Fixed indentation bug causing solar terms to halve
[LunarCalendarPy.git] /
... / ...
1import csv
2import datetime
3import os
6class LunarCalendar:
7 """
8 LunarCalendar by Adrian I. Lam (2019),
9 a Python 3 port of the JavaScript LunarCalendar by zzyss86,
10 available at <>.
12 This is only a partial port. I have ported
13 LunarCalendar.solarToLunar(year, month, day) and
14 LunarCalendar.lunarToSolar(year, month, day) only,
15 and have ignored everything related to holidays.
17 Since the original author did not specify any license, I will
18 also not license this script. This script comes with no warranties,
19 expressed or implied. In particular, the warranties of merchantability,
20 fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement are disclaimed.
21 """
23 def __formatDayD4(self, month, day):
24 month = month + 1
25 month = '0' + str(month) if month < 10 else str(month)
26 day = '0' + str(day) if day < 10 else str(day)
27 return 'd' + month + day
29 __minYear = 1890
30 __maxYear = 2100
32 __heavenlyStems = ['甲', '乙', '丙', '丁', '戊',
33 '己', '庚', '辛', '壬', '癸'] # 天干
34 __earthlyBranches = ['子', '丑', '寅', '卯', '辰', '巳',
35 '午', '未', '申', '酉', '戌', '亥'] # 地支
36 __zodiac = ['鼠', '牛', '虎', '兔', '龍', '蛇',
37 '馬', '羊', '猴', '雞', '狗', '豬'] # 對應地支十二生肖
38 __solarTerm = ['小寒', '大寒', '立春', '雨水', '驚蟄', '春分',
39 '清明', '穀雨', '立夏', '小滿', '芒種', '夏至',
40 '小暑', '大暑', '立秋', '處暑', '白露', '秋分',
41 '寒露', '霜降', '立冬', '小雪', '大雪', '冬至'] # 二十四節氣
42 __monthCn = ['正', '二', '三', '四', '五', '六',
43 '七', '八', '九', '十', '十一', '十二']
44 __dateCn = ['初一', '初二', '初三', '初四', '初五', '初六',
45 '初七', '初八', '初九', '初十', '十一', '十二',
46 '十三', '十四', '十五', '十六', '十七', '十八',
47 '十九', '二十', '廿一', '廿二', '廿三', '廿四',
48 '廿五', '廿六', '廿七', '廿八', '廿九', '三十', '卅一']
50 # 1890 - 2100 年的農曆數據
51 # 數據格式:[0,2,9,21936]
52 # [閏月所在月,0為沒有閏月;
53 # *正月初一對應公曆月;
54 # *正月初一對應公曆日;
55 # *農曆每月的天數的數組(需轉換為二進制,得到每月大小,
56 # 0=小月(29日),1=大月(30日));]
57 __lunarInfo = []
58 __dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
59 with open(os.path.join(__dir, 'lunarInfo.csv')) as __lunarInfoCSV:
60 for __row in csv.reader(__lunarInfoCSV):
61 __lunarInfo.append([int(x) for x in __row])
63 # 二十四節氣數據,節氣點時間(單位是分鐘)
64 # 從0小寒起算
65 __termInfo = [0, 21208, 42467, 63836, 85337, 107014, 128867, 150921,
66 173149, 195551, 218072, 240693, 263343, 285989, 308563,
67 331033, 353350, 375494, 397447, 419210, 440795, 462224,
68 483532, 504758]
70 def __init__(self):
71 self.__cache = {}
73 def __getLunarLeapYear(self, year):
74 """
75 判斷農曆年閏月數
76 @param {Number} year 農曆年
77 return 閏月數(月份從1開始)
78 """
79 yearData = self.__lunarInfo[year - self.__minYear]
80 return yearData[0]
82 def __getLunarYearDays(self, year):
83 """
84 獲取農曆年份一年的每月的天數及一年的總天數
85 @param {Number} year 農曆年
86 """
87 yearData = self.__lunarInfo[year - self.__minYear]
88 leapMonth = yearData[0]
89 monthData = yearData[3]
91 monthDataArr = []
92 for i in range(15, -1, -1):
93 monthDataArr.append((monthData & (1 << i)) >> i)
95 numMonthsInYear = 13 if leapMonth else 12
96 yearDays = 0
97 monthDays = []
98 for i in range(numMonthsInYear):
99 if monthDataArr[i] == 0:
100 yearDays += 29
101 monthDays.append(29)
102 else:
103 yearDays += 30
104 monthDays.append(30)
106 return {
107 'yearDays': yearDays,
108 'monthDays': monthDays
109 }
111 def __getLunarDateByBetween(self, year, between):
112 """
113 通過間隔天數查找農曆日期
114 @param {Number} year,between 農曆年,間隔天數
115 """
116 lunarYearDays = self.__getLunarYearDays(year)
117 end = between if between > 0 else lunarYearDays['yearDays'] + between
