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[4yp.git] / chromaticDispersion_FFT.m
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1function [xCD, kstart] = chromaticDispersion_FFT(x, D, lambda, z, Tsamp)
2 %% Simulate chromatic dispersion.
3 %% Params:
4 %% - x: input waveform (pulse-shaped)
5 %% - D: dispersion coefficient (ps / (nm km))
6 %% - lambda: wavelength (nm)
7 %% - z: length of fibre (km)
8 %% - Tsamp: sampling time (s)
9 %% Output:
10 %% - xCD: x after being dispersed. Energy of xCD is not normalized.
11 %% - kstart: starting index of the discrete signal
13 %% Convert everything to SI base units
14 c = 299792458; % m/s
15 D = D * 1e-6; % s/m^2
16 lambda = lambda * 1e-9; % m
17 z = z * 1e3; % m
19 %% Time domain filter length, needed for compatibility with
20 %% time-domain (convolution) chromatic dispersion.
21 kmax = floor(abs(D) * lambda^2 * z / (2 * c * Tsamp^2));
22 kstart = 1 - kmax;
24 x = [zeros(kmax, 1); x]; % prepend zeros to allow for transients
26 xDFT = fft(x);
27 n = length(x);
28 fs = 1 / Tsamp;
30 omega = (2*pi * fs / n * [(0 : floor((n-1)/2)), (-ceil((n-1)/2) : -1)]).';
31 dispDFT = xDFT .* exp(-1j * omega.^2 * D * lambda^2 * z / (4 * pi * c));
33 xCD = ifft(dispDFT);
35 if ceil(kmax/2) > 0
36 %% fix the order of the samples due to prepending zeros before FFT
37 xCD = [xCD(ceil(kmax/2):end); xCD(1:ceil(kmax/2)-1)];
38 end
39 %% pad zeros for compatibility with time-domain filter
40 xCD = [zeros(floor((kmax-1)/2), 1); xCD; zeros(ceil((kmax+1)/2), 1)];
42%% References
43%% [1]: S.J. Savory, Digital filters for coherent optical receivers, 2008.