Namespace the canvas proxy in auto tests.
[dygraphs.git] / auto_tests / tests / error_bars.js
1 /**
2 * @fileoverview FILL THIS IN
3 *
4 * @author (Dan Vanderkam)
5 */
6 var errorBarsTestCase = TestCase("error-bars");
8 errorBarsTestCase.prototype.setUp = function() {
9 document.body.innerHTML = "<div id='graph'></div>";
10 };
12 errorBarsTestCase._origFunc = Dygraph.getContext;
13 errorBarsTestCase.prototype.setUp = function() {
14 document.body.innerHTML = "<div id='graph'></div>";
15 Dygraph.getContext = function(canvas) {
16 return new Proxy(errorBarsTestCase._origFunc(canvas));
17 }
18 };
20 errorBarsTestCase.prototype.tearDown = function() {
21 Dygraph.getContext = errorBarsTestCase._origFunc;
22 };
24 errorBarsTestCase.prototype.testErrorBarsDrawn = function() {
25 var opts = {
26 width: 480,
27 height: 320,
28 drawXGrid: false,
29 drawYGrid: false,
30 drawXAxis: false,
31 drawYAxis: false,
32 customBars: true,
33 errorBars: true
34 };
35 var data = [
36 [1, [10, 10, 100]],
37 [2, [15, 20, 110]],
38 [3, [10, 30, 100]],
39 [4, [15, 40, 110]],
40 [5, [10, 120, 100]],
41 [6, [15, 50, 110]],
42 [7, [10, 70, 100]],
43 [8, [15, 90, 110]],
44 [9, [10, 50, 100]]
45 ];
47 var graph = document.getElementById("graph");
48 var g = new Dygraph(graph, data, opts);
50 htx = g.hidden_ctx_;
52 var attrs = {}; // TODO(danvk): fill in
54 for (var i = 0; i < data.length - 1; i++) {
55 // bottom line
56 var xy1 = g.toDomCoords(data[i][0], data[i][1][0]);
57 var xy2 = g.toDomCoords(data[i + 1][0], data[i + 1][1][0]);
58 CanvasAssertions.assertLineDrawn(htx, xy1, xy2, attrs);
60 // top line
61 xy1 = g.toDomCoords(data[i][0], data[i][1][2]);
62 xy2 = g.toDomCoords(data[i + 1][0], data[i + 1][1][2]);
63 CanvasAssertions.assertLineDrawn(htx, xy1, xy2, attrs);
65 // middle line
66 xy1 = g.toDomCoords(data[i][0], data[i][1][1]);
67 xy2 = g.toDomCoords(data[i + 1][0], data[i + 1][1][1]);
68 CanvasAssertions.assertLineDrawn(htx, xy1, xy2, attrs);
69 }
71 g.updateOptions({logscale: true});
73 for (var i = 0; i < data.length - 1; i++) {
74 // bottom line
75 var xy1 = g.toDomCoords(data[i][0], data[i][1][0]);
76 var xy2 = g.toDomCoords(data[i + 1][0], data[i + 1][1][0]);
77 CanvasAssertions.assertLineDrawn(htx, xy1, xy2, attrs);
79 // top line
80 xy1 = g.toDomCoords(data[i][0], data[i][1][2]);
81 xy2 = g.toDomCoords(data[i + 1][0], data[i + 1][1][2]);
82 CanvasAssertions.assertLineDrawn(htx, xy1, xy2, attrs);
84 // middle line
85 xy1 = g.toDomCoords(data[i][0], data[i][1][1]);
86 xy2 = g.toDomCoords(data[i + 1][0], data[i + 1][1][1]);
87 CanvasAssertions.assertLineDrawn(htx, xy1, xy2, attrs);
88 }
89 CanvasAssertions.assertBalancedSaveRestore(htx);
90 };
92 errorBarsTestCase.prototype.testErrorBarsCorrectColors = function() {
93 // Two constant series with constant error.
94 var data = [
95 [0, [100, 50], [200, 50]],
96 [1, [100, 50], [200, 50]]
97 ];
99 var opts = {
100 errorBars: true,
101 sigma: 1.0,
102 fillAlpha: 0.15,
103 colors: ['#00ff00', '#0000ff'],
104 drawXGrid: false,
105 drawYGrid: false,
106 drawXAxis: false,
107 drawYAxis: false,
108 width: 400,
109 height: 300,
110 valueRange: [0, 300],
111 labels: ['X', 'Y1', 'Y2']
112 };
113 var graph = document.getElementById("graph");
114 var g = new Dygraph(graph, data, opts);
116 // y-pixels (0=top, 299=bottom)
117 // 0- 48: empty (white)
118 // 49- 98: Y2 error bar
119 // 99: Y2 center line
120 // 100-148: Y2 error bar
121 // 149-198: Y1 error bar
122 // 199: Y1 center line
123 // 200-248: Y1 error bar
124 // 249-299: empty (white)
125 // TODO(danvk): test the edges of these regions.
127 var ctx = g.hidden_.getContext("2d"); // bypass Proxy
128 var imageData = ctx.getImageData(0, 0, 400, 300);
130 assertEquals(400, imageData.width);
131 assertEquals(300, imageData.height);
133 // returns an (r, g, b, alpha) tuple for the pixel.
134 // values are in [0, 255].
135 var getPixel = function(imageData, x, y) {
136 var i = 4 * (x + imageData.width * y);
137 var d =;
138 return [d[i], d[i+1], d[i+2], d[i+3]];
139 };
141 assertEquals([0, 0, 255, 38], getPixel(imageData, 200, 75));
142 assertEquals([0, 0, 255, 38], getPixel(imageData, 200, 125));
143 assertEquals([0, 255, 0, 38], getPixel(imageData, 200, 175));
144 assertEquals([0, 255, 0, 38], getPixel(imageData, 200, 225));
145 }