Turn auto-tests script into an object for saner manipulation.
[dygraphs.git] / auto_tests / misc / local.js
... / ...
1var DygraphsLocalTester = function() {
2 this.tc = null; // Selected test case
3 this.name = null;
4 this.resultDiv = null;
8 * Call this to replace Dygraphs.warn so it throws an error.
9 *
10 * In some cases we will still allow warnings to be warnings, however.
11 */
12DygraphsLocalTester.prototype.overrideWarn = function() {
13 // save Dygraph.warn so we can catch warnings.
14 var originalDygraphWarn = Dygraph.warn;
15 Dygraph.warn = function(msg) {
16 // This warning is still
17 if (msg == "Using default labels. Set labels explicitly via 'labels' in the options parameter") {
18 originalDygraphWarn(msg);
19 return;
20 }
21 throw "Warnings not permitted: " + msg;
22 }
23 Dygraph.prototype.warn = Dygraph.warn;
26DygraphsLocalTester.prototype.processVariables = function() {
27 var splitVariables = function() { // http://www.idealog.us/2006/06/javascript_to_p.html
28 var query = window.location.search.substring(1);
29 var args = {};
30 var vars = query.split("&");
31 for (var i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
32 if (vars[i].length > 0) {
33 var pair = vars[i].split("=");
34 args[pair[0]] = pair[1];
35 }
36 }
37 return args;
38 }
40 var args = splitVariables();
41 var test = args.test;
42 var command = args.command;
44 // args.testCaseName uses the string name of the test.
45 if (args.testCaseName) {
46 var testCases = getAllTestCases();
47 name = args.testCaseName;
48 for (var idx in testCases) {
49 var entry = testCases[idx];
50 if (entry.name == args.testCaseName) {
51 var prototype = entry.testCase;
52 tc = new entry.testCase();
53 break;
54 }
55 }
56 } else if (args.testCase) { // The class name of the test.
57 name = args.testCase;
58 eval("tc = new " + args.testCase + "()");
59 }
61 var results = null;
62 // If the test class is defined.
63 if (this.tc != null) {
64 if (args.command == "runAllTests") {
65 console.log("Running all tests for " + args.testCase);
66 results = this.tc.runAllTests();
67 } else if (args.command == "runTest") {
68 console.log("Running test " + args.testCase + "." + args.test);
69 results = this.tc.runTest(args.test);
70 }
71 } else {
72 if (args.command == "runAllTests") {
73 console.log("Running all tests for all test cases");
74 var testCases = getAllTestCases();
75 results = {};
76 for (var idx in testCases) {
77 var entry = testCases[idx];
78 var prototype = entry.testCase;
79 this.tc = new entry.testCase();
80 results[entry.name] = this.tc.runAllTests();
81 }
82 }
83 }
84 this.resultsDiv = this.createResultsDiv();
85 var summary = { failed: 0, passed: 0 };
86 this.postResults(results, summary);
87 this.resultsDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("hr"));
88 document.getElementById('summary').innerHTML = "(" + summary.failed + " failed, " + summary.passed + " passed)";
91DygraphsLocalTester.prototype.createResultsDiv = function() {
92 var body = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
93 div = document.createElement("div");
94 div.id='results';
95 div.innerHTML = "Test results: <span id='summary'></span> <a href='#' id='passed'>passed</a> <a href='#' id='failed'>failed</a> <a href='#' id='all'>all</a><br/>";
96 body.insertBefore(div, body.firstChild);
98 var setByClassName = function(name, displayStyle) {
99 var elements = div.getElementsByClassName(name);
100 for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
101 elements[i].style.display = displayStyle;
102 }
103 }
105 var passedAnchor = document.getElementById('passed');
106 var failedAnchor = document.getElementById('failed');
107 var allAnchor = document.getElementById('all');
108 passedAnchor.onclick = function() {
109 setByClassName('fail', 'none');
110 setByClassName('pass', 'block');
112 passedAnchor.setAttribute("class", 'activeAnchor');
113 failedAnchor.setAttribute("class", '');
114 };
115 failedAnchor.onclick = function() {
116 setByClassName('fail', 'block');
117 setByClassName('pass', 'none');
118 passedAnchor.setAttribute("class", '');
119 failedAnchor.setAttribute("class", 'activeAnchor');
120 };
121 allAnchor.onclick = function() {
122 setByClassName('fail', 'block');
123 setByClassName('pass', 'block');
124 passedAnchor.setAttribute("class", '');
125 failedAnchor.setAttribute("class", '');
126 };
127 return div;
130DygraphsLocalTester.prototype.postResults = function(results, summary, title) {
131 if (typeof(results) == "boolean") {
132 var elem = document.createElement("div");
133 elem.setAttribute("class", results ? 'pass' : 'fail');
135 var prefix = title ? (title + ": ") : "";
136 elem.innerHTML = prefix + '<span class=\'outcome\'>' + (results ? 'pass' : 'fail') + '</span>';
137 this.resultsDiv.appendChild(elem);
138 if (results) {
139 summary.passed++;
140 } else {
141 summary.failed++;
142 }
143 } else { // hash
144 var failed = 0;
145 var html = "";
146 for (var key in results) {
147 if (results.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
148 var elem = results[key];
149 if (typeof(elem) == "boolean" && title) {
150 this.postResults(results[key], summary, title + "." + key);
151 } else {
152 this.postResults(results[key], summary, key);
153 }
154 }
155 }
156 }
159DygraphsLocalTester.prototype.run = function() {
160 var selector = document.getElementById("selector");
162 if (selector != null) { // running a test
163 var createAttached = function(name, parent) {
164 var elem = document.createElement(name);
165 parent.appendChild(elem);
166 return elem;
167 }
169 var description = createAttached("div", selector);
170 var list = createAttached("ul", selector);
171 var parent = list.parentElement;
172 var createLink = function(parent, text, url) {
173 var li = createAttached("li", parent);
174 var a = createAttached("a", li);
175 a.innerHTML = text;
176 a.href = url;
177 }
178 if (this.tc == null) {
179 description.innerHTML = "Test cases:";
180 var testCases = getAllTestCases();
181 createLink(list, "(run all tests)", document.URL + "?command=runAllTests");
182 for (var idx in testCases) {
183 var entryName = testCases[idx].name;
184 createLink(list, entryName, document.URL + "?testCaseName=" + entryName);
185 }
186 } else {
187 description.innerHTML = "Tests for " + name;
188 var names = tc.getTestNames();
189 createLink(list, "Run All Tests", document.URL + "&command=runAllTests");
190 for (var idx in names) {
191 var name = names[idx];
192 createLink(list, name, document.URL + "&test=" + name + "&command=runTest");
193 }
194 }
195 }