118 monthDays = lunarYearDays['monthDays']
119 tempDays = 0
120 month = 0
121 for i in range(len(monthDays)):
122 tempDays += monthDays[i]
123 if tempDays > end:
124 month = i
125 tempDays = tempDays - monthDays[i]
126 break
128 return [year, month, end - tempDays + 1]
130 def __getLunarByBetween(self, year, month, day):
131 """
132 根據距離正月初一的天數計算農曆日期
133 @param {Number} year 公曆年,月,日
134 """
135 yearData = self.__lunarInfo[year - self.__minYear]
136 zenMonth = yearData[1]
137 zenDay = yearData[2]
138 between = self.__getDaysBetweenSolar(year, zenMonth - 1, zenDay,
139 year, month, day)
140 if between == 0:
141 return [year, 0, 1]
142 else:
143 lunarYear = year if between > 0 else year - 1
144 return self.__getLunarDateByBetween(lunarYear, between)
146 def __getDaysBetweenSolar(self, year, month, day, year1, month1, day1):
147 """
148 兩個公曆日期之間的天數
149 """
150 #
151 d0 =, month + 1, day)
152 d1 =, month1 + 1, day1)
153 delta = d1 - d0
154 return delta.days
156 def __getDaysBetweenZheng(self, year, month, day):
157 """
158 計算農曆日期離正月初一有多少天
159 @param {Number} year,month,day 農年,月(0-12,有閏月),日
160 """
161 lunarYearDays = self.__getLunarYearDays(year)
162 monthDays = lunarYearDays['monthDays']
163 days = 0
164 for i in range(len(monthDays)):
165 if i < month:
166 days += monthDays[i]
167 else:
168 break
169 return days + day - 1
171 def __getTerm(self, y, n):
172 """
173 某年的第n個節氣為幾日
174 31556925974.7為地球公轉週期,是毫秒
175 1890年的正小寒點:01-05 16:02:31,1890年為基準點
176 @param {Number} y 公曆年
177 @param {Number} n 第幾個節氣,從0小寒起算
178 由於農曆24節氣交節時刻採用近似算法,可能存在少量誤差(30分鐘內)
179 """
180 offsetms = 31556925974.7 * (y - 1890) + self.__termInfo[n] * 60000
181 offDate = datetime.datetime(
182 1890, 1, 5, 16, 2, 31,
183 tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc
184 ) + datetime.timedelta(milliseconds=offsetms)
185 return
187 def __getYearTerm(self, year):
188 """
189 獲取公曆年一年的二十四節氣
190 返回key:日期,value:節氣中文名
191 """
192 res = {}
193 month = 0
194 for i in range(24):
195 day = self.__getTerm(year, i)
196 if i % 2 == 0:
197 month += 1
198 res[self.__formatDayD4(month - 1, day)] = self.__solarTerm[i]
199 return res
201 def __getYearZodiac(self, year):
202 """
203 獲取生肖
204 @param {Number} year 干支所在年(默認以立春前的公曆年作為基數)
205 """
206 num = year - 1890 + 25 # 參考干支紀年的計算,生肖對應地支
207 return self.__zodiac[num % 12]
209 def __cyclical(self, num):
210 """
211 計算天干地支
212 @param {Number} num 60進制中的位置(把60個天干地支,當成一個60進制的數)
213 """
214 return (
215 self.__heavenlyStems[num % 10] +
216 self.__earthlyBranches[num % 12]
217 )
219 def __getLunarYearName(self, year, offset=0):
220 """
221 獲取干支紀年
222 @param {Number} year 干支所在年
223 @param {Number} offset 偏移量,默認為0,便於查詢一個年跨兩個干支紀年(以立春為分界線)
224 """
225 # 1890年1月小寒(小寒一般是1月5或6日)以前為己丑年,在60進制中排25
226 return self.__cyclical(year - 1890 + 25 + offset)
228 def __getLunarMonthName(self, year, month, offset=0):
229 """
230 獲取干支紀月
231 @param {Number} year,month 公曆年,干支所在月
232 @param {Number} offset 偏移量,默認為0,便於查詢一個月跨兩個干支紀月(有立春的2月)
233 """
234 # 1890年1月小寒以前為丙子月,在60進制中排12
235 return self.__cyclical((year - 1890) * 12 + month + 12 + offset)
237 def __getLunarDayName(self, year, month, day):
238 """
239 獲取干支紀日
240 @param {Number} year,month,day 公曆年,月,日
241 """
242 # 當日與189​​0/1/1 相差天數
243 # 1890/1/1與1970/1/1 相差29219日, 1890/1/1 日柱為壬午日(60進制18)
244 dayCyclical = (
245, month + 1, day) +
246 datetime.timedelta(days=29219+18) -
247, 1, 1)
248 )
250 return self.__cyclical(dayCyclical.days)
252 def __getSolarMonthDays(self, year, month):
253 """
254 獲取公曆月份的天數
255 @param {Number} year 公曆年
256 @param {Number} month 公曆月
