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51 <p> <a href="PlotKit.html">PlotKit Home</a> | <a href="PlotKit.Base.html">&lt;&lt;</a> | <a href="PlotKit.Renderer.html">&gt;&gt;</a>
52 </p>
54 <h1> PlotKit Layout</h1>
55 <p>PlotKit Layout is the core of the plotting engine. It deals exclusively with laying objects out on a virtual canvas that has the dimension of 1.0 x 1.0.
56 </p>
57 <p>The layout engine abstracts away all the complex layout problems with plotting charts and presents a list of objects that need to rendered rather than mixing this with the rendering logic.
58 </p>
59 <p>PlotKit Layout also is responsible for simple chart state querying so renderers can implement basic event support for objects on the canvas.
60 </p>
62 <h1> Constructor</h1>
63 <p> <code>new Layout(style, options);</code>
64 </p>
65 <p>Layout takes the following arguments:
66 </p>
67 <p> <strong>style</strong> which can be <code>bar</code>, <code>line</code> or <code>pie</code> which represnts the style of the graph that is desired.
68 </p>
69 <p> <strong>options</strong> is a dictionary/associative array of layout options. Unrecognised keys are ignored. The following options are supported:
70 </p>
72 <h1> Layout Options</h1>
74 <h2> Bar and Line Chart layout options</h2>
75 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
76 <thead>
77 <tr><td>Option name</td><td>Description</td><td>Type</td><td>Default</td></tr>
78 </thead>
79 <tbody>
80 <tr>
81 <th>barWidthFillFraction</th>
82 <td>Amount of space the total amount of bars should consume per X value.</td>
83 <td>Real number</td>
84 <td>0.75</td>
85 </tr>
86 <tr>
87 <th>barOrientation</th>
88 <td>Orientation of a bar chart. <b>(PlotKit 0.9+ only)</b></td>
89 <td>String ("vertical", "horizontal")</td>
90 <td>vertical</td>
91 </tr>
93 <tr>
94 <th>xAxis</th>
95 <td>Minimum and Maximum values on the X axis.</td>
96 <td>Array of 2 Real numbers. (eg. [0.0, 10.0])</td>
97 <td>null</td>
98 </tr>
99 <tr>
100 <th>xNumberOfTicks</th>
101 <td>Used when automatically calculating axis ticks. This denotes the number of ticks there should be in the graph.</td>
102 <td>integer</td>
103 <td>10</td>
104 </tr>
105 <tr>
106 <th>xOriginIsZero</th>
107 <td>Should graph have X axis origin at 0</td>
108 <td>boolean</td>
109 <td>true</td>
110 </tr>
111 <tr>
112 <th>xTickPrecision</th>
113 <td>The number of decimal places we should round to for tick values.</td>
114 <td>integer</td>
115 <td>1</td>
116 </tr>
117 <tr>
118 <th>xTicks</th>
119 <td>X values at which ticks should be drawn. Automatically calculated if not defined using the parameters `xNumberOfTicks` and ``xTickPrecision``.</td>
120 <td>Array of {label: "somelabel", v:value}.</td>
121 <td>null</td>
122 </tr>
124 <tr>
125 <th>yAxis</th>
126 <td>Minimum and Maximum values on the Y axis.</td>
127 <td>Array of 2 Real numbers. (eg. [0.0, 10.0])</td>
128 <td>null</td>
129 </tr>
130 <tr>
131 <th>yNumberOfTicks</th>
132 <td>Used when automatically calculating axis ticks. This denotes the number of ticks there should be in the graph.</td>
133 <td>integer</td>
134 <td>5</td>
135 </tr>
136 <tr>
137 <th>yOriginIsZero</th>
138 <td>Should graph have Y axis origin at 0</td>
139 <td>true</td>
140 </tr>
141 <tr>
142 <th>yTickPrecision</th>
143 <td>The number of decimal places we should round to for tick values.</td>
144 <td>integer</td>
145 <td>1</td>
146 </tr>
147 <tr>
148 <th>yTicks</th>
149 <td>Y values at which ticks should be drawn. Automatically calculated if not defined using the parameters ``yNumberOfTicks`` and ``yTickPrecision``.</td>
150 <td>Array of {label: "somelabel", v:value}.</td>
151 <td>null</td>
152 </tr>
153 </tbody>
154 </table>
157 <h2> Pie Chart Layout Options</h2>
158 <table>
159 <thead>
160 <tr><td>Option name</td><td>Description</td><td>Type</td><td>Default</td></tr>
161 </thead>
162 <tbody>
163 <tr>
164 <th>pieRadius</th>
165 <td>Radius of the circle to be drawn.</td>
166 <td>Real number</td>
167 <td>0.4</td>
168 </tr>
169 </tbody>
170 </table>
173 <h1> Layout Properties</h1>
174 <p>There are some properties you can access, either because you are using a layout inside a renderer or if you would like additional information. Under normal operations, you will not need to, or should modify these parameters.
