tests pass
[dygraphs.git] / dygraph-utils.js
1// Copyright 2011 Dan Vanderkam (danvdk@gmail.com)
2// All Rights Reserved.
dedb4f5f 3
5 * @fileoverview This file contains utility functions used by dygraphs. These
6 * are typically static (i.e. not related to any particular dygraph). Examples
7 * include date/time formatting functions, basic algorithms (e.g. binary
8 * search) and generic DOM-manipulation functions.
9 */
11Dygraph.LOG_SCALE = 10;
12Dygraph.LN_TEN = Math.log(Dygraph.LOG_SCALE);
14/** @private */
15Dygraph.log10 = function(x) {
16 return Math.log(x) / Dygraph.LN_TEN;
19// Various logging levels.
20Dygraph.DEBUG = 1;
21Dygraph.INFO = 2;
22Dygraph.WARNING = 3;
23Dygraph.ERROR = 3;
25// TODO(danvk): any way I can get the line numbers to be this.warn call?
27 * @private
28 * Log an error on the JS console at the given severity.
29 * @param { Integer } severity One of Dygraph.{DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR}
30 * @param { String } The message to log.
31 */
32Dygraph.log = function(severity, message) {
33 if (typeof(console) != 'undefined') {
34 switch (severity) {
35 case Dygraph.DEBUG:
36 console.debug('dygraphs: ' + message);
37 break;
38 case Dygraph.INFO:
39 console.info('dygraphs: ' + message);
40 break;
41 case Dygraph.WARNING:
42 console.warn('dygraphs: ' + message);
43 break;
44 case Dygraph.ERROR:
45 console.error('dygraphs: ' + message);
46 break;
47 }
48 }
51/** @private */
52Dygraph.info = function(message) {
53 Dygraph.log(Dygraph.INFO, message);
55/** @private */
56Dygraph.prototype.info = Dygraph.info;
58/** @private */
59Dygraph.warn = function(message) {
60 Dygraph.log(Dygraph.WARNING, message);
62/** @private */
63Dygraph.prototype.warn = Dygraph.warn;
65/** @private */
66Dygraph.error = function(message) {
67 Dygraph.log(Dygraph.ERROR, message);
69/** @private */
70Dygraph.prototype.error = Dygraph.error;
73 * @private
74 * Return the 2d context for a dygraph canvas.
75 *
76 * This method is only exposed for the sake of replacing the function in
77 * automated tests, e.g.
78 *
79 * var oldFunc = Dygraph.getContext();
80 * Dygraph.getContext = function(canvas) {
81 * var realContext = oldFunc(canvas);
82 * return new Proxy(realContext);
83 * };
84 */
85Dygraph.getContext = function(canvas) {
86 return canvas.getContext("2d");
90 * @private
91 * Add an event handler. This smooths a difference between IE and the rest of
92 * the world.
93 * @param { DOM element } el The element to add the event to.
94 * @param { String } evt The name of the event, e.g. 'click' or 'mousemove'.
95 * @param { Function } fn The function to call on the event. The function takes
96 * one parameter: the event object.
97 */
98Dygraph.addEvent = function(el, evt, fn) {
99 var normed_fn = function(e) {
100 if (!e) var e = window.event;
101 fn(e);
102 };
103 if (window.addEventListener) { // Mozilla, Netscape, Firefox
104 el.addEventListener(evt, normed_fn, false);
105 } else { // IE
106 el.attachEvent('on' + evt, normed_fn);
107 }
111 * @private
112 * Cancels further processing of an event. This is useful to prevent default
113 * browser actions, e.g. highlighting text on a double-click.
114 * Based on the article at
115 * http://www.switchonthecode.com/tutorials/javascript-tutorial-the-scroll-wheel
116 * @param { Event } e The event whose normal behavior should be canceled.
117 */
118Dygraph.cancelEvent = function(e) {
119 e = e ? e : window.event;
120 if (e.stopPropagation) {
121 e.stopPropagation();
122 }
123 if (e.preventDefault) {
124 e.preventDefault();
125 }
126 e.cancelBubble = true;
127 e.cancel = true;
128 e.returnValue = false;
129 return false;
133 * Convert hsv values to an rgb(r,g,b) string. Taken from MochiKit.Color. This
134 * is used to generate default series colors which are evenly spaced on the
135 * color wheel.
