Don't clear overlay on mouseup if not zooming.
[dygraphs.git] / auto_tests / tests / callback.js
1 /**
2 * @fileoverview Test cases for the callbacks.
3 *
4 * @author (Ümit Seren)
5 */
7 var CallbackTestCase = TestCase("callback");
9 CallbackTestCase.prototype.setUp = function() {
10 document.body.innerHTML = "<div id='graph'></div><div id='selection'></div>";
11 this.styleSheet = document.createElement("style");
12 this.styleSheet.type = "text/css";
13 document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(this.styleSheet);
14 };
16 CallbackTestCase.prototype.tearDown = function() {
17 };
19 var data = "X,a\,b,c\n" +
20 "10,-1,1,2\n" +
21 "11,0,3,1\n" +
22 "12,1,4,2\n" +
23 "13,0,2,3\n";
26 /**
27 * This tests that when the function idxToRow_ returns the proper row and the onHiglightCallback
28 * is properly called when the first series is hidden (setVisibility = false)
29 *
30 */
31 CallbackTestCase.prototype.testHighlightCallbackIsCalled = function() {
32 var h_row;
33 var h_pts;
35 var highlightCallback = function(e, x, pts, row) {
36 h_row = row;
37 h_pts = pts;
38 };
40 var graph = document.getElementById("graph");
41 var g = new Dygraph(graph, data,
42 {
43 width: 100,
44 height: 100,
45 visibility: [false, true, true],
46 highlightCallback: highlightCallback
47 });
49 DygraphOps.dispatchMouseMove(g, 13, 10);
51 //check correct row is returned
52 assertEquals(3, h_row);
53 //check there are only two points (because first series is hidden)
54 assertEquals(2, h_pts.length);
55 };
58 /**
59 * Test that drawPointCallback isn't called when drawPoints is false
60 */
61 CallbackTestCase.prototype.testDrawPointCallback_disabled = function() {
62 var called = false;
64 var callback = function() {
65 called = true;
66 };
68 var graph = document.getElementById("graph");
69 var g = new Dygraph(graph, data, {
70 drawPointCallback : callback,
71 });
73 assertFalse(called);
74 };
76 /**
77 * Test that drawPointCallback is called when drawPoints is true
78 */
79 CallbackTestCase.prototype.testDrawPointCallback_enabled = function() {
80 var called = false;
82 var callback = function() {
83 called = true;
84 };
86 var graph = document.getElementById("graph");
87 var g = new Dygraph(graph, data, {
88 drawPoints : true,
89 drawPointCallback : callback
90 });
92 assertTrue(called);
93 };
95 /**
96 * Test that drawPointCallback is called when drawPoints is true
97 */
98 CallbackTestCase.prototype.testDrawPointCallback_pointSize = function() {
99 var pointSize = 0;
100 var count = 0;
102 var callback = function(g, seriesName, canvasContext, cx, cy, color, pointSizeParam) {
103 pointSize = pointSizeParam;
104 count++;
105 };
107 var graph = document.getElementById("graph");
108 var g = new Dygraph(graph, data, {
109 drawPoints : true,
110 drawPointCallback : callback
111 });
113 assertEquals(1.5, pointSize);
114 assertEquals(12, count); // one call per data point.
116 var g = new Dygraph(graph, data, {
117 drawPoints : true,
118 drawPointCallback : callback,
119 pointSize : 8
120 });
122 assertEquals(8, pointSize);
123 };
125 /**
126 * Test that drawPointCallback is called for isolated points when
127 * drawPoints is false, and also for gap points if that's enabled.
128 */
129 CallbackTestCase.prototype.testDrawPointCallback_isolated = function() {
130 var xvalues = [];
132 var g;
133 var callback = function(g, seriesName, canvasContext, cx, cy, color, pointSizeParam) {
134 var dx = g.toDataXCoord(cx);
135 xvalues.push(dx);
136 Dygraph.Circles.DEFAULT.apply(this, arguments);
137 };
139 var graph = document.getElementById("graph");
140 var testdata = [[10, 2], [11, 3], [12, NaN], [13, 2], [14, NaN], [15, 3]];
141 var graphOpts = {
142 labels: ['X', 'Y'],
143 valueRange: [0, 4],
144 drawPoints : false,
145 drawPointCallback : callback,
146 pointSize : 8
147 };
149 // Test that isolated points get drawn
150 g = new Dygraph(graph, testdata, graphOpts);
151 assertEquals(2, xvalues.length);
152 assertEquals(13, xvalues[0]);
153 assertEquals(15, xvalues[1]);
155 // Test that isolated points + gap points get drawn when
156 // drawGapEdgePoints is set. This should add one point at the right
157 // edge of the segment at x=11, but not at the graph edge at x=10.
