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[dygraphs.git] / docs / gwt.html
1 <!--#include virtual="header.html" -->
3 <h2 id="gwt">Notes on GWT</h2>
4 <p>There is currently no GWT wrapper around Dygraphs, however there is a class that can be used to easily load Dygraphs into the browser. To use it, include the generated dygraph-gwt.jar file in your classpath and add the following line to your GWT module:</p>
6 <pre>
7 &lt;inherits name=&quot;org.danvk.dygraphs&quot;/&gt;
8 </pre>
10 <p>Call org.danvk.Dygraphs.install() when your application starts to install the JavaScript code into the browser. You can use <a href="">JSNI</a> to call Dygraphs from your GWT code, as in the example below. The example uses the <a href="">Visualization API for GWT</a> and the <a href="#gviz">Dygraphs GViz API.</a></p>
12 <pre>
13 public static native JavaScriptObject drawDygraph(
14 Element element, DataTable dataTable, double minY, double maxY) /*-{
15 var chart = new $wnd.Dygraph.GVizChart(element);
16 chart.draw(dataTable,
17 {
18 valueRange: [minY, maxY]
19 });
20 return chart;
21 }-*/;
22 </pre>
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