136 * @param { Number } hue Range is 0.0-1.0.
137 * @param { Number } saturation Range is 0.0-1.0.
138 * @param { Number } value Range is 0.0-1.0.
139 * @return { String } "rgb(r,g,b)" where r, g and b range from 0-255.
140 * @private
141 */
142Dygraph.hsvToRGB = function (hue, saturation, value) {
143 var red;
144 var green;
145 var blue;
146 if (saturation === 0) {
147 red = value;
148 green = value;
149 blue = value;
150 } else {
151 var i = Math.floor(hue * 6);
152 var f = (hue * 6) - i;
153 var p = value * (1 - saturation);
154 var q = value * (1 - (saturation * f));
155 var t = value * (1 - (saturation * (1 - f)));
156 switch (i) {
157 case 1: red = q; green = value; blue = p; break;
158 case 2: red = p; green = value; blue = t; break;
159 case 3: red = p; green = q; blue = value; break;
160 case 4: red = t; green = p; blue = value; break;
161 case 5: red = value; green = p; blue = q; break;
162 case 6: // fall through
163 case 0: red = value; green = t; blue = p; break;
164 }
165 }
166 red = Math.floor(255 * red + 0.5);
167 green = Math.floor(255 * green + 0.5);
168 blue = Math.floor(255 * blue + 0.5);
169 return 'rgb(' + red + ',' + green + ',' + blue + ')';
172// The following functions are from quirksmode.org with a modification for Safari from
173// http://blog.firetree.net/2005/07/04/javascript-find-position/
174// http://www.quirksmode.org/js/findpos.html
176/** @private */
177Dygraph.findPosX = function(obj) {
178 var curleft = 0;
179 if(obj.offsetParent)
180 while(1)
181 {
182 curleft += obj.offsetLeft;
183 if(!obj.offsetParent)
184 break;
185 obj = obj.offsetParent;
186 }
187 else if(obj.x)
188 curleft += obj.x;
189 return curleft;
192/** @private */
193Dygraph.findPosY = function(obj) {
194 var curtop = 0;
195 if(obj.offsetParent)
196 while(1)
197 {
198 curtop += obj.offsetTop;
199 if(!obj.offsetParent)
200 break;
201 obj = obj.offsetParent;
202 }
203 else if(obj.y)
204 curtop += obj.y;
205 return curtop;
209 * @private
210 * Returns the x-coordinate of the event in a coordinate system where the
211 * top-left corner of the page (not the window) is (0,0).
212 * Taken from MochiKit.Signal
213 */
214Dygraph.pageX = function(e) {
215 if (e.pageX) {
216 return (!e.pageX || e.pageX < 0) ? 0 : e.pageX;
217 } else {
218 var de = document;
219 var b = document.body;
220 return e.clientX +
221 (de.scrollLeft || b.scrollLeft) -
222 (de.clientLeft || 0);
223 }
227 * @private
228 * Returns the y-coordinate of the event in a coordinate system where the
229 * top-left corner of the page (not the window) is (0,0).
230 * Taken from MochiKit.Signal
231 */
232Dygraph.pageY = function(e) {
233 if (e.pageY) {
234 return (!e.pageY || e.pageY < 0) ? 0 : e.pageY;
235 } else {
236 var de = document;
237 var b = document.body;
238 return e.clientY +
239 (de.scrollTop || b.scrollTop) -
240 (de.clientTop || 0);
241 }
245 * @private
246 * @param { Number } x The number to consider.
247 * @return { Boolean } Whether the number is zero or NaN.
248 */
249// TODO(danvk): rename this function to something like 'isNonZeroNan'.
250Dygraph.isOK = function(x) {
251 return x && !isNaN(x);
255 * Number formatting function which mimicks the behavior of %g in printf, i.e.
256 * either exponential or fixed format (without trailing 0s) is used depending on
257 * the length of the generated string. The advantage of this format is that
258 * there is a predictable upper bound on the resulting string length,
259 * significant figures are not dropped, and normal numbers are not displayed in
260 * exponential notation.
261 *
262 * NOTE: JavaScript's native toPrecision() is NOT a drop-in replacement for %g.
263 * It creates strings which are too long for absolute values between 10^-4 and
264 * 10^-6, e.g. '0.00001' instead of '1e-5'. See tests/number-format.html for
265 * output examples.