158 xvalues = []; // Reset for new test
159 graphOpts.drawGapEdgePoints = true;
160 g = new Dygraph(graph, testdata, graphOpts);
161 assertEquals(3, xvalues.length);
162 assertEquals(11, xvalues[0]);
163 assertEquals(13, xvalues[1]);
164 assertEquals(15, xvalues[2]);
165 };
167 /**
168 * This tests that when the function idxToRow_ returns the proper row and the onHiglightCallback
169 * is properly called when the first series is hidden (setVisibility = false)
170 *
171 */
172 CallbackTestCase.prototype.testDrawHighlightPointCallbackIsCalled = function() {
173 var called = false;
175 var drawHighlightPointCallback = function() {
176 called = true;
177 };
179 var graph = document.getElementById("graph");
180 var g = new Dygraph(graph, data,
181 {
182 width: 100,
183 height : 100,
184 drawHighlightPointCallback : drawHighlightPointCallback
185 });
187 assertFalse(called);
188 DygraphOps.dispatchMouseMove(g, 13, 10);
189 assertTrue(called);
190 };
192 /**
193 * Test the closest-series highlighting methods for normal and stacked modes.
194 * Also pass in line widths for plain and highlighted lines for easier visual
195 * confirmation that the highlighted line is drawn on top of the others.
196 */
197 var runClosestTest = function(isStacked, widthNormal, widthHighlighted) {
198 var h_row;
199 var h_pts;
200 var h_series;
202 var graph = document.getElementById("graph");
203 var g = new Dygraph(graph, data,
204 {
205 width: 600,
206 height: 400,
207 visibility: [false, true, true],
208 stackedGraph: isStacked,
209 strokeWidth: widthNormal,
210 strokeBorderWidth: 2,
211 highlightCircleSize: widthNormal * 2,
212 highlightSeriesBackgroundAlpha: 0.3,
214 highlightSeriesOpts: {
215 strokeWidth: widthHighlighted,
216 highlightCircleSize: widthHighlighted * 2
217 }
218 });
220 var highlightCallback = function(e, x, pts, row, set) {
221 h_row = row;
222 h_pts = pts;
223 h_series = set;
224 document.getElementById('selection').innerHTML='row=' + row + ', set=' + set;
225 };
227 g.updateOptions({highlightCallback: highlightCallback}, true);
229 if (isStacked) {
230 DygraphOps.dispatchMouseMove(g, 11.45, 1.4);
231 assertEquals(1, h_row);
232 assertEquals('c', h_series);
234 //now move up in the same row
235 DygraphOps.dispatchMouseMove(g, 11.45, 1.5);
236 assertEquals(1, h_row);
237 assertEquals('b', h_series);
239 //and a bit to the right
240 DygraphOps.dispatchMouseMove(g, 11.55, 1.5);
241 assertEquals(2, h_row);
242 assertEquals('c', h_series);
243 } else {
244 DygraphOps.dispatchMouseMove(g, 11, 1.5);
245 assertEquals(1, h_row);
246 assertEquals('c', h_series);
248 //now move up in the same row
249 DygraphOps.dispatchMouseMove(g, 11, 2.5);
250 assertEquals(1, h_row);
251 assertEquals('b', h_series);
252 }
254 return g;
255 };
257 /**
258 * Test basic closest-point highlighting.
259 */
260 CallbackTestCase.prototype.testClosestPointCallback = function() {
261 runClosestTest(false, 1, 3);
262 }
264 /**
265 * Test setSelection() with series name
266 */
267 CallbackTestCase.prototype.testSetSelection = function() {
268 var g = runClosestTest(false, 1, 3);
269 assertEquals(1, g.attr_('strokeWidth', 'c'));
270 g.setSelection(false, 'c');
271 assertEquals(3, g.attr_('strokeWidth', 'c'));
272 }
274 /**
275 * Test closest-point highlighting for stacked graph
276 */
277 CallbackTestCase.prototype.testClosestPointStackedCallback = function() {
278 runClosestTest(true, 1, 3);
279 }
281 /**
282 * Closest-point highlighting with legend CSS - border around active series.
283 */
284 CallbackTestCase.prototype.testClosestPointCallbackCss1 = function() {
285 var css = "div.dygraph-legend > span { display: block; }\n" +
286 "div.dygraph-legend > span.highlight { border: 1px solid grey; }\n";
287 this.styleSheet.innerHTML = css;
288 runClosestTest(false, 2, 4);
289 this.styleSheet.innerHTML = '';
290 }
292 /**
293 * Closest-point highlighting with legend CSS - show only closest series.
294 */
295 CallbackTestCase.prototype.testClosestPointCallbackCss2 = function() {
296 var css = "div.dygraph-legend > span { display: none; }\n" +
297 "div.dygraph-legend > span.highlight { display: inline; }\n";
298 this.styleSheet.innerHTML = css;
299 runClosestTest(false, 10, 15);
300 this.styleSheet.innerHTML = '';
301 // TODO(klausw): verify that the highlighted line is drawn on top?
302 }
304 /**
305 * This tests that closest point searches work for data containing NaNs.
306 *
307 * It's intended to catch a regression where a NaN Y value confuses the
308 * closest-point algorithm, treating it as closer as any previous point.