175 </p>
176 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
177 <thead>
178 <tr><td>Property</td><td>Type</td><td>Description</td></tr>
179 </thead>
180 <tbody>
181 <tr>
182 <th>style</th>
183 <td>String</td>
184 <td>This denotes the type of chart this layout is using. Valid values are ``bar``, ``line`` or ``pie``. Renderers will use this to determine which parameter (``bars``, ``points`` or ``slices``) to access in order to get draw the chart.</td>
185 </tr>
186 <tr>
187 <th>bars</th>
188 <td>Array of Bar.</td>
189 <td>This is a list of rectangles with values that the renderer should plot. This will only be valid after ``evaluate()`` has run. The properties of ``bar`` is described here. This is only valid if style is ``bar``. This array is sorted by dataset and then x-values.</td>
190 </tr>
191 <tr>
192 <th>points</th>
193 <td>Array of Point.</td>
194 <td>This is a list of points with values that the renderer should plot. This will only be valid after ``evaluate()`` has run. The properties of ``bar`` is described here. This is only valid if style is ``line``. This array is sorted by dataset and then x-values.</td>
195 </tr>
196 <tr>
197 <th>slices</th>
198 <td>Array of Slice.</td>
199 <td>This is a list of pie slices with values that the renderer should plot. This will only be valid after ``evaluate()`` has run. The properties of ``bar`` is described here. This is only valid if style is ``pie``.</td>
200 </tr>
201 <tr>
202 <th>xticks</th>
203 <td>Array of Tick.</td>
204 <td>For style in ``bar`` or ``line``, these are the ticks on the X axis. A ``tick`` is represented as a two element array with the first element representing the x position of the tick and the second element representing the string value of the label at that position.</td>
205 </tr>
206 <tr>
207 <th>yticks</th>
208 <td>Array of Tick.</td>
209 <td>For style in ``bar`` or ``line``, these are the ticks on the Y axis. A ``tick`` is represented as a two element array with the first element representing the y position of the tick and the second element representing the string value of the label at that position.</td>
210 </tr>
211 <tr>
212 <th>datasets</th>
213 <td>Associative Array of datasets</td>
214 <td>This should normally only be used to find the number of datasets by performing ``keys(layout.datasets)``. If you are looking at this in a renderer, then the layout engine needs to be extended.</td>
215 </tr>
216 </tbody>
217 </table>
220 <h1> Layout Types</h1>
221 <p>Here are the definition of the types that you will encounter if you access the properties of the Layout object, specifically <code>bars</code>, <code>points</code> and <code>slices</code>. If you are not writing a renderer, you do not need to know this.
222 </p>
224 <h2> Bar Type</h2>
225 <p>Represents a bar that the renderer will draw. It contains the following properties.
226 </p>
227 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
228 <thead>
229 <tr><td>Property</td><td>Type</td><td>Description</td></tr>
230 </thead>
231 <tbody>
232 <tr>
233 <th>x, y</th>
234 <td>float</td>
235 <td>top left position of the bar between 0.0 and 1.0.</td>
236 </tr>
237 <tr>
238 <th>w, h</th>
239 <td>float</td>
240 <td>width and height of the bar from (``x``, ``y``) between 0.0 and 1.0.</td>
241 </tr>
242 <tr>
243 <th>xval, yval</th>
244 <td>float</td>
245 <td>The actual x value and y value this bar represents.</td>
246 </tr>
247 <tr>
248 <th>name</th>
249 <td>string</td>
250 <td>Name of the dataset which this bar belongs to.</td>
251 </tr>
252 </tbody>
253 </table>
256 <h2> Point Type</h2>
257 <p>This represents a point on a line chart.