266 *
267 * @param {Number} x The number to format
268 * @param {Number} opt_precision The precision to use, default 2.
269 * @return {String} A string formatted like %g in printf. The max generated
270 * string length should be precision + 6 (e.g 1.123e+300).
271 */
272Dygraph.floatFormat = function(x, opt_precision) {
273 // Avoid invalid precision values; [1, 21] is the valid range.
274 var p = Math.min(Math.max(1, opt_precision || 2), 21);
276 // This is deceptively simple. The actual algorithm comes from:
277 //
278 // Max allowed length = p + 4
279 // where 4 comes from 'e+n' and '.'.
280 //
281 // Length of fixed format = 2 + y + p
282 // where 2 comes from '0.' and y = # of leading zeroes.
283 //
284 // Equating the two and solving for y yields y = 2, or 0.00xxxx which is
285 // 1.0e-3.
286 //
287 // Since the behavior of toPrecision() is identical for larger numbers, we
288 // don't have to worry about the other bound.
289 //
290 // Finally, the argument for toExponential() is the number of trailing digits,
291 // so we take off 1 for the value before the '.'.
292 return (Math.abs(x) < 1.0e-3 && x != 0.0) ?
293 x.toExponential(p - 1) : x.toPrecision(p);
297 * @private
298 * Converts '9' to '09' (useful for dates)
299 */
300Dygraph.zeropad = function(x) {
301 if (x < 10) return "0" + x; else return "" + x;
305 * Return a string version of the hours, minutes and seconds portion of a date.
306 * @param {Number} date The JavaScript date (ms since epoch)
307 * @return {String} A time of the form "HH:MM:SS"
308 * @private
309 */
310Dygraph.hmsString_ = function(date) {
311 var zeropad = Dygraph.zeropad;
312 var d = new Date(date);
313 if (d.getSeconds()) {
314 return zeropad(d.getHours()) + ":" +
315 zeropad(d.getMinutes()) + ":" +
316 zeropad(d.getSeconds());
317 } else {
318 return zeropad(d.getHours()) + ":" + zeropad(d.getMinutes());
319 }
323 * Convert a JS date (millis since epoch) to YYYY/MM/DD
324 * @param {Number} date The JavaScript date (ms since epoch)
325 * @return {String} A date of the form "YYYY/MM/DD"
326 * @private
327 */
328Dygraph.dateString_ = function(date) {
329 var zeropad = Dygraph.zeropad;
330 var d = new Date(date);
332 // Get the year:
333 var year = "" + d.getFullYear();
334 // Get a 0 padded month string
335 var month = zeropad(d.getMonth() + 1); //months are 0-offset, sigh
336 // Get a 0 padded day string
337 var day = zeropad(d.getDate());
339 var ret = "";
340 var frac = d.getHours() * 3600 + d.getMinutes() * 60 + d.getSeconds();
341 if (frac) ret = " " + Dygraph.hmsString_(date);
343 return year + "/" + month + "/" + day + ret;
347 * Round a number to the specified number of digits past the decimal point.
348 * @param {Number} num The number to round
349 * @param {Number} places The number of decimals to which to round
350 * @return {Number} The rounded number
351 * @private
352 */
353Dygraph.round_ = function(num, places) {
354 var shift = Math.pow(10, places);
355 return Math.round(num * shift)/shift;
359 * @private
360 * Implementation of binary search over an array.
361 * Currently does not work when val is outside the range of arry's values.
362 * @param { Integer } val the value to search for
363 * @param { Integer[] } arry is the value over which to search
364 * @param { Integer } abs If abs > 0, find the lowest entry greater than val
365 * If abs < 0, find the highest entry less than val.
366 * if abs == 0, find the entry that equals val.
367 * @param { Integer } [low] The first index in arry to consider (optional)
368 * @param { Integer } [high] The last index in arry to consider (optional)
369 */
370Dygraph.binarySearch = function(val, arry, abs, low, high) {
371 if (low == null || high == null) {
372 low = 0;
373 high = arry.length - 1;
374 }
375 if (low > high) {
376 return -1;
377 }
378 if (abs == null) {
379 abs = 0;
380 }
381 var validIndex = function(idx) {
382 return idx >= 0 && idx < arry.length;
383 }
384 var mid = parseInt((low + high) / 2);
385 var element = arry[mid];
386 if (element == val) {
387 return mid;
388 }
389 if (element > val) {
390 if (abs > 0) {
391 // Accept if element > val, but also if prior element < val.
