } else {
179 for (var setIdx = 0; setIdx < this.datasets.length; ++setIdx) {
180 var series = this.datasets[setIdx];
181 if (series.length > 1) {
182 var x1 = series[0][0];
183 if (!this.minxval || x1 < this.minxval) this.minxval = x1;
185 var x2 = series[series.length - 1][0];
186 if (!this.maxxval || x2 > this.maxxval) this.maxxval = x2;
187 }
188 }
189 }
190 this.xrange = this.maxxval - this.minxval;
191 this.xscale = (this.xrange !== 0 ? 1/this.xrange : 1.0);
193 for (var i = 0; i < this.yAxes_.length; i++) {
194 var axis = this.yAxes_[i];
195 axis.minyval = axis.computedValueRange[0];
196 axis.maxyval = axis.computedValueRange[1];
197 axis.yrange = axis.maxyval - axis.minyval;
198 axis.yscale = (axis.yrange !== 0 ? 1.0 / axis.yrange : 1.0);
200 if (axis.g.attr_("logscale")) {
201 axis.ylogrange = Dygraph.log10(axis.maxyval) - Dygraph.log10(axis.minyval);
202 axis.ylogscale = (axis.ylogrange !== 0 ? 1.0 / axis.ylogrange : 1.0);
203 if (!isFinite(axis.ylogrange) || isNaN(axis.ylogrange)) {
204 axis.g.error('axis ' + i + ' of graph at ' + axis.g +
205 ' can\'t be displayed in log scale for range [' +
206 axis.minyval + ' - ' + axis.maxyval + ']');
207 }
208 }
209 }
210 };
212 DygraphLayout._calcYNormal = function(axis, value) {
213 if (axis.logscale) {
214 return 1.0 - ((Dygraph.log10(value) - Dygraph.log10(axis.minyval)) * axis.ylogscale);
215 } else {
216 return 1.0 - ((value - axis.minyval) * axis.yscale);
217 }
218 };
220 DygraphLayout.prototype._evaluateLineCharts = function() {
221 // An array to keep track of how many points will be drawn for each set.
222 // This will allow for the canvas renderer to not have to check every point
223 // for every data set since the points are added in order of the sets in
224 // datasets.
225 this.setPointsLengths = [];
226 this.setPointsOffsets = [];
228 var connectSeparated = this.attr_('connectSeparatedPoints');
229 // TODO(bhs): these loops are a hot-spot for high-point-count charts. In fact,
230 // on chrome+linux, they are 6 times more expensive than iterating through the
231 // points and drawing the lines. The brunt of the cost comes from allocating
232 // the |point| structures.
233 var i = 0;
234 var setIdx;
236 // Preallocating the size of points reduces reallocations, and therefore,
237 // calls to collect garbage.
238 var totalPoints = 0;
239 for (setIdx = 0; setIdx < this.datasets.length; ++setIdx) {
240 totalPoints += this.datasets[setIdx].length;
241 }
242 this.points = new Array(totalPoints);
244 for (setIdx = 0; setIdx < this.datasets.length; ++setIdx) {
245 this.setPointsOffsets.push(i);
246 var dataset = this.datasets[setIdx];
247 var setName = this.setNames[setIdx];
248 var axis = this.dygraph_.axisPropertiesForSeries(setName);
250 for (var j = 0; j < dataset.length; j++) {
251 var item = dataset[j];
252 var xValue = DygraphLayout.parseFloat_(item[0]);
253 var yValue = DygraphLayout.parseFloat_(item[1]);
255 // Range from 0-1 where 0 represents left and 1 represents right.
256 var xNormal = (xValue - this.minxval) * this.xscale;
257 // Range from 0-1 where 0 represents top and 1 represents bottom
258 var yNormal = DygraphLayout._calcYNormal(axis, yValue);
260 if (connectSeparated && item[1] === null) {
261 yValue = null;
262 }
263 this.points[i] = {
264 // TODO(danvk): here
265 x: xNormal,
266 y: yNormal,
267 xval: xValue,
268 yval: yValue,
269 name: setName
270 };
271 i++;
272 }
273 this.setPointsLengths.push(i - this.setPointsOffsets[setIdx]);
274 }
275 };
277 /**
278 * Optimized replacement for parseFloat, which was way too slow when almost
279 * all values were type number, with few edge cases, none of which were strings.
280 */
281 DygraphLayout.parseFloat_ = function(val) {
282 // parseFloat(null) is NaN
283 if (val === null) {
284 return NaN;
285 }
287 // Assume it's a number or NaN. If it's something else, I'll be shocked.
