Merge pull request #678 from danvk/dygraphs-css
[dygraphs.git] / tests / multi-scale.html
... / ...
1<!DOCTYPE html>
3 <head>
4 <link rel="stylesheet" href="../css/dygraph.css">
5 <title>multi-scale</title>
6 <script type="text/javascript" src="../dist/dygraph.js"></script>
7 <style type="text/css">
8 body {
9 line-height: 150%;
10 }
11 </style>
12 </head>
13 <body style="max-width: 700px;">
14 <p>Gridlines and axis labels make charts easier to understand. They give
15 the lines a clear scale. Unless you tell it otherwise, dygraphs will choose
16 a y-axis and set of gridlines which include all of your data.</p>
18 <p>If you have many series with different scales, this will compress the
19 variation in all but the largest one. Standard ways to deal with this
20 include <a href="two-axes.html">secondary y-axes</a> and <a
21 href="logscale.html">log scales</a>.</p>
23 <p>If neither of these is to your liking, you can manually rescale your
24 series and undo that scaling for the hover values. This demo shows how to
25 do it.</p>
27 <div id="demodiv"></div>
29 <p>Hover over to see the original values. This is what the data looks
30 like without any rescaling:</p>
32 <div id="reference_div"></div>
34 <script type="text/javascript">
35 var zp = function(x) { if (x < 10) return "0"+x; else return x; };
36 var labels = ["date","parabola","line","another line","sine wave"];
37 var data = [];
38 for (var i=1; i<=31; i++) {
39 var row = [];
40 row.push(new Date("2006/10/" + zp(i)));
41 row.push(10*(i*(31-i)));
42 row.push(100*(8*i));
43 row.push(1000*(250 - 8*i));
44 row.push(10000*(125 + 125 * Math.sin(0.3*i)));
45 data.push(row);
46 }
48 var scales = {
49 "parabola": 1,
50 "line": 10,
51 "another line": 100,
52 "sine wave": 1000
53 };
54 var rescaled_data = [];
55 for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
56 var src = data[i];
57 var row = [];
58 row.push(src[0]);
59 for (var j = 1; j < src.length; j++) {
60 row.push(src[j] / scales[labels[j]]);
61 }
62 rescaled_data.push(row);
63 }
65 g = new Dygraph(
66 document.getElementById("demodiv"),
67 rescaled_data,
68 {
69 legend: 'always',
70 labels: labels,
71 width: 640,
72 height: 480,
73 title: 'Four series on different scales',
74 xlabel: 'Date',
75 ylabel: 'Count',
76 axes : {
77 y : {
78 valueFormatter: function(y, opts, series_name) {
79 var unscaled = y * scales[series_name];
80 if (series_name == 'sine wave') return unscaled.toPrecision(4);
81 return unscaled;
82 }
83 }
84 }
85 }
86 );
88 g_orig = new Dygraph(
89 document.getElementById("reference_div"),
90 data,
91 {
92 legend: 'always',
93 labels: labels,
94 width: 640,
95 height: 480,
96 title: 'Four series on the same scale',
97 xlabel: 'Date',
98 ylabel: 'Count',
99 axes: {
100 y: {
101 axisLabelWidth: 80
102 }
103 }
104 }
105 );
106 </script>