309 */
310 CallbackTestCase.prototype.testNaNData = function() {
311 var dataNaN = [
312 [9, -1, NaN, NaN],
313 [10, -1, 1, 2],
314 [11, 0, 3, 1],
315 [12, 1, 4, NaN],
316 [13, 0, 2, 3],
317 [14, -1, 1, 4]];
319 var h_row;
320 var h_pts;
322 var highlightCallback = function(e, x, pts, row) {
323 h_row = row;
324 h_pts = pts;
325 };
327 var graph = document.getElementById("graph");
328 var g = new Dygraph(graph, dataNaN,
329 {
330 width: 600,
331 height: 400,
332 labels: ['x', 'a', 'b', 'c'],
333 visibility: [false, true, true],
334 highlightCallback: highlightCallback
335 });
337 DygraphOps.dispatchMouseMove(g, 10.1, 0.9);
338 //check correct row is returned
339 assertEquals(1, h_row);
341 // Explicitly test closest point algorithms
342 var dom = g.toDomCoords(10.1, 0.9);
343 assertEquals(1, g.findClosestRow(dom[0]));
345 var res = g.findClosestPoint(dom[0], dom[1]);
346 assertEquals(1, res.row);
347 assertEquals('b', res.seriesName);
349 res = g.findStackedPoint(dom[0], dom[1]);
350 assertEquals(1, res.row);
351 assertEquals('c', res.seriesName);
352 };
354 /**
355 * This tests that stacked point searches work for data containing NaNs.
356 */
357 CallbackTestCase.prototype.testNaNDataStack = function() {
358 var dataNaN = [
359 [9, -1, NaN, NaN],
360 [10, -1, 1, 2],
361 [11, 0, 3, 1],
362 [12, 1, NaN, 2],
363 [13, 0, 2, 3],
364 [14, -1, 1, 4],
365 [15, 0, 2, NaN],
366 [16, 1, 1, 3],
367 [17, 1, NaN, 3],
368 [18, 0, 2, 5],
369 [19, 0, 1, 4]];
371 var h_row;
372 var h_pts;
374 var highlightCallback = function(e, x, pts, row) {
375 h_row = row;
376 h_pts = pts;
377 };
379 var graph = document.getElementById("graph");
380 var g = new Dygraph(graph, dataNaN,
381 {
382 width: 600,
383 height: 400,
384 labels: ['x', 'a', 'b', 'c'],
385 visibility: [false, true, true],
386 stackedGraph: true,
387 highlightCallback: highlightCallback
388 });
390 DygraphOps.dispatchMouseMove(g, 10.1, 0.9);
391 //check correct row is returned
392 assertEquals(1, h_row);
394 // Explicitly test stacked point algorithm.
395 var dom = g.toDomCoords(10.1, 0.9);
396 var res = g.findStackedPoint(dom[0], dom[1]);
397 assertEquals(1, res.row);
398 assertEquals('c', res.seriesName);
400 // First gap, no data due to NaN contagion.
401 dom = g.toDomCoords(12.1, 0.9);
402 res = g.findStackedPoint(dom[0], dom[1]);
403 assertEquals(3, res.row);
404 assertEquals(undefined, res.seriesName);
406 // Second gap, no data due to NaN contagion.
407 dom = g.toDomCoords(15.1, 0.9);
408 res = g.findStackedPoint(dom[0], dom[1]);
409 assertEquals(6, res.row);
410 assertEquals(undefined, res.seriesName);
412 // Isolated points should work, finding series b in this case.
413 dom = g.toDomCoords(15.9, 3.1);
414 res = g.findStackedPoint(dom[0], dom[1]);
415 assertEquals(7, res.row);
416 assertEquals('b', res.seriesName);
417 };
419 CallbackTestCase.prototype.testGapHighlight = function() {
420 var dataGap = [
421 [1, null, 3],
422 [2, 2, null],
423 [3, null, 5],
424 [4, 4, null],
425 [5, null, 7],
426 [6, NaN, null],
427 [8, 8, null],
428 [10, 10, null]];
430 var h_row;
431 var h_pts;
433 var highlightCallback = function(e, x, pts, row) {
434 h_row = row;
435 h_pts = pts;
436 };
438 var graph = document.getElementById("graph");
439 var g = new Dygraph(graph, dataGap, {
440 width: 400,
441 height: 300,
442 //stackedGraph: true,
443 connectSeparatedPoints: true,
444 drawPoints: true,
445 labels: ['x', 'A', 'B'],
446 highlightCallback : highlightCallback
447 });
449 DygraphOps.dispatchMouseMove(g, 1.1, 10);
450 //point from series B
451 assertEquals(0, h_row);
452 assertEquals(1, h_pts.length);
453 assertEquals(3, h_pts[0].yval);
454 assertEquals('B', h_pts[0].name);
456 DygraphOps.dispatchMouseMove(g, 6.1, 10);
457 // A is NaN at x=6
458 assertEquals(1, h_pts.length);
459 assert(isNaN(h_pts[0].yval));
460 assertEquals('A', h_pts[0].name);
462 DygraphOps.dispatchMouseMove(g, 8.1, 10);
463 //point from series A
464 assertEquals(6, h_row);
465 assertEquals(1, h_pts.length);
466 assertEquals(8, h_pts[0].yval);
467 assertEquals('A', h_pts[0].name);
468 };