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3 <h2>Known Users</h2>
4 <p>Since its public release in late 2009, dygraphs has found many users
5 across the web. This is a small collection of the uses that we know about.
6 If you're using dygraphs, please send <a
7 href="mailto:dan@dygraphs.com">Dan</a> a link and he'll add it to this
8 list.</p>
10 <p>dygraphs was originally developed at Google and has found wide use on
11 internal dashboards and servers there. There are also a few uses of
12 dygraphs on public Google products:</p>
14 <ul class='padded-list'>
15 <li><a href="http://www.google.com/trends/correlate/search?e=id:20xKcnNqHrk&t=weekly">Google Correlate</a><br/>
16 <span class="desc">Uses dygraphs for time series visualization. Mostly a standard configuration, with just a few tweaks to match Google style.</span></li>
18 <li><a href="http://www.google.com/trends/correlate/draw?p=us">Google Correlate - Search by Drawing</a><br/>
19 <span class="desc">This is a highly customized configuration which lets the user draw a time series. Based on <a href="tests/drawing.html">this demo</a>.</span></li>
21 <li><a href="https://www.google.com/latitude/b/0/history/manage">Google Latitude History Dashboard</a><br/>
22 <span class="desc">Uses mouse interaction callbacks to synchronize time series points with markers on a Google Map.</span></li>
23 </ul>
25 <p>dygraphs has also found use in other organizations:</p>
27 <ul class='padded-list'>
28 <li><a
29 href="http://iswa.ccmc.gsfc.nasa.gov:8080/IswaSystemWebApp/index.jsp?i_1=388&l_1=99&t_1=316&w_1=800&h_1=400&s_1=0!3!0!ACE.B_x!ACE.B_y!ACE.B_z!">Integrated
30 Space Weather Analysis System</a> (NASA)<br/>
31 <span class="desc">&ldquo;We use [dygraphs] in the Integrated Space Weather
32 Analysis System available from the Space Weather Laboratory at NASA Goddard
33 Space Flight Center. It works quite well for time series data from various
34 missions and simulations that we store.&rdquo;</span></li>
37 <li><a href="http://www.eutelsat.fr">Eutelsat</a><br/>
38 <span class="desc">&ldquo;Eutelsat uses dygraphs for charting spacecraft
39 telemetry for a fleet of 25 geostationary satellites. The spacecraft
40 engineers are very happy with it. All satellite combined are producing
41 about 200 millions unique data points per day so we really appreciate the
42 excellent performance of dygraphs.&rdquo;</span></li>
44 <li><a href="http://www.10gen.com/mongodb-monitoring-service">10gen MongoDB
45 Monitoring Service</a><br/>
46 <span class="desc">A free monitoring service for MongoDB from 10gen (the
47 creators of MongoDB). Used by thousands of servers and users. Makes use of
48 <a href="tests/synchronize.html">synchronized charts</a> to display many
49 quantities simultaneously.</span></li>
51 <li><a href="http://duckduckgo.com/traffic.html">Duck Duck Go Traffic Dashboard</a><br/>
52 <span class="desc">DDG uses dygraphs to display a public chart of their daily traffic. They use annotations and the moving average features.</span></li>
54 <li><a href="http://toolserver.org/~dartar/moodbar/">Wikimedia Foundation - Moodbar data dashboard</a><br/>
55 <span class="desc">dygraphs is used internally at Wikimedia as a handy solution to monitor the
56 results of a bunch of small experiments.</span></li>
58 <li><a href="http://code.google.com/p/quadrant-framework/">quadrant-framework</a> (MySQL Load Testing Framework)<br/>
59 <span class="desc">A user friendly framework for creating and visualizing
60 MySQL database load test jobs. For more information on its use of dygraphs,
61 see <a href="http://themattreid.com/wordpress/2011/05/20/quadrant-framework-rev7-update-adds-dygraphs-support/">this post</a>.</span></li>
63 <li><a href="http://spinwave.wordpress.com/2011/03/28/spinwave-systems-enables-energy-efficiency-case-studies/">Spinwave Systems</a> (Home energy monitoring)<br/>
64 <span class="desc">dygraphs is used to chart energy usage over time.</span></li>
67 <li><a href="http://www.socib.es/jwebchart/?file=http://thredds.socib.es/thredds/dodsC/mooring/weather_station/mobims_calamillor-scb_met001/L1/dep0001_mobims-calamillor_scb-met001_L1_latest.nc">Jwebchart</a><br/>
68 <span class="desc">
69 jWebChart is a stand-alone and Thredds' embedded plotting system for
70 netCDF files. NetCDF is a common standard for the storage and
71 distribution of scientific data.
72 </span></li>
74 <li><a href="http://ngrams.cavorite.com/">n-gramas - Explore las tendencias en los artículos periodísticos de Colombia.</a><br/>
77 <span class="desc">(English: "Explore trends in newspaper articles of
78 Colombia"). dygraphs is used for displaying the results of this n-grams
79 viewer. Uses an extension for exporting the plots as PNG images
80 (<a href="http://cavorite.com/labs/js/dygraphs-export/">[1]</a>, <a href="https://github.com/cavorite/dygraphs">[2]</a>).
81 </span></li>
83 <li>
84 <a href="http://www.glerl.noaa.gov/data/dashboard/GLD_HTML5.html">NOAA Great Lakes Dashboard</a><br/>
85 <span class="desc">
86 The Great Lakes Dashboard provides user-friendly
87 access to aggregated time series data, model output, and forecasts for
88 multiple variables describing the Great Lakes along with background
89 information. First developed in Adobe Flash, a HTML 5 compatible version
90 has been in the works and a functional draft is available here.
91 </span>
92 </li>
94 <li>
95 <a href="http://howmanydiapers.com">HowManyDiapers.com</a><br />
96 <span class="desc">
97 HowManyDiapers.com is a free tool for estimating diaper use and sizes for any infant, in any time period.
98 Using the baby’s percentile by weight (from the CDC growth chart), it plots out how much the baby is likely
99 to weigh in the future, then checks with the manufacturer’s sizing charts to determine best diaper fit.
100 Dygraphs are used in the results page, to display the growth curve and sizing changes (using annotations).
101 </span>
102 </li>
104 <li>
105 <a href="http://cida.usgs.gov/gcmrc/discharge_qw_sediment/">USGS CIDA/GCMRC River Sediment and Discharge</a><br />
106 <span class="desc">
107 The Center for Integrated Data Analytics (CIDA) is using Dygraphs to display timeseries data
108 collected at USGS gage stations, most prominently on the Colorado River through the Grand
109 Canyon. Dygraphs performance was essential for interacting with years of dense timeseries
110 data in the browser. (<a href="https://github.com/USGS-CIDA/gcmrc-ui-parent">View the code</a>!)
111 </span>
112 </li>
114 </ul>
116 <p>Are you using dygraphs? Please let <a href="mailto:dan@dygraphs.com">Dan</a> know and he'll add your link here!</p>
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