392 var idx = mid - 1;
393 if (validIndex(idx) && arry[idx] < val) {
394 return mid;
395 }
396 }
397 return Dygraph.binarySearch(val, arry, abs, low, mid - 1);
398 }
399 if (element < val) {
400 if (abs < 0) {
401 // Accept if element < val, but also if prior element > val.
402 var idx = mid + 1;
403 if (validIndex(idx) && arry[idx] > val) {
404 return mid;
405 }
406 }
407 return Dygraph.binarySearch(val, arry, abs, mid + 1, high);
408 }
412 * @private
413 * Parses a date, returning the number of milliseconds since epoch. This can be
414 * passed in as an xValueParser in the Dygraph constructor.
415 * TODO(danvk): enumerate formats that this understands.
416 * @param {String} A date in YYYYMMDD format.
417 * @return {Number} Milliseconds since epoch.
418 */
419Dygraph.dateParser = function(dateStr) {
420 var dateStrSlashed;
421 var d;
422 if (dateStr.search("-") != -1) { // e.g. '2009-7-12' or '2009-07-12'
423 dateStrSlashed = dateStr.replace("-", "/", "g");
424 while (dateStrSlashed.search("-") != -1) {
425 dateStrSlashed = dateStrSlashed.replace("-", "/");
426 }
427 d = Dygraph.dateStrToMillis(dateStrSlashed);
428 } else if (dateStr.length == 8) { // e.g. '20090712'
429 // TODO(danvk): remove support for this format. It's confusing.
430 dateStrSlashed = dateStr.substr(0,4) + "/" + dateStr.substr(4,2)
431 + "/" + dateStr.substr(6,2);
432 d = Dygraph.dateStrToMillis(dateStrSlashed);
433 } else {
434 // Any format that Date.parse will accept, e.g. "2009/07/12" or
435 // "2009/07/12 12:34:56"
436 d = Dygraph.dateStrToMillis(dateStr);
437 }
439 if (!d || isNaN(d)) {
440 Dygraph.error("Couldn't parse " + dateStr + " as a date");
441 }
442 return d;
446 * @private
447 * This is identical to JavaScript's built-in Date.parse() method, except that
448 * it doesn't get replaced with an incompatible method by aggressive JS
449 * libraries like MooTools or Joomla.
450 * @param { String } str The date string, e.g. "2011/05/06"
451 * @return { Integer } millis since epoch
452 */
453Dygraph.dateStrToMillis = function(str) {
454 return new Date(str).getTime();
457// These functions are all based on MochiKit.
459 * Copies all the properties from o to self.
460 *
461 * @private
462 */
463Dygraph.update = function (self, o) {
464 if (typeof(o) != 'undefined' && o !== null) {
465 for (var k in o) {
466 if (o.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
467 self[k] = o[k];
468 }
469 }
470 }
471 return self;
475 * @private
476 */
477Dygraph.isArrayLike = function (o) {
478 var typ = typeof(o);
479 if (
480 (typ != 'object' && !(typ == 'function' &&
481 typeof(o.item) == 'function')) ||
482 o === null ||
483 typeof(o.length) != 'number' ||
484 o.nodeType === 3
485 ) {
486 return false;
487 }
488 return true;
492 * @private
493 */
494Dygraph.isDateLike = function (o) {
495 if (typeof(o) != "object" || o === null ||
496 typeof(o.getTime) != 'function') {
497 return false;
498 }
499 return true;
503 * @private
504 */
505Dygraph.clone = function(o) {
506 // TODO(danvk): figure out how MochiKit's version works
507 var r = [];
508 for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) {
509 if (Dygraph.isArrayLike(o[i])) {
510 r.push(Dygraph.clone(o[i]));
511 } else {
512 r.push(o[i]);
513 }
514 }
515 return r;
519 * @private
520 * Create a new canvas element. This is more complex than a simple
521 * document.createElement("canvas") because of IE and excanvas.
522 */
523Dygraph.createCanvas = function() {
524 var canvas = document.createElement("canvas");
526 isIE = (/MSIE/.test(navigator.userAgent) && !window.opera);
527 if (isIE && (typeof(G_vmlCanvasManager) != 'undefined')) {
528 canvas = G_vmlCanvasManager.initElement(canvas);
529 }
531 return canvas;