288 return val;
289 }
291 DygraphLayout.prototype._evaluateLineTicks = function() {
292 var i, tick, label, pos;
293 this.xticks = [];
294 for (i = 0; i < this.xTicks_.length; i++) {
295 tick = this.xTicks_[i];
296 label = tick.label;
297 pos = this.xscale * (tick.v - this.minxval);
298 if ((pos >= 0.0) && (pos <= 1.0)) {
299 this.xticks.push([pos, label]);
300 }
301 }
303 this.yticks = [];
304 for (i = 0; i < this.yAxes_.length; i++ ) {
305 var axis = this.yAxes_[i];
306 for (var j = 0; j < axis.ticks.length; j++) {
307 tick = axis.ticks[j];
308 label = tick.label;
309 pos = this.dygraph_.toPercentYCoord(tick.v, i);
310 if ((pos >= 0.0) && (pos <= 1.0)) {
311 this.yticks.push([i, pos, label]);
312 }
313 }
314 }
315 };
318 /**
319 * Behaves the same way as PlotKit.Layout, but also copies the errors
320 * @private
321 */
322 DygraphLayout.prototype.evaluateWithError = function() {
323 this.evaluate();
324 if (!(this.attr_('errorBars') || this.attr_('customBars'))) return;
326 // Copy over the error terms
327 var i = 0; // index in this.points
328 for (var setIdx = 0; setIdx < this.datasets.length; ++setIdx) {
329 var j = 0;
330 var dataset = this.datasets[setIdx];
331 var setName = this.setNames[setIdx];
332 var axis = this.dygraph_.axisPropertiesForSeries(setName);
333 for (j = 0; j < dataset.length; j++, i++) {
334 var item = dataset[j];
335 var xv = DygraphLayout.parseFloat_(item[0]);
336 var yv = DygraphLayout.parseFloat_(item[1]);
338 if (xv == this.points[i].xval &&
339 yv == this.points[i].yval) {
340 var errorMinus = DygraphLayout.parseFloat_(item[2]);
341 var errorPlus = DygraphLayout.parseFloat_(item[3]);
343 var yv_minus = yv - errorMinus;
344 var yv_plus = yv + errorPlus;
345 this.points[i].y_top = DygraphLayout._calcYNormal(axis, yv_minus);
346 this.points[i].y_bottom = DygraphLayout._calcYNormal(axis, yv_plus);
347 }
348 }
349 }
350 };
352 DygraphLayout.prototype._evaluateAnnotations = function() {
353 // Add the annotations to the point to which they belong.
354 // Make a map from (setName, xval) to annotation for quick lookups.
355 var i;
356 var annotations = {};
357 for (i = 0; i < this.annotations.length; i++) {
358 var a = this.annotations[i];
359 annotations[a.xval + "," + a.series] = a;
360 }
362 this.annotated_points = [];
364 // Exit the function early if there are no annotations.
365 if (!this.annotations || !this.annotations.length) {
366 return;
367 }
369 // TODO(antrob): loop through annotations not points.
370 for (i = 0; i < this.points.length; i++) {
371 var p = this.points[i];
372 var k = p.xval + "," +;
373 if (k in annotations) {
374 p.annotation = annotations[k];
375 this.annotated_points.push(p);
376 }
377 }
378 };
380 /**
381 * Convenience function to remove all the data sets from a graph
382 */
383 DygraphLayout.prototype.removeAllDatasets = function() {
384 delete this.datasets;
385 delete this.setNames;
386 delete this.setPointsLengths;
387 delete this.setPointsOffsets;
388 this.datasets = [];
389 this.setNames = [];
390 this.setPointsLengths = [];
391 this.setPointsOffsets = [];
392 };
394 /**
395 * Return a copy of the point at the indicated index, with its yval unstacked.
396 * @param int index of point in layout_.points
397 */
398 DygraphLayout.prototype.unstackPointAtIndex = function(idx) {
399 var point = this.points[idx];
400 // If the point is missing, no unstacking is necessary
401 if (!point.yval) {
402 return point;
403 }
405 // Clone the point since we modify it
406 var unstackedPoint = {};
407 for (var pt in point) {
408 unstackedPoint[pt] = point[pt];
409 }
411 if (!this.attr_("stackedGraph")) {
412 return unstackedPoint;
413 }
415 // The unstacked yval is equal to the current yval minus the yval of the
416 // next point at the same xval.
417 for (var i = idx+1; i < this.points.length; i++) {
418 if ((this.points[i].xval == point.xval) && this.points[i].yval) {
419 unstackedPoint.yval -= this.points[i].yval;
420 break;
421 }
422 }
424 return unstackedPoint;
425 };