Final simulation model
[100GbE-PON.git] / ssfs.m
... / ...
1function [x, y] = ssfs(xin, yin, D, lambda, z, dz, Tsamp, gamma, alpha)
2 %% Split-step Fourier solver, simulates chromatic dispersion,
3 %% attenuation, Kerr effect, and power splitting / amplification.
4 %% Params:
5 %% - xin, yin: input waveform (x and y polarizations)
6 %% - D: dispersion coefficient (ps / (nm km))
7 %% - lambda: wavelength (nm)
8 %% - z: length of fibre (km)
9 %% - dz: step size (km)
10 %% - Tsamp: sampling time (s)
11 %% - gamma: Non-linear coefficient (W^-1 / km)
12 %% - alpha: attenuation (dB / km)
13 %% Output:
14 %% - x, y: output waveform (both polarizations)
16 %% Convert everything to SI base units
17 c = 299792458; % m/s
18 D = D * 1e-6; % s/m^2
19 lambda = lambda * 1e-9; % m
20 z = z * 1e3; % m
21 gamma = gamma * 1e-3; % watt^-1 / m
22 dz = dz * 1e3; % m
23 alpha = alpha / 10 * log(10); % Np/km
24 alpha = alpha * 1e-3; % Np/m
26 stepnum = z / dz;
28 %% Frequency response of CD
29 n = length(xin);
30 fs = 1 / Tsamp;
31 omega = (2*pi * fs / n * [(0 : floor((n-1)/2)), (-ceil((n-1)/2) : -1)]).';
32 dispDFT = exp(-1j * omega.^2 * D * lambda^2 * dz / (4 * pi * c));
34 %% Convenient variables to reduce typing
35 hhz = 1j * (8/9) * gamma * dz; % Kerr phase shift per power
36 attn = -alpha * dz / 2; % attenuation
38 %% Initial Kerr half step
39 P = abs(xin) .^ 2 + abs(yin) .^ 2;
40 x = xin .* exp(P .* hhz / 2 + attn / 2);
41 y = yin .* exp(P .* hhz / 2 + attn / 2);
43 for i = 1 : stepnum
44 %% CD in frequency domain
45 xDFT = fft(x);
46 yDFT = fft(y);
47 x = ifft(xDFT .* dispDFT);
48 y = ifft(yDFT .* dispDFT);
50 %% Kerr effect in time domain
51 P = abs(x) .^ 2 + abs(y) .^ 2;
52 x = x .* exp(P .* hhz + attn);
53 y = y .* exp(P .* hhz + attn);
55 %% Power split after 40km
56 if i * dz == 40e3
57 splitnum = 1024; % energy factor, amplitude factor is sqrt of this
58 x = x ./ sqrt(splitnum);
59 y = y ./ sqrt(splitnum);
60 %% Splitter loss - 1:4 coupler * 5 levels, 0.3 dB per level
61 %% so total loss is 1.5 dB
62 x = x ./ sqrt(10 ^ 0.15);
63 y = y ./ sqrt(10 ^ 0.15);
64 end
65 end
66 %% Final Kerr effect has overshot by half step, so cancel this
67 P = abs(x) .^ 2 + abs(y) .^ 2;
68 x = x .* exp(-P .* hhz / 2 - attn / 2);
69 y = y .* exp(-P .* hhz / 2 - attn / 2);