257 """
258 monthDays = [31, 29 if self.__isLeapYear(year) else 28,
259 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]
260 return monthDays[month]
262 def __isLeapYear(self, year):
263 """
264 判斷公曆年是否是閏年
265 @param {Number} year 公曆年
266 """
267 return (year % 4 == 0 and year % 100 != 0) or year % 400 == 0
269 def __formatDate(self, year=None, month=None, day=None, _minYear=None):
270 """
271 統一日期輸入參數(輸入月份從1開始,內部月份統一從0開始)
272 """
273 now =
274 year = int(year) if year is not None else now.year
275 month = int(month) - 1 if month is not None else now.month - 1
276 day = int(day) if day is not None else
277 if year < (_minYear if _minYear is not None
278 else self.__minYear + 1) or year > self.__maxYear:
279 return {
280 'error': 100,
281 'msg': 'Year out of range'
282 }
283 return {
284 'year': year,
285 'month': month,
286 'day': day
287 }
289 def lunarToSolar(self, _year, _month, _day):
290 """
291 將農曆轉換為公曆
292 @param {Number} year,month,day 農曆年,月(1-13,有閏月),日
293 year: Gregorian year
294 """
295 inputDate = self.__formatDate(_year, _month, _day)
296 try:
297 inputDate['error']
298 except KeyError:
299 pass
300 else:
301 return inputDate
302 year = inputDate['year']
303 month = inputDate['month']
304 day = inputDate['day']
306 between = self.__getDaysBetweenZheng(year, month, day) # 離正月初一的天數
307 yearData = self.__lunarInfo[year - self.__minYear]
308 zenMonth = yearData[1]
309 zenDay = yearData[2]
311 offDate = (
312, zenMonth, zenDay) +
313 datetime.timedelta(days=between)
314 )
315 return {
316 'year': offDate.year,
317 'month': offDate.month,
318 'day':
319 }
321 def solarToLunar(self, _year, _month, _day):
322 """
323 Converts Gregorian date to lunar calendar.
324 _year: integer between 1891 and 2100 inclusive.
325 _month, _day: integer, 1-indexed.
326 """
327 inputDate = self.__formatDate(_year, _month, _day, self.__minYear)
328 try:
329 inputDate['error']
330 except KeyError:
331 pass
332 else:
333 return inputDate
335 year = inputDate['year']
336 month = inputDate['month']
337 day = inputDate['day']
339 try:
340 termList = self.__cache[year] # 二十四節氣
341 except KeyError:
342 self.__cache[year] = self.__getYearTerm(year)
343 termList = self.__cache[year]
345 term2 = [k for (k, v) in termList.items() if v == '立春'][0]
346 term2 = int(term2[-1])
348 firstTerm = self.__getTerm(year, month * 2)
349 GanZhiYear = (
350 year + 1 if month > 1 or month == 1 and day >= term2
351 else year
352 )
353 GanZhiMonth = month + 1 if day >= firstTerm else month
355 lunarDate = self.__getLunarByBetween(year, month, day)
356 lunarLeapMonth = self.__getLunarLeapYear(lunarDate[0])
358 if lunarLeapMonth > 0 and lunarLeapMonth == lunarDate[1]:
359 lunarMonthName = '閏' + self.__monthCn[lunarDate[1] - 1] + '月'
360 elif lunarLeapMonth > 0 and lunarDate[1] > lunarLeapMonth:
361 lunarMonthName = self.__monthCn[lunarDate[1] - 1] + '月'
362 else:
363 lunarMonthName = self.__monthCn[lunarDate[1]] + '月'
365 try:
366 term = termList[self.__formatDayD4(month, day)]
367 except KeyError:
368 term = None
369 return {
370 'zodiac': self.__getYearZodiac(GanZhiYear),
371 'GanZhiYear': self.__getLunarYearName(GanZhiYear),
372 'GanZhiMonth': self.__getLunarMonthName(year, GanZhiMonth),
373 'GanZhiDay': self.__getLunarDayName(year, month, day),
374 'term': term,
375 'lunarYear': lunarDate[0],
376 'lunarMonth': lunarDate[1] + 1,
377 'lunarDay': lunarDate[2],
378 'lunarMonthName': lunarMonthName,
379 'lunarDayName': self.__dateCn[lunarDate[2] - 1],
380 'lunarLeapMonth': lunarLeapMonth
381 }