258 </p>
259 <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
260 <thead>
261 <tr><td>Property</td><td>Type</td><td>Description</td></tr>
262 </thead>
263 <tbody>
264 <tr>
265 <th>x, y</th>
266 <td>float</td>
267 <td>top left position of the point between 0.0 and 1.0.</td>
268 </tr>
269 <tr>
270 <th>xval, yval</th>
271 <td>float</td>
272 <td>The actual x value and y value this bar represents.</td>
273 </tr>
274 <tr>
275 <th>name</th>
276 <td>string</td>
277 <td>Name of the dataset which this bar belongs to.</td>
278 </tr>
279 </tbody>
280 </table>
283 <h2> Slice Type</h2>
284 <p>This represents a pie slice in a pie chart.
285 </p>
286 <table>
287 <thead>
288 <tr><td>Property</td><td>Type</td><td>Description</td></tr>
289 </thead>
290 <tbody>
291 <tr>
292 <th>fraction</th>
293 <td>float</td>
294 <td>The fractional value this slice represents. This number is between 0.0 and 1.0</td>
295 </tr>
296 <tr>
297 <th>xval, yval</th>
298 <td>float</td>
299 <td>The x and y values of this slice.</td>
300 </tr>
301 <tr>
302 <th>startAngle</th>
303 <td>float</td>
304 <td>This is the angle of the start of the slice, in radians.</td>
305 </tr>
306 <tr>
307 <th>endAngle</th>
308 <td>float</td>
309 <td>This is the angle of the end of the slice, in radians.</td>
310 </tr>
311 </tbody>
312 </table>
315 <h1> Layout Methods</h1>
316 <ul>
317 <li>
318 <code>addDataset(name, values)</code>
319 </li>
320 </ul>
321 <p> Adds a dataset to the layout engine and assigns it with <code>name</code>. <code>values</code> is an array of <code>\[x, y\]</code> values.
322 </p>
323 <ul>
324 <li>
325 <code>removeDataset(name)</code>
326 </li>
327 </ul>
328 <p> Removes a dataset from the layout engine. In order for the new data to take effect, you must run <code>evaluate()</code>.
329 </p>
330 <ul>
331 <li>
332 <code>addDatasetFromTable(name, tableElement, xcol = 0, ycol = 1, labelCol = -1)</code>
333 </li>
334 </ul>
335 <p> Handy function to read values off a table. <code>name</code> is the name to give to the dataset just like in <code>addDataset()</code>, <code>tableElement</code> is the table which contains the values. Optionally, the user may specify to extract alternative columns using <code>xcol</code> and <code>ycol</code>.
336 </p>
337 <p> <strong>New in 0.9.1:</strong> If <code>labelCol</code> is specified to a value greater than -1, it will take the contents of that column as the xTick labels.
338 </p>
339 <ul>
340 <li>
341 <code>evaluate()</code>
342 </li>
343 </ul>
344 <p> Performs the evaluation of the layout. It is not done automatically, and you <strong>must</strong> execute this before passing the layout to a renderer.
345 </p>
346 <ul>
347 <li>
348 hitTest(x, y)
349 </li>
350 </ul>
351 <p> Used by renderers to see if a virtual canvas position corresponds to any data. The return value varies per style. For <code>bar</code> charts, it will return the Bar type if it is a hit, or null if not. For <code>line</code> charts, it will return a value if the point is underneath the highest curve, otherwise null <strong>(TODO: expand this or change implementation)</strong>. For <code>pie</code> charts, it will return the Slice object that is at the point, otherwise null.
352 </p>
353 <p> <strong>Note that the specification of this function is subject to change</strong>.
354 </p>
356 <h1> Layout Notes</h1>
358 <h2> Pie Chart Data and Ticks Restrictions</h2>
359 <p>Note that you can only use one dataset for pie charts. Only the y value of the dataset will be used, but the x value must be unique and set as it will correspond to the xTicks that are given.
360 </p>
361 <p>Labels for pie charts will only use xTicks.
362 </p>
364 <h1> Layout Examples</h1>
